How I lost MY Favorite Barber 😥

in #story6 years ago


A good barber is hard to find. When you do find him or her you cherish them for the rest of your life. I remember my first experiences having my hair cut by my mom. It was terrifying!

About 10 years ago I decided to go bald. It was sort of a "cool thing" back then. But I was fed up of the fact that I was losing my hair.

It was very challenging to find a barber to shave my head. It seemed that it was just a few people that knew how to use a razor on a bald head.
After a bad day at the wrong barbershop a few days later I would have little small rashes growing at the back of my head.

So when I finally found a good Barber I cherish them!
Moving to Europe was a challenge to find a barber. Most of the barbers used electronic machines but I wanted was looking for someone who used the razor.

After months of searching for a good barber I finally found one.

His name was Bruno.

Bruno was a pleasant kind Italian man. Maybe to earn my trust or to have me as a new customer, he offered to cut my hair almost for free. He did such a good job that ever since that time I returned to him for the last 2 years.


Bruno taught me Italian as I tried to help him in Spanish and English. I always looked forward to these moments.

Our conversations were usually about life, the Italian culture, Swiss culture, and traveling to the Caribbean.

One day Bruno mention to me that he was retiring. I never really took him seriously.
Unfortunately the day arrived when it was Bruno's last day. It took me completely by surprise.

As I walked into the barbershop I realized that he was little bit different. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was overwhelmed with customers and he didn't have lunch. So asked him how he was doing.
Bruno seemed to be sad.
Completely forgetting that this was his last day of work I said, *Hey Bruno what's up, you look so sad!"
Reluctantly he responded "I'm sad because I'm retiring after 54 years as baber. This is my last day."
He then said jokingly, "well now I have to spend the rest of my time home with my wife!"

" I will be doing some traveling a little bit here and there. I'm really looking for this."

Don't seem so positive and optimistic. Yet it was a sad moment for him. What can or do to cheer him up? The feelings of sadness also swell through my body. My favorite Barber won't be available for me anymore.

Then I thought maybe I can take this opportunity to write a little bit off his journey as a barber.

Here's our conversation;

Me"How long have you been barber?"

Bruno. "54 years"

Me "Why did you choose this career?"

Bruno. " I started working at 12 years old. Cutting hair was the only available job at that time so I took it and it ended up being my lifelong career"

Me "Any regrets?"

Bruno "No I've had memorable experiences. I enjoyed meeting with different people and talking to them. I'm just sad that it's finally come to an end"

During this interview I couldn't help for feeling sad with Bruno. He's really kind and passionate person.
I wish him the best of success, exchange numbers and promised that I'll visit him one day.

So I enjoyed my last haircut with him.


Sometimes we don't pay attention to the people that ** influence our lives on a daily basis** They may seem so insignificant.
The mail man, garbage man, the school janitor.
We may take it for granted that they'll always be there. However this is so far away from the truth. Something we only miss them when something bad happens to them. It's that sad? These people play such a vital part in our lives and Society. However they are sometimes I just ignored.

Why not take the time today to give gratitude to the people that may seem insignificant in the world eyes.

Maybe we can write them a thank you note a card. This kind of communication seems to be old-fashioned. But it's still one of the best ways to communicate and show us how we really feel about them.


When was the last time you showed gratitude to?

How did it make you feel inside?

Do you think it's worth it?

Waiting for your comments.🙂

Talk to you soon,

Caribbeanmon, 👊🏾


Nice story and two very distinguished looking bald men!

This was a great story and I really enjoyed reading and submitting to the @buildawhale team. You shared a great message with your followers, and I loved it. Great work!

Thanks @michaelluchies, I really appreciate you are support 👍🏾

No problem, keep up the great work!

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale team and mentioned here:

Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

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