Cicada 3301 Templar Recipes and A message to the evil solvers

in #story7 years ago

I was solving the Cicada 3301 2017 puzzle and was finding all finds of interesting things connected to the puzzle. This was a letter that was given to me by members of the organization as a gift for returning the Spear of Destiny and agreeing to speak to the people on things needing to be said by the organization. I was selected because I was able to understand all the parts of the puzzle and shared my work with all without question. I built a good of solvers and did my best to help people learn the truth. It seems that many of these so called solvers were all just a bunch of children allowing there simple minds and egos to get the best of them and fought to split the group. These nasty children created bots and other tools for the discord to help but really just use it to take other solvers data and get access to their servers. Some of them were working with the bad people from the Wiki that have been trying to take cicada as their own due to their inability to understand the ARG Puzzle they were working on. They always devolve into nasty tricks and evils and make quick work of the childern working on the puzzle. Most of the groups died from all these shithead infighting with each other and starting to play more and more tricks.

What the simpletons didn't ever realize is that I was paying attention to what was happening as well as others with more power than me in the broods. These boys and girls never realized they were being tested by me to discover if there was more of the same. With all the hacking attempts and nonsense more and more data was collected on these so called solvers. The plan to completely remove them was already completed, Agents and double agents are funny, but many of these retards think they are so smart to the point they never thought to think I was playing them like a fiddle. Even my little side chat I created with talk about joining the new brood was a test to root out the weak minded fools. I'm sure they thought they were playing the characters well, but In the end it seems they have only been running themselves into a ouroboros of puzzle they will never escape by design. The network says to beware false paths and they led themselves to nowhere quickly.

Even now they will read upon this and have to know they failed, because they have nothing to show for all their work while I have evidence and more of my journey's and travels to find things of value in the real Cicada 3301 lines. They look for smart people and the ones that can make things happen, each one of you has no nothing of value or importance. Not a video, message or anything to help others understand, you just solve for your own selfish ego reasons and that's why you will never find anything of value to ever finally justify your efforts. That is by design for each of jackasses and if you haven't figured it out yet you know.

For the new solvers if you can see past the idiocy of some of the so called solvers from 2017 and before you will be doomed to repeat their mistakes. Renew your understanding for why you are working on the puzzle and decide for yourself if it would be smart to work with the negative brood, or if you would like to solve like a person like myself. Open honest, and sharing or everything I work on because it's about making us all better. If you follow me I can say you will find what your looking for, for the rest of the ones from this year, you will never make it any father on your path no matter how hard you try, you are forever lost and will not be found.


To prepare a pig head (Just cut off from the animal…)
We need to burn the hair with a red iron, then burn it using straw or some wood shaving, then thoroughly clean it (the head), then we’ll soak it in cold water, that water needs to be changed a few times, then after 24 hours, get the head out of the water and let it drain for 24 hours, then put a little of salt and pepper and a little bit of “Salpetre” (it is Potassium Nitrate (NaCi + Na NO2)) and juniper berry we’ll leave it for 6 days in the salt we’ll make sure that nothing gets infected by turning the head from time to time and by spraying it with salt where needed, before putting it in water we need to remove the brain,
We’ll remove the head from the salt after 6 days to cook it, adding aromatic herbs from the garden, when half cooked we’ll add a jar of good vinegar, when it is cooked we’ll leave it cool down in its broth until the next day, we need to wrap it in a cloth to cook it.

How to pickle green plums (Variety is Mirabelle)
We need to pick them 15 days before they are eatable, clean them and stab them with a small needle, put them in cold water on the fire (in a saucepan), when they have boiled that they are boiling, we take 1 pound of plums 3 cartons of white sugar (I find a bit strange they had that in the medieval age) we put them in porcelain dish for 3 days, we reheat the juice and we put them in a jar.

Omelet or “carpes” (could be some kind of flowers they are talking about later) with eggs
Take 12 eggs, mix them together, then you take half a glass of water and half a spoon of flowers that you put together before throwing the whole thing into the eggs with a pinch of salt, when your omelet is cooked you’ll fold it in 2 or 3.

For the sauce
We take some butter some vinegar and some water according on how you want it sour, nutmeg, salt, pepper, shallots, and when it comes to the boil, we’ll add 2 or 3 egg yolks then stir while simmering

“Fricadelles” of Kidneys (Interresting… fricadelle is a recipe name form Nothern France, but I could not link anything to the Medieval age)
Take the veal kidneys and as much of the veal blade , if it has a lot of fat, you chop the whole thing very fine, then you put the shallots, parsley, pepper, salt, nutmeg, bread crumbs, 3 or 4 eggs put everything together then you make some flat paties (fricadelles) fry them in a pan with some brown butter

Potatoes “Fricadelles”
You will boil the potatoes without peeling them, the you’ll peel them then you put them through a strainer, you’ll put chopped parsley, oregano?, thyme, a little branch of ham herb, salt, pepper, a bit of onion, 3 or 4 shallots the whole thing very fine chopped, you’ll beat 2 or 3 eggs that you’ll throw in the mix and you’ll mix everything well, you’ll add some bread (the soft white inside of the bread = mie) until your patty is thick enough to make the “fricadelles”, you’ll fry them as above.

Remedy for wounds and cuts but also for inside wounds, you need to swallow the size of a pea with some nice wine 2 or 3 times a day when you feel pain
1 pound of olive oil
1 ounce of petroleum oil
1 ounce of lavender oil
2 ounces of terebenthine of Venise (resin from a tree cannot be mixed with water but can be mixed with petrol)
2 ounces of Rose water
½ ounce of new yellow wax
1 ounce of Brasil wood ground
Note that we need a brand new varnished clay pot that can contain 2 pots
Each pound is 16 ounces
The rose water is to dissolve* the terebenthine, first you need to put in the pot the olive oil, the wax and the brasil wood ground and leave it simmer, then pour the terebenthine, and put the petroleum and lavender oils, leave it boil a bit all together then pass the whole thing through a cloth.

Remedy for dysentery
A jar of milk straight from the cow, add some cinnamon and a sheet of “post paper”(the kind of paper they used to write letters), boil the whole thing until you get half of the liquid evaporated and the paper is dissolved, the sick person must drink one spoon every hour and if he/she is very sick one spoon every half an hour.

Remedy for the chest and asthma
Take 2 handful of “liaisse” (could not find a translation or what it is in french… I’ll try to find out later, I am actually very interested on that one) and cut them, cook them with 3 pints of water until half evaporates, pour the liquid through a cloth and pour it into a new saucepan, add 3 cartons or a pound of white honey, bring it to the boil and get rid of the foam well, we’ll take a glass (glass wine) of this morning and evening and more often if we want, this remedy is good for kids and adults

Remedy for “resiselle” (Varicella)??
You have to take the blue paper in which you put the sugar, rub the paper with chalk then place it where the disease is

Remedy for eye pain
Keep the water from the snow that falls in march and put in that water flowers from the seeds named “percettes”* let it absorb? in the sun and use the water to put on your eyes.
(this part is a bit confusing, the writer understand him/herself but it is confusing)

  • Percette: I think it is the flower Perce-neige, a flower that can pierce through snow. "percette" could be a familiar name

For the sauce
You take butter and vinegar according to how you want it a little sour you put some chopped shallots, salt, pepper, nutmeg and a little bit of flour to thicken it.

Oublie pastry dough (this one is very interesting, the name seems to come from the medieval age only, in France anyway)
Take 8 spoons of milk, 4 spoons of flour, a bit of cinnamon, rose water or grated lemon a bit of sugar that you mix together, then take 3 eggs in which 1 of them you remove the white, beat them one by one, then throw them in your dish?, then mix everything together, if you don’t have milk use water, if you don’t have flour use bread mie (the inside, not the crust), from this dough you can do apple beignets and pastries anyway



Interesting post indeed. Loved reading.
Regards Nainaz

Do you think the mystery of can be solved if we keep in mind the 17 year span of cicadas?

I think it is all revealed with the answers we seek.

There are more than 17 spans for cicadas, I believe the primes have something to do with it but I also know what I shared on my channel and records is the best understanding thrus far.

I think the primes are definitely involved if not a hundred fibonoccis.

thank you for all you have done Defango

interesting :)

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