At first glance the story jabal uhud the mountain in love by Messenger's.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Jabal of Uhud is a very loving and loved the Prophet Muhammad. of Uhud, which means 'loner', every year diziarahi of the Prophet. This habit is then passed on by the Caliph after the Prophet died. Now Jabal of Uhud be one of the main pilgrimage of hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and pilgrimage,
Uhud have a number of virtue. Therefore it is only natural if the assembly has always found time to go to here. One of the center Mount Uhud were narrated in a hadith.

Anas relate that the Prophet Muhammad's ever look up to Uhud were saying, "In fact, of Uhud is a mountain that loves us, and we love him,".

In the area of this mountain community, among others, can go to the complex the tombs of martyrs, in which there was a little cemetery Sayidina Hamzah.

Interestingly, the body of Hamza is buried here are said to have to remain intact, eternal and not destroyed at the ground.

In addition to the tomb of martyrs, the other historic in this area is the Al-Fash. In the mosque is the Prophet never a prayer zuhur after the Battle of Uhud.

The Jabal of Uhud is 4 kilometers from Mosque Nabawi and the mountain is among the largest in Medina. of Uhud have around 19 miles high and 1 km from the surface of sea water or 300 m above the ground.

The Islamic enough of Uhud because in the valley of mount this is ever going on a major war between Muslims and the Quraysh. The war happened on 15 of Shawwal. 3 The Hijrah, or of the 625 AD is famous by the name of the Battle of Uhud.

Although filled a miracle because the number of martyrs who died in the region during the Battle of Uhud, Muslims are forbidden to join us in our prayers to the martyrs.

Even in the area of Jabal uhud own deliberately set a bulletin board in different languages, in which one of them warned the pilgrims to pray, directly to God, not asking safaat to the martyrs. image image
Jabal uhud jabal yang artinya bukit atau gunung dan uhud yang artinya menyendiri adalah gunung yang sangat di mencintai dan di cintai oleh nabi muhammad saw konon setiap tahun jabal uhud tersebut selalu di ziarahi oleh rasul bahkan kebiasaan tersebut di teruskan oleh para khalifah setelah wafat nya rasulullah...

Uhud sendiri memiliki bnyak keutamaan wajar saja jika para jamaah haji di seluruh dunia tak lupa berziarah ke tempat tersebut,bahkan dalam hadist yang di riwayat kan oleh anas bahwa nabi muhammad pernah memandang ke uhud dan berkata "sesungguhnya uhud adalah gunung yang sangat mencintai kita dan kita pun mencintainya,".

Di kawasan tersebut para jamaah selain bisa melihan gunung uhud para jamaah juga bisa menziarahi makam para syuhada,yang di dalam nya ada makam salah seorang sahabat rasul yaitu hamzah,

Kita tahu sudah berapa lama umur kuburan tersebut tetapi dengan kehendak yang kuasa jasad hamzah tetap utuh dan tidak di makan sedikit pun oleh tanah subhanallah,di kawasan gunung uhud selain terdapat makan syuhada di kawasan tersebut juga terdapat mesjid yang di beri nama Al-Fash,dan nabi pernah melakukan shalat dhuhur di mesjid tersebut setelah perang uhud selesai..

Jarak antara gunung uhud dan mesjid nabawi berjarak sekitar 4Km dan gunung uhud tersebut termasuk gunung yang terbesar di madinah,Ummat islam cukup kenal dengan gunung uhud bagai mana tidak karena di lembah gunung uhud tersebut terjadi peperangan yang besar antara ummat islam dengan tentara Quraisy perang yang terjadi pada 15 syawal 3 hijriah atau maret 625 masehi cukup terkenal dengan nama perang uhud..

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