Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello friend steemit everything
Today I am a recent photograph from me, Tampa accidentally I visited Banda Aceh, and I saw a very beautiful view, I was interested in the view, I immediately took some pictures, but I was not satisfied, and I still do the photo shoot until late evening, without me knowing it
This location is very close to Baiturrahman Mosque and Banda Aceh tsunami museum,
In this post I want to convey, not all what we want it is always achieved, while our position is dipuncak where we learn how to be grateful
While our position is below, there we learn how we struggle,
One important thing, God is always with us wherever we are
Follow @dimaszulfikar
Witajcie w naszej spo�ecznosci
Hej, ciekawy wpis. Na pewno tu zagladne jeszcze
Ciekawy wpis, Oby by�y coraz lepsze
Cze��, mi�o przywita� nowych steemian:D
Cze�� ! witaj w naszym gronie
Thanks you so much all