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RE: Tesla Model 3 Test Drive ~ I’ve Just Experienced The Future

in #story5 years ago

I understand your enthusiasm, however, you are not driving a car of the future, you driving a car that should have been built in the 80s.

The Tesla is built out of a book published in the 1970s.

And the autonomous driving feature would never be used by me. It is just fine 99% of the time, but that 1% it does the exact wrong thing. When you look into the actual programming and get the real stuff, not the fluff you find out things like, current self driving programs ignore bikes, because they cannot accurately plot their direction. Further, they have a problem of tagging an object (bum) as street furniture, and then panic when not moving thing, begins moving.

And for you, in Minnesota, batteries lose voltage and power when cold. So, your fully charged batteries go from 100% to 33% in a snow storm.

Lastly, we have had diesel electric trains for all of our adult lives. Because they just perform that much better. We have also had turbines that are much more efficient then ICEs, but never had a transmission. That we haven't built turbine-electric cars yet is beyond me.


The Tesla is built out of a book published in the 1970s.



Again, you ask me something i can never answer.
Although, i can go to the exact spot in a five story library and pull the book off the shelf.

But, it was something like, How to build an electric car.

You have a funny memory, you can go to the exact spot to find a book in a library apparently full of books, yet you can't remember its name. :-)


Yes, my memory is quite odd compared to most peoples.
And is no end of problems when trying to relate knowledge.

Proving that you know something, in our society, is almost completely based on names.

Like, if i could say, "Jung said, x,y,z..." then everyone would nod sagely,
but if i said, i read "x,y,z..." people are skeptical, and when they ask, who wrote it, and i answer, it was in this big book. It was 74.33% of the way through it, and it was on the right hand page, 3/4s of the way down... then they just look at me like i am insane. (and that my information is useless)

I agree, much of the tech used to make the Teslas has been suppressed for decades. We still have a way to go before the autonomous driving feature is as good as a human driver in all instances but they're making some quick advancements. Our salesperson said it'll be about a year before they get full approval but Elon Musk said the same thing 3-4 years ago and it hasn't happened yet. Time will tell.

They actually have battery coolers/heaters that cycle off/on keep the battery bank in an optimal temperature range now despite weather conditions. If parked outside in extreme cold you'll lose some battery life from this but supposedly there aren't the steep drops in power that people used to experience.

I saw Jay Leno has a turbine car, it looked really interesting!

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