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RE: It's not about hate...

in #story7 years ago

I know from experience that you can not be free without money dwinblood.

Cannot is a form of absolute. It only takes one example to disprove an absolute.

There are societies and people without money. There are also people living off the grid (I've encountered a few in the mountains) that have no need of money.

So by your logic they can't be free.

Money is a tool. We are tool creators. Freedom existed before tools.


I agree with that argument. I just don't like freedom without money which is like a "limited" freedom.

Hahaha.... Well I can get not liking it. :)

I will tell you I served a very rich guy his last meal before he went and blew his brains out with a shotgun. And no, it was not my food that put him to it.

He was very unhappy.

Money can become a trap too.

My response to you initially was basically to say FREEDOM is a lot bigger than what you were describing. It was like if there was a big open space called FREEDOM full of stars and you pointed at one solar system and said "That's freedom" when in reality all the stars out there were freedom.

Freedom can be a very subjective thing. For me it is basically about voluntaryism. Being able to make choices, rather than having choices forced upon me.

As far as money and today. The problem is we are not truly free today. There are MANY things forced upon us which we cannot choose to not do.

They are not also things required for survival. They are things created artificially by other people.

When such situations exist we cannot truly be free.

So money as you and I deal with now is from a perspective from WITHIN that environment.

Part of why money seems like freedom is because they take more and more of that money and you can't say NO DON'T TAKE THAT. Which leaves us with less and we struggle due to that being the tool of trade in our environment.

When we have more money their taking of our money is less of a burden.

Yet, as my example above (it was true by the way... that really did happen) states even a wealthy person can feel trapped and not free.

The problem with rich people is that they lack meaningful relationships, for most of them people are a means to get money.

The video I posted above is a society of men with a goal. They created a family, that is what rich people lack.

I don't want to be a rich guy without people.

I want to be rich, have my chosen people around, improve myself in every aspect and experience life.

The problem with rich people is that they lack meaningful relationships, for most of them people are a means to get money.

This is not true. You are trying to put them in a box. You are GROUPING people.

Freedom is about viewing people as individuals.

What you said is indeed true about SOME rich people. It is also true about SOME poor people.

Yet it is a haste generalization and is not true overall.

Being rich is not a crime. Being poor is not a crime.

Being a slave is a crime.

I said most, not everyone.

Freedom is about viewing people as you want to see them.

Anyway, I will follow you now, you give me different perspectives and I can learn new things from you.

Anyway, I will follow you now, you give me different perspectives and I can learn new things from you.

That's the best compliment I can receive. There is nothing like talking with civility with those who have different ideas. That is when there is the most opportunity to learn and consider new things. For both of us. I'll follow you back.

I usually don't argument with people who I don't know and who don't belong to my family or gang. But you got some of my respect because you are smart and civil.

I appreciate different perspectives. I also appreciate people who don't see disagreement as a personal attack.

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