Let Me Die in Your Smile #Love and Sad Story

The great argument we've been through before the day that matters to both of us arrive. And after that you just walked away and disappeared into the crowd. And I didn't I try to stop you.
Day after day I went through without words from you, and I got used to it. I tried to do what I did before I met you, try to go back to my old habits. But my feelings are never comfortable, always feel deprived. Despite it's tough for me but I keep pushing it.
Then that day arrive, I wake up from my sleep. I receive a voicemail from you, but I ignore it. I have insisted. During the day, I walk alone on the road we had traveled together. At that moment my mind recall our memories. I can not focus anymore.
Suddenly, a loud noise come close to my ears. At the same time I hear a voice that I knew is calling my name. I'm confuse, that loud noise grow louder, and the sound I knew become a hysterical scream. The loud voice come closer, and to a loud banging sound. The screaming hysterical voice slowly echoed and shrank as everything become dark for me. Everything become silent and dark, I see a small light at the edge of my eyes. I try to reach it, and open my eyes.
The beautiful eyes glistene and the tears are shiny. My head feels soft and I feel comfortable. You rub my head and beg me to say something. After feeling this comfort, I smile. I feel very happy to be near you. This is a wonderful feeling. While I smile as I say "Happy wedding anniversary". You are shocked and laugh a little. That is the sweetest smile I've ever seen in my life, and it's makes me feel lot better. My hand is trying to reach your eyes, and you welcome it.
As I wipe your tears, you hold my hand tight with a smile and weep. I feel calm and happy to see your smile again. Then I close my eyes while recording your smile through my eyes. Then everything goes back quiet and dark. But the happiness and joys are in my soul and it won't die no matter how long.