Me and my World

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Life is a book in which the main actors are we - the humans. It depends on us whether it will be a drama or a comedy, if it will be trivial and forgotten or identical and remembered. We decide whether we will paint, scratch or crack the pages, because this book is a mirror in which we are reflecting "Me and my world". Every personality is for itself. Personality is one's own individuality, uniqueness and diversity. Looking for the real self, young people today come to an obviousness - man is the author of his life. It is precisely this obviousness that forms the basis of modernity. Life depends on the person himself, he is the sum of the choices that he makes, life becomes a project that one thinks about himself. This idea that a person makes his own life and in this sense makes himself what he is, constantly challenges the individual to answer the question "Who Am I"? If I can fabricate myself, then I am responsible for what I have invented, and I must always know "Who am I". In fact, the personality is never lonely, a person is never quite alone and does not make his own choices alone. An individual is always placed in a social field that sets him up for certain behaviors. The construction of our own individuality is metaphorically speaking, a continuous process of negotiation that we lead with others. We represent ourselves as some, others recognize us as some. Between the presentation and the confession lies a field of negotiation in which we ultimately negotiate our own identity.


Personality, as Norbert Elias says, is a process, a process of inventing, choosing our own personality. We are continually entering new social relationships, and the world we live in generously offers us. In this sense, the most unique and different is the personality of the person who has entered the largest and most diverse set of social relationships. Today's world is diverse, colorful, open. Offering a dialogue with a variety of cultures and personalities. What are we personally dependent on us, by our will to find our place in the world, to realize ourselves. Today, the postmodern personality is a person who is rapidly changing places, ideas, tastes. Personality is understood as a repertoire of roles, each of which is appropriately equipped with a certain identity. And "invented" ourselves, we are facing the world with our freedom and projects for the future. The world in which we live forces us to constantly conceive, explain and understand it. He is very dynamic, very colorful, unexpected, complicated, and sometimes quite unfriendly to us. In this world, the role of the individual becomes "global", faced with challenges that are sensitive to his development, diverse, vulnerable to the problems and risks of this diversity of cooperation and joint action with other people. At the same time, in the modern world, the opposite, no less powerful, forces of discrimination, insecurity and isolation act. They try to rule the myths of mass society, binding but also insulating the personality. New forms of empathy and cooperation develop in this world, but also forms of hatred and destruction. My world is the world of the new knowledge-based information society, sharing knowledge and ignorance. Today, in the situation of globality, the inhabitants of the earth actually live as one humanity as a whole. The inevitable imposition of globalization is both a chance and a risk. The word "global" is burdened with contradictory meanings and emotional shades. Everyday and interpretations express hope, trust, expectation, threat. Globalism is a chance because mutual interdependence raises the issue of general security with increasing sharpness. War and peace now have another interpretation. In this sense, the general pressure to provide legal guarantees worldwide is growing. It is increasingly difficult to impose a political dictatorship and the arbitrary limitation of civil rights for the population in a country or in certain groups within it. The issue of providing access to information is eliminated. Humankind becomes communicatively close. The restrictions on free expression of speech and thought are eliminated. Particularly beneficial is the impact of global society on tackling ecological disasters. The global ecological balance is a very real concern for all mankind.


At the same time, globalism can not be regarded as an earthly paradise. It is not a panacea for all the diseases of mankind. It in no way guarantees equality between people. And with him there are winners and losers. Among the losers, first of all, is the ignorant, not able to use the new technologies and to be productive through them. The danger of marginalization, by dropping away from positive processes, overlies entire countries and regions. Global fears are also related to globalization - exhausted by natural resources, economic and political domination of individual states, devaluation of interpersonal communication, loss of cultural individuality. Along with all the positive changes, there are catastrophic ideas about the future of the world. They are caused by the uncontrollable and violent fundamentalist movements. On the one hand, we observe a global cultural bondage and, on the other, an endless plotting and zealous enclosure of "ours" against "foreigners". But does the difference in cultures necessarily result in a conflict? Does the future wage new wars - this time civilization? Today there is a very controversial term - "multiculturalism". The theory of multicultural societies protects the values of coexistence and interpenetration of cultural traditions and styles of life. Multiculturalism is based on pluralism - the refusal to recognize one truth as the only values of higher, a culture of dominance. My world knows bloody religious and ethnic clashes, terrorist attacks, but also increased tolerance to the other, to the alien. Today many speak of the future creation of a "global state" or "world state". Whether it will happen is too difficult to say, but there is something that is certain. Man is detached from his incoherence in local existence and becomes a citizen of the world. His ambition is to make the whole world a home. As the Self is the beginning, from which one is beginning to live with others as well as the home home the starting point for the world. The modern world is open to building and what image it will acquire in the future depends on what choices we make and what responsibilities we will take in our lives. The world is the place where we are born, we live and die. It is what life is like. He is mine, yours, ours, human - life is choice, time for deeds. Whether we will be the winners or losers in this world depends on us alone. We are building our own world that reflects our innermost dreams, desires, and goals. We strive to achieve something through our existence, then be pleased with us and the people who are close to us.


As it says, "Dreams are free!" But they do not always come true. Everyone dreams of being rich, loved, happy, and successful. But in the world we live in, not everything is as we want it to be and as we imagine it. Everyone has been in different situations and has encountered different events. It is important to behave and strive for our dreams so that they can be achieved. When a person wants something so strong, he does his best to fulfill his dream and to be satisfied with himself. We must be strong and able to overcome the difficulties that fate gives us. Life is not easy now. Everyone strives to achieve their dreams, goals and desires, but in a different way. Some make it easy, others are harder, but the most important thing is to be happy with what we are striving for. Dreams are part of our own world. They fill us with happiness and enable us to be as we dream. In our lives they are a dream. Not always come true because there are many impossible and unachievable dreams. In my world, I set goals and strive to achieve them. When one achieves what he has been striving for all his life, he is satisfied and happy. Goals in life are achievable, but they depend only on us. When we give ourselves all that is possible. Dreams, goals and desires build human life. Not everything in my world is the way I want it. Not everything is good and not everything is what I want. The world stays on balance. If there is no evil there can not be good, so both good and bad things happen. Life is not perfect, but I like it because it's mine.

Freedom is what everyone needs. It enables us to study, learn and develop in our own world. It is a responsibility, because the decisions we make are difficult and they precede the consequences. We are all afraid of what is ahead, because no one can say what will happen to us after a day, a week, a month, or a year. It is precisely the skills, knowledge and determination that make us people. People who know, know and decide what to do with their own world. Everyone is responsible for himself and learns while he is alive. One can be a leader who wants to lead and challenge the one who disagrees with his thinking. I often look around and see things I want to ignore. We can not change what happens, because there is a reason for everything. Each of us would like to live in a pink world without problems where only what we dream about happens. But this is not possible in mine and in yours. We are responsible for our own actions and if we do not like it, that means that it is perhaps in ourselves. Yet no one can tell the other what to do, how to live, because we ourselves bear responsibility for our actions. We must struggle and deal with all the difficulties that life gives us, whether it will be difficult or easy for us to achieve what we strive for. To be able to make the right choice for our future and to be happy. Just as Socrates has claimed that the world is just what we do. We build it ourselves. We do not have to reach the apogee of our existence to realize it. We have to be reconciled with its real appearance because we have created it, no matter what it is - difficult or easy, beautiful or ugly, happy or unhappy, good or bad. My world is the world in which I myself have chosen to live. These are my decisions, interests and way of life. I do not want to be a reflection of others, DAS MANA of society. My dreams and goals are meaningful, and when I fight for them I continue to live and live. I myself bear responsibility for the mistakes I make, but this is my life. I want to be myself because it's me, my world. The world, which is vast and unachievable. Perhaps we will never be able to explain it, to unravel its secret. That is why we have to accept it as it is, complex, dynamic, contradictory, sometimes unfair. But our world, my world, the world - that's all here.

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Good thoughts mr. @cocachoo!

Thanks Flesh

I love asking myself, "Who Am I?"
and then responding with, "Who is asking?"

Cloudy Head...jpg

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