Please! A Night In (Standing Up For Yourself)
Have you ever been bullied into doing things you don't really enjoy just to please your partner?
I wrote this short story to high light that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself.
Mike was tired. Not just ready to relax after a hard day’s work tired but really bone achingly exhausted because he had been burning the candle at both ends. If he moved his head too fast he would feel dizzy and it was quite frightening.
Angel was his gorgeous girlfriend. She was part of the reason he was in this state. Going out every night to keep up with Angel’s hectic socialising and trying to keep on top of his busy job had been too much for the average man.
‘There’s a party at Becky’s,’ Angel whooped. ‘It’ll be THE best. I said we’d go. We could eat around eight at Marco’s Bistro and get to the party around ten. It should be a wild night.’
Mike’s heart sank like a brick. He was hoping despondently for an early night. Ah, how he longed for sleep.
‘Angel, let’s stay in tonight. I feel very tired and I wouldn’t be good company at a party.’
‘Aw don’t be a spoilsport. You’re talking like a fifty-year-old,’ Angel mocked. ‘Poor old Mikey needs his sleepy bed.’
Mike usually felt dreadful when Angel made fun of him. After all, he was ten years her senior and everyone who was anyone said he ought to be grateful such a beautiful girl fancied him. But this evening he felt a little peeved. Well, actually, he felt quite angry. Before he’d thought twice, he’d answered her back.
‘I’ve done exactly what you wanted every night this week. I’ve gone out for pricey meals. I’ve gone ice skating till I literally dropped. I’ve driven miles to see your mates in all kinds of rave locations and I’ve gone to three boring, foul parties. One was an all-nighter.’ As he spoke he got more annoyed. ‘Even though I wanted a night in and, in fact, I’d been told to take it easier by my boss, I did what you wanted. Even now you’re not satisfied. Now you’re having a go at me for wanting to slow down and have a night in. Frankly, I’m a bit sick of it.’
‘Oh don’t be a minger. Just go and get ready.’
‘You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said, have you? I am too tired to go out. Too tired tonight, tomorrow night and every other night this week. I am too tired.’
Mike had reached the end of his considerable tether. It was time to take a stand or lose his mind. He realised he was becoming Angel’s slave and he hated it. He had a point of view and if she was going to ignore it, she could find another boyfriend!
Thank you for reading!