HardFork Series, from the Writer: New Territory

in #story8 years ago (edited)

As you may have noticed I haven’t been posting as frequently and there’s a good reason why. Today, I’m going to introduce the first in a series of posts that will give you an inside look into my role as co-creator and writer in this very exciting and groundbreaking project, working alongside @dougkarr, @bakerchristopher, @nickytothenines, @andrarchy, @the-alien and many others.

Over the past year Steemit has been like a magnet, drawing countless wonderful things into my life but this one is the best yet (and the most surprising to me.) Film director and writer Doug Karr reached out to me about a month ago and asked me to collaborate with him. Of course, I agreed. A few weeks ago, Steemit’s very own @andrarchy announced his meeting with Doug about our upcoming project.

What Is Hardfork?

The film series, Hardfork, is the first ever blockchain narrative film series. Hardfork is a crypto-noir dystopian thriller set in a world nearly a decade into the future, where decentralized factions work to overthrow a militarized version of a certain infamous three letter governmental tax agency we all know so well. This is a world where the centralized establishment is using increasingly strict measures and unscrupulous means in an attempt to control a world that thirsts for the freedom of decentralization. The plot of the film will speak to a larger hardfork of our global society itself.

The Process

I’ve discovered that the golden thread that ties this project together is one thing…the common desire amongst all core team members to do more of what truly energizes us and gives us purpose, and that is to make our art. The success of this project is the most important thing to us. If HardFork is the massive success we know it will be it will expose the public to cryptocurrency and blockchain while entertaining them. We are truly attempting to engage as many brains and imaginations as possible to open their eyes to a better way of life.

Doug and I identified the need, early on, to craft a creative working process that allows for efficiency and life balance. Thankfully, through years of practice, we’ve both learned to manage our time well. We’re incorporating bits and pieces of Agile Methodology to make the most efficient use of our time. We have to customize the tool to make us efficient but not so rigid that it stifles creativity. We share ideas with other team members through the group messaging app Slack and hold a once a week video conference call to brainstorm and work on goals for the week ahead.

So far, my prevailing thoughts are this is incredibly fun! & I am so lucky to be a part of this team! I am blown away by how electrifying it is to work on a film script. It is like creating a whole new world then getting to breathe its air. I thoroughly enjoy working on fiction but working on a film series elevates creativity to an entirely new level. There have been countless days where I can’t shut the ideas off and a few nights that I’ve been jolted out of bed at 3AM with an idea that I had to write down.

I also realize there is so much that I have yet to learn so I am trying to soak up as much knowledge as I can and enjoy this process. Thankfully Doug has lots of experience with all aspects of the film industry and the filmmaking process itself.


We are lucky to have the very talented actor, Christopher Baker, (from the Netflix series Ozark) to play our protagonist, Vangelis, in the film. We are still in the process of completing the selection process for our female lead, Drezzie and the rest of the cast. Again, casting is another chance to use your creativity to determine who will work best to play these characters who have been pieced together like a mosaic from the imaginations of the creative team working on the project.

The Coming Weeks

Over the course of the next few weeks we will be polishing the script for our trailer, continuing the casting process, deciding when and how we will shoot the 3 minute trailer, and then setting a date to begin shooting at the various locations.

In the meantime I'll be writing, daydreaming, learning, and having more fun than one person should be allowed to have.

Thanks to everyone who has reached out to learn more and/or offer their support for HardFork! Our Steemit community continues to amaze me in how it can come together, so quickly, to rally behind a cause they truly believe in! I'm working to respond to each message and I'm sorry if you've reached out and haven't gotten a response.

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series and watch for official progress updates and teasers over the course of the next few months. In the meantime, I will continue to share with you personal glimpses of my involvement in this project. All liquid Steem Dollars made from this post (and future HF-related posts) will be donated to the @hardfork-series account

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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So amazing to be working with you on this @ericvancewalton! Dream come true! An unbeleivable team & fantastically exciting project for this wonderful community.

The feeling is very much likewise, @dougkarr. I haven't felt this psyched about a project since my first novel and this even surpasses that. This is going to cause a dent in the Universe. There's just too much synchronicity happening for this not to be "meant to be".

This is going to cause a dent in the Universe.

I went and had my shower and came back to read all this again, I have kept thinking about it tonite, even though I heard of this awhile ago.

You are going to adVANCE Liberty to the masses EVW and #HardFork team !!

Thanks so much for your amazing support @barrydutton!

I am so excited for this man, you have no idea!!!

It has been such a pleasure knowing you Eric. And now it's so freakin' exciting to work with you and the team on this amazing project!

Together and with this beautiful steemit community, I'm certain we will create something revolutionary!

The pleasure has been all mine, @the-alien. You so selflessly give your time and your ideas. Karma is going to shine on you, brother, I have no doubt!

You're on your way and you have earned it.

Thank you, brother! We are both boarding the ship that we missed so many times before.

WoW... I'm so PROUD of You, Eric...

You are an incredible writer and this could "open up" so many opportunities and GOD Knows... You are Most Deserving, in my humble opinion.

Thank You also for being so supportive of me, as well... with Your words of guidance & kindness.

BIG Kudos for everyone on the film... AND of course... Cheers !!

Quick Note: When I lived in California I became friends with someone that had either Produced or Associate Produced all of the Star Trek movies, except for the last 2 recent releases.

The reason for bringing this up, is because You remind me of him... He was very attentive, highly discerning, sometimes outspoken & opinionated, but always solid reasoning behind his opinions.

He was also Very kind and his gestures of kindness including coming to his home and really being treated as a very special friend AND his wife was a Great Cook, which is always Good !!... >> : ~ ))

He had connections to some of the highest levels in Hollywood and I believe this was because he was so genuine & giving to people he befriended.

SO.... Here's to perhaps a very auspicious/successful career in the Film Industry !!

Wow, I appreciate the wonderfully kind words! I am throwing myself fully into this without attachment to results. I've done many collaborations in my lifetime and, so far, this team is working better than any other I've previously been involved with.

How cool about your friend! He sounds like a talented and kind soul. I bet he was amazing to talk to, all of the insight and inside stories! From what I've learned of the film industry so far there are many correlations to the traditional publishing world. I'm thankful Doug has his years of experience to help us navigate the pitfalls. He is our "general" in that respect.

I can't wait to share more of this project with you all! We're going to focus on doing the best work and make the best business decisions we can and, hopefully, we produce something worthy of this wonderful community.

You are Most welcomed... am not a professional psychic, but have a well developed intuition and this is why I am so excited for You because I "felt" the energy emanating from both You & this project...

You & this project are going to do very well... perhaps well beyond expectations, BUT this requires a lot of WORK, as we both know.

Looking forward to Your Updates... very exciting times we are living AND co-creating !!

Just follow Your heart and follow the "flow"...

Cheers to YOU... Eric !!

Wow what synchronicity, I just posted a new image for the #hardforkseries! Great to see you are going to be giving us a look into the series and how you approach it Eric!

Thanks for your contribution. I resteemed it. Very good art!

I appreciate your resteeming my art eric, glad you enjoyed it, more in the oven! =)

Woow man! so great idea, I work in video too and please let me tell you that this has PO-TEN-TIAL! Hope to watch...and as we say in South America... ¡MUCHA MERD!

It makes me happy to see people recognizing the potential. Thank you, man! Cheers!

Sure man! It really sound great and also I'm a sick cinema lovers so..Steemit mixed with Cinema... Woow. Legs shaking! lol. By the way, I have a producer little video company. If you need some hand in editing, color in DAcini Resolve, After Effects, or whatever just say. You can find me anytime in discord and my user is the same that in here.

Wow, you and the team you are working with are amazing. But like anything else, when you have the right tools & people, the project gets done. I love the concept you explained in another post about Agile Methodology. It sounds like it optimizes process without sacrificing quality and output.

When you said that this project is fun and exciting, that means you guys are enjoying the work, hard work, but quality work, and things are getting done. It means that this is probably the best case scenario for the best working conditions one could hope for. I am so happy for you and the team.

I am looking forward to the trailer and subsequent film but most of all I am excited for the outcome that will help spread the joy of Steemit and its concepts. This world has really been getting increasingly structured and confining so the freedom we all hope for someday, will lead many to a more peaceful and fulfilling existence. Congratulations! Wishing you nothing but positive energy, encouragement and more fun than you have right now!....lol! Always......... Cabbagepatch :D

Thank you very much @cabbagepatch! I'm old enough to be a father to some of them but they are teaching me a lot. This is a whole new world for me and I'm loving it so far. I'm trying to contribute in the best ways I can. I always look forward to reading your comments, they're always overflowing with such a positive vibe!

Congratulations on this exciting project!
I'm more of a 2 am writer/drawer myself- I often dream of paintings.

Thanks, my friend. So happy to have you onboard. We are going to do great things and have fun in the process. Who could ask for more?

This is going to be massive. Bigger than a lot of us here think, I bet.

I like how you discussed effective use of time in here, because I mentioned that today in my blog too you commented on Eric.

I am super excited.

Like I said in other messages, LMK if I can help you at all with this.

You are a gem!!

Thanks for the kind words, Barry! The synchronicity happening with this project is like none other I've ever worked with. We see such potential with it but have a lot of work to do to convince others of this potential. There's no better place to launch this than Steemit. Here, we are preaching to the choir. I hope you had a good anniversary! Here's to many, many more fruitful years! P.S. If you can think of any ways you'd like to help please post about how you'd like to contribute using the #hardforkseries hashtag in the @hardfork-series category.

Don't claim to have understood everything in your post but it was very interesting, cheers mike

Thanks! We're always open to questions if you have any.

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