The birthday party in the world according to the custom of Aceh..

in #story7 years ago (edited)

hi steemit,.
I'll share a little story about my last family event is the customary "Peutron Aneuk" what it is customary "Peutron Aneuk" I will explain below.

In one trust, the Acehnese people believe that a person's life has a future at each time includes the time of the birth until the time of death. For that in each of the past is always there to greet events or ceremonies.

One reception after the birth of a child in the Aceh is to solemnize Troen Bak Tanoeh or Peutron Aneuk U Tanoh, there is also a call Peutron Aneuk Mit or Indigenous Peutron Aneuk. In general, people in Indonesia know this ceremony with the name of the Land Down Ceremony.

The Land Down ceremony in its implementation there are differences regarding the timing of the Acehnese people. There is a Land Down ceremony on the 7th day after the birth there is also the Land Down ceremony held at day 44 (after birth) and even some that hold her after the baby is older than one year.

Regardless of differences in execution time, usually ground down ceremony held in conjunction with the naming ceremony, the ceremony cuko OEK (barber), and traditions hakikah.

Preparation and Implementation Ceremony

There are several steps in carrying off the ground this ceremony including the preparation and implementation of the Land Down ceremony. For the preparation of the ceremony the Land Down is preparing tools and equipment including the Land Down ceremonial cloth, a coconut, honey, sticky yellow, Tampi, brooms, machetes, hoes, ladders and scissors.

In the ceremony off the ground, all the relatives of the child will be invited, do not forget to also invite tetanga and relatives from afar if possible. Of all the invited guests are coming, the important thing is to invite the elders to lead the event. Had previously been conducted in preparation for the event festivity and slaughter of buffalo, cows, goats or sheep.

The ceremony started with a Land Down elders are respected in the community holding the baby toward the steps of the house-generally in the past the bulk-houses in Aceh has stairs. Now staircase was replaced with a staircase that is specially made for ceremonial purposes. Indigenous Elders are usually also the religious leaders have been with the hope someday his son could follow his trail.

The boy was then passed down through the stairs, accompanied by prayers, praise and verses of the news. When the procession of the decline of the child is also pedestrianized.

Then a piece of cloth stretched over the baby's head, a coconut is then split at the top of the fabric. Coconut that has been cut will be given to both sides of his parents as a symbol and also the expectations remain the harmony on both sides. There are also saying that the purpose of the oil division meant that the baby is not easily scared by the sound of thunder.

If the child is dituruntanahkan it is a girl, her family members will be rushing sweep and winnowing rice. Winnow large and sweeping the ground is a symbol of the craft.

The procession is a hope that someday the baby girl was a diligent kid. However, if the dituruntanahkan was a baby boy, it will be carried in procession dig and chop up banana trees, taro or sugar cane.

Symbolically what it means chivalry; a hope that someday the boy had become a man who is always working hard and spirited knight.

When the child is treading ground that the child was taken through the house. When the child was brought back into the house, usually have a variety of dishes was prepared for the procession peucicap (tasting).

Events peucicap done by applying a variety of flavors in the mouth of the baby with the purpose of the baby can recognize a good variety of flavors that taste sweet, sour, or salty. The ceremony got off the ground this is the end.

Land Down ceremony is also sometimes enlivened by the sounds of praise to the Prophet and Islamic poems to the accompaniment of tambourines wasp. Various dances, as well as martial arts and various other arts are also present.

A variety of dishes are usually also provided, to the excitement and happiness was not only felt by the family of the child, but also felt by neighbors and relatives who have attended the invitation compatriot. Each ceremony at the Aceh people are often overwhelmed by the atmosphere gets to feast (feast) held after the main event finished.

Land Down ceremony in view of the people of Aceh

The people of Aceh are very famous for their adherence to Islam, so that their lives had been more or less influenced by the teachings of Islam.

The values ​​contained in the Land Down ceremonies are the values ​​relating to the world and the hereafter, which is still maintained its continuity as required by the brand to meet the demands of indigenous Acehnese. For the people of Aceh, customs senantia must go on, filled and of course also have to be obeyed.

Mate Aneuk gadoh meupat customary pat Tamita Dead children living tomb, the loss would be sought where customary.

A well-known adage in Acehnese society. This proverb tells us that it is customary with the child in a position of equal importance. And even more important is to maintain and preserve the customs to get to their children and grandchildren will be.

thanks for reading articles in my post, and I deeply apologize to readers if there is an error and similarities in the writing, because I'm only human beings are not perfect.

therefore, help in criticism and given advice to me so that I could make the article better for the future.

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