Meant to be

in #story6 years ago

episode 3

******** The next morning, Angela woke up late,….. She checked her phone to know if her boyfriend called, but she was disappointed,… She dropped the phone angrily on the bed and knelt down to pray,……. Her phone rang immediately she concluded her prayers,…… Richie was calling her,…….. She intentionally didn’t pick the phone at the first ring,…… The phone rang again, then she picked it….

“Angel, luvly morning to you,… How was your night?, did you dream of us?”

“Nope, my night was horrible, all thanks to you, ”
” I know you’re still angry with me,… I’m sorry for what happened at the restaurant,… ”

” Are you sorry for your mother’s insult, or sorry for denying me in public,…. Which one are you sorry for? ”

” Angel pls calm down,… I’ll explain the reasons for my actions,….. Just give me little time”

“There’s nothing to explain,… We’re not in the same class,…. The only son of Benny Johnson cant date a pauper like me,…. That is why you are ashamed to introduce me to anyone,…. ”

” Pls, i’m doing this for your safety”.. He begged her

“Dont tell me i’m dating a coward,… Is it because you know how much i love you? , that is why you’re treating me like a trash,… You’ve denied me thrice in public and you expect me to move on with this relationship,….. “she took a deep breath,there was silence, she then continued

” I think we need a break,. Think of what you actually want, check if you can date me and i’ll also do the same,….. ”

” Are you breaking up with me?, Angel pls you’re building mountain out of a mole,… Calm down and listen to me”

“I’m not breaking up with you yet, just give me time to decide on this relationship while you do the same,…. ”

“Oook, i’ll pick you up infront of the Junction before your house in two hour time,… Just wait for me”

“God forbid, i’m not going anywhere with you,…. I’m not ready to face another shame today,…. Pls forget it”there was silence again, then he spoke up

“Ok, what do you want? ”

” I need a break”

“Will that make you happy?, “he replied taking a deep breath

” yes”

“Ok, anything you’re planning to do, just remember that i love you so much “he said wiping away the tear that fell from his eyes.

” Ok, bye”she cut the phone

Richie held the phone staring at it for sometime before dropping it on the bed.

“God,…… Why did i say those things i just told him,… I don’t want a break,…. I went too far,. What am i going to do now,? .. I dont want to loose my boyfriend,…but i took the right decision,… I cant continue like this. …he needs to take a decision,….. How i wish he’s not from such a wealthy family , we would just be happy in our small world,….. “she thought to herself.

She went to her parent’s room to check on her dad,…. He returns in the early hours of the morning,… He takes his bathe and sleep,….. She saw her father sleeping peacefully on the bed,… And her lazy mother was still sleeping too,……. She quietly closed the door and went to clean the house,…. Her siblings had already gone to fetch water

Richard dropped his phone on the bed and heaved a long sign.

“I dont blame her for taking such decision, i caused everything,…… I didn’t act like a man,…. I’ll give her sometime, but i’ll keep texting her and i’ll call her at the end of the week to check on her”he muttered to himself

He quickly left his bed to the bathroom, to bathe and hurry to the office,…

In fourty-five minutes he was already dressed looking handsome in his suit,…. He wore a sunglass to cover his wound,… He took his suitcase and left,… On his way downstairs, he met his mother eating breakfast,….

“Good morning” he greeted her forcefully
“Morning son, “she smiled, exposing her white set of teeth
” You skipped dinner and now you’re skipping your breakfast “she asked looking concerned

” is it not better you join Nollywood, you can be a good actress,…….. Acting like a caring mother, when you don’t care ”

She smiled

” I forgive you son,… But next time, choose your words when talking to me,,….. “she handed him some files,….

” What are these for? ”

” You ‘ll leave for South Africa tomorrow morning,…….. There’s an emergency meeting you must attend,….. ”

” What?!, And your just telling me? ”

” So i should’ ve gjven you one month prior notice,……. ”

” Not that,…. Mrs Johnson, i’ll be thirty years next month ,… Why do you treat me like a toddler,……. ”

” So you now address me as Mrs Johnson?, it’s ok,… Your flight would be tomorrow evening,..i’ ve booked your flight from Asaba to Lagos,…..”he ignored her and turned to leave…..

” Your friend Desmond checked on you last night,… But you were fast asleep,……. ”

He quietly opened the front door and left for the office,…….

On his way, he called Desmond,……. Desmond was his only friend his mother approves of,…..his father was the deputy governor of the state,….. He has his freedom unlike Richard, he has always been his backbone,…guess his mother accepted Desmond because he’s from a rich and powerful family too,…….

“Hello, Richie, “Desmond’s voice greeted him

” How’re you doing?, heard you visited last night?, ”
” Yeah, i came to check on you,..”

“Yesterday wasn’t good at all,…. I’ll talk to you later cause i’m driving ”

“No need calling back, i’ll come to your office later in the afternoon,…..”

“That would be nice, see you, bye”

He heavy a sign of relief,… Thank goodness he had no bodyguard following him around today,…..


“Daddy good day, how’re you?” Angela greeted her father who was still lying in bed,

“I’m fine my daughter, just that my two knees are paining me, i cant stand with them,…… Where’s your mother”he asked forcing himself to get up

“she went to the market,… Let me quickly boil water for you to bathe,… Then i’ll rush down to the pharmacy to get your drugs,….. ”

” please be fast with that ”

She rushed to the kitchen and boiled water for her dad……………… Some minutes later she was on her way to the pharmacy,…..her father has been suffering from rheumatism,…… The pharmacist have been giving her drugs to relieve the pains,…… On her way back from the pharmacy,her phone beeped, it’s a text from her boyfriend,…..

“Angel, pls take care of yourself for me, will always love you, missing you already “his text read,…

On getting home, she prescribed the drugs for her daddy, who drank it after eating his breakfast,… She bathed and left for her tutorial lessons,…. She engaged herself in extra moral lessons to make money during the holiday,…… A rich family employed her to tutor their children during the hoilday,. She spends three hours with the children, …. She made sure her father was in good condition before leaving the house,…. Her siblings had bathed and eaten too, they were busy watching television before she left,….. She warned them not to play football,……

Desmond arrived in the afternoon to see his best friend,…… He’s so handsome that girls at Richie’s office drool anytime he’s around,…. They always try to flirt with him,…..

“Guy what’s up with you ,…..” Desmond said giving his friend a warm handshake on entering his office ,….

“Not bad, ”

” What happened to your eye?, “Desmond asked with a surprise look

” Mrs Johnson slapped me last night? “he muttered

” you’re joking right? “he asked sitting down

” Nope,…..the tigress was at it again,…there’s a new development…. …. I’ll be in South Africa tomorrow ”

” Why the sudden travel?, are you trying to run away from your responsibilities? ”

” Nope, i’ll never think of that,.. It’s her plan,…. She only informed me this morning

“This is suspicious,…. You need to trend carefully ”

” Yeah, i know, my only concern right now is my girlfriend, ”

” Don’t tell me you’re still with that girl? ”

” I’m still with her,…… The truth is that i’ve fallen in love with her,…. And madam Johnson caught us yesterday in her restaurant,……. She insulted the poor girl,……. And i ended up denying her “he said regretfully

” Why did you take her to your mother’s restaurant when we have enough exotic restaurants around”

“She was supposed to be in Japan,…. I was shocked when i saw her,… I couldn’t introduce Angela to her,… I denied having anything to do with her instantly ”

” You’re kidding me,…… The first time i saw you with her, you denied her being your babe,….. The second time you did the same, and yesterday again,….. Ooooooh Richard, you’re hurting that girl,……… Guy……. Take your time,……. And decide if you want that girl or not,……. If you dont need her around…. Then let her go,……. Stop hurting her”

“I cant let her go because she’s my life,………. I love her….. I’m doing all these to protect her,…. You know how far my mother can go to get what she wants,…. She could hurt Angela…….”

“yeah, i understand how you feel,….. So you’re leaving for South Africa tomorrow,…. When are you returning?, ”

” she said two weeks, … But i know this is not all about business trip,.. I know she has a plan,…… Pls i need you to take care of Angela,…. I’ll give you her address,… Pls take care of her while i’m away,……. My mother is planning something,…. And i know it’s gonna be dangerous,…… ”

” I’m always here for you,….. Just take things easy,…. Would you visit your sister Vanessa, in Ghana,.. This is the only opportunity you have to do that,….. ”

” Yeah, i’ve thought of that,. I’ll visit her if i’m not being monitored,… ”

” Your mother is really mean, why is she doing all these?, she’s destroying her family just because of power, wealth and fame,…… I’ve never seen a woman as mean as she is”

“The same with me,…. Sometimes i think she’s possessed,…. Her actions are always uncalled for,…… Why would she tie me down like this,…. I dont even want to talk about my dad,… His own case is pathetic,….. ”

” This is unbelievable,……… Just cheer up,… Let’s take some drinks,.. You cant keep on lamenting,……. My dad and i have an appointment to catch up with,….. I’ll call you when i’m done,… I have twenty minutes to leave,… ”

” That’s ok,.i still have some work to do,.. Once you leave, i’ll get back to work”

They toasted to their friendship, and enjoyed their drink.

Angela’s ringing tone disrupted her discussion with the bike man she stopped to take her to Tope’s house,…… Richie was calling her……

“why is he calling me?, “she asked rhetorically

She picked the call reluctantly,……

” Hello,.. ”

” Hello, Angel,…… “she didn’t allow him finish before cutting him short…

” Pls go straight to the point,… ”
there was silence,…….

“Angel, i want you to know that i’m leaving for South Africa today for a business trip,…… And… ”

” Safe trip! “she cut the phone on him and continued with her discussion with the bikeman,……
” Sorry for wasting your time,… So how much did you say again? “she asked the bikeman

“fifty naira” he replied

Her phone rang repeatedly, and she was forced to pick it

“What is your problem?, you said you’re travelling,…. Then let me be,…… ”

” Angel please calm down,…. Oook where’re you,…. I’ll meet wherever you are,… Are you at home? ”

” Nope, i’m on my way to Tope’s house,….”
“I’ll be there in thirty minutes,.. Pls wait for me, love you, ”

She cut the phone and hissed,…. She climbed the bike and left for Tope’s house,…. Thank God Tope doesn’t live with her parents,. They rented a self-contained apartment for her,…… To enable her read books.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Immediately Richie dropped the call, he checked the time and was happy he has enough time to spend with his girlfriend before travelling,… He changed his clothes, picked his car key and left his room…………
He came downstairs and met his mother in the sitting room,…..

“Where’re you rushing off to? She asked him

“I’m going to see a friend, i’ll soon be back ”

She stood up and came close to him,…. I’m sorry son, i was about coming to your room to inform you of the change in plan”

Richie looked at her in surprise, praying inwardly that the trip had been cancelled

“You’re supposed to be at the airport in thirty minutes time,… You’re already late,…. ”

” What do you mean? “he asked in an angry tone

” what i meant is that, you have to cancel any other plan you have now,.. You’re leaving for the airport,…. ”

” But….. You told me my flight is for 3pm,….it’s just 11am,……”

“I’m sorry,.. “she muttered

“Dont tell me you’re sorry, you are inconsiderate and self-centered,…. You only care about your happiness,….” he threw at her

“You don’t have enough time to waste,…. They’re waiting for you,… ”

” They?,….. Who are they? “he asked anxiously

” Sorry i didn’t inform you earlier,… You’re going with Dan and Pedro,…….. They will take care of you over there”

“Suit yourself,…… Waste your money on irrelevant things,.. Excuse me! “he angrily smashed the glass on the table close to him

He went upstairs to change into something else,…. He tried calling his girlfriend but her phone is switched off,…..

” I need to tell her i cant make it,…… S--t…… “he hit his fist hard on the wall.


” I really dont know where your relationship with Richard is heading to,…..”Tope responded after listening to me

“I’m just confused,….. He’s just playing with my heart”

“So he’s travelling today?,…. When will he be back,…..?”,

” i didnt ask him that,……….. he’s supposed to be here by now”,….

She searched her handbag for her phone

“God, my phone is switched off,…. “she switched it on and received a text, she opened it instantly

” Angel pls i’m sorry i couldn’t make it to your friend’s house due to some circumstances beyond my control,i’m already on my way to Lagos…… I’ll see you when i return,….. Take care of yourself, luv u”

“Go to helllll!!!!!!! “She screamed after reading the text

” What is it?, “Tope asked in confusion

She handed the phone to Tope, after going through the text, she hissed

” So you want to kill yourself because of Richard,…. Someone that doesn’t care about your feelings towards him,….. Keep on crying like a baby,…… ”

” Tope, you’re not helping me at all,…. I don’t know why you hate Richard so much, ”

” Pls dont get me wrong, i dont hate Richard, i only hate his mother,…. And i hate men that cant stand up to their responsibilities,……. Richard is just a coward,…. His mother remotes him like a kid”

“It’s enough pls,…. I dont need this right now,….. I have to get going, i want to check on my dad at his work place,…. “she said standing up

“I’m sorry if i hurt you with my words, .. I was just feeling your pains” Tope begged her

“It’s alright, i understand, take care”she hugged her friend and left.

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