Untitled Story - Chapter 4

in #story7 years ago


Chapter 4:

She waltzed through the door, almost gliding. Her movement was graceful, yet, with a frolicking bounce to it. Her poised gate was abruptly halted as she breached the door; her nose wrinkled. Joel slowly closed his eyes and emitted a quiet groan. “What is-” “Mildew...” Joel interjected before she could finish. “Yeah, apparently the upstairs pipes are leaking... Just one more thing the landlord won’t tend to. Sorry about that.” She rolls her eyes sympathetically. “It’s okay. I’m just here for a little bit, but you have to live in it!” Joel snarks, “Maybe that’s why I’ve gone mad.” A giggle bubbles up from Stacey, which brings a smile to Joel’s face. “A smile? Now, there’s a rare sight!” she exclaims as she reaches up to nudge Joel’s shoulder. He scratches his head, “I’ve actually been doing that a lot, lately.” “Careful,” she replies “or people might get the idea that you’re happy, or something.” “Hey, I’m not UN-happy or anything” Joel remarks. “I just need a reason to BE happy (and you being here is plenty reason).”

The last part was in his head. That was far too common, he thought. There was always a comment unsaid, a move unmade... They were what he had come to refer to as “low testosterone moments”. The fact of the matter was that he WAS unhappy; and deep down he knew these moments of indecision were the cause. They were the reason he didn’t take action and make his landlord tend to his duties; they were the reason his job (when it existed) sucked; and it was the reason he was deeply entrenched in the “friend zone” with Stacey. But, no longer; it was time for a change... He would, right here, right now, become the bold go-getter that sees what he wants in life and takes it... Just... not with her... the timing wasn’t right. What if he said the wrong thing? What if she rejected his advance? What if she thought he was too old? Apparently, today was not the day for a change, after all.

“Come in, and have a seat.”He gestured toward the couch. “I can get you something to drink if you like. Water... O-J... I think I might have some beer. You’re old enough to drink, now, right?” She donned a wry sneer and wriggled her head from side to side. “Yes, I’m old enough to drink” she replied, imitating his voice with a decidedly dopier tone. “But I’m fine, thank you for offering.” She pranced over to the couch and sat down much as a bird, lighting on a window sill. She looked up with her signature happy expression with her hands resting on her lap. “I guess you came by for these” Joel got the bag of hand exercising tools. “Oh, thank you.” she said, as he handed her the bag. “I was by earlier this morning, but you weren’t home. Are you back to work already?” “No.” he replied “I had to go see the lawyer about my workman’s comp claim... They said I’m basically S.O.L.”

Stacey’s expression contorts from a shy friendly glance to one of shock and disbelief. “What!? Why’s that?” “Some sneaky corporate B.S.” he says as he loosely tosses his hands up. Stacey’s look intensifies. “You seem to be dealing with it better than I’d expect. Are you... OK?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” Joel pauses introspectively. “I’m actually glad it worked out like this.” He paused again and nodded his head confidently. “The lawyer said something that got me thinking. I deserve better... I’m leaving that shit-hole!” Stacey blushed, her already wide eyes widening even further. “Oh! Sorry, excuse my language...” Joel was now blushing more so than her. “An innocent church-going girl like her shouldn’t be subjected to such coarse language!” he silently reprimanded himself. “It’s alright.” she says as she smiles and pats him on the knee, which causes his pulse to elevate. “I can see you’re really enthusiastic about your decision, so I’m really happy to hear you say it.”

“Hey,” Joel changes the subject “Gabe said something was up with your grandmother... How is she?” “Oh, she’s fine... She just needs help around the house, now and then. I think she just wants some company. It’s still less than a year since Old Stoic passed...” “Old Stoic” he repeated the name to himself in his head. It was such an odd thing to call one’s grandfather. From anyone else it would have come across as irreverent, but when she said it, it was clear that this was more than just a funny nick name... It was a title. And any time she said his name, it was easy to see a deep well of admiration in her eyes. “You always make him sound like someone I would have liked to meet.” “Oh, he was a force!” she exclaimed as her eyes began to glisten. “He was absolutely immovable. And, even though you never quite knew how he was feeling, you always just knew that you were loved... And he was SO wise!.. If you had a problem, he always seemed to have the perfect advice.”

As she continued on, heaping praise recounting tales, she would occasionally wipe away a stray tear. Joel was hanging on every word; and, not because the girl he liked was talking. This was a truly interesting man. He had lived his life with purpose and conviction. This was what Joel was striving for. “If only I’d had the chance to meet this man... to learn from him.” He thought. “This is the type of person I need to become!” He had amassed a small fortune, invested, and lost it all; and made it all back... Twice! He had taken his family on wilderness adventures. On one camping trip, he stared down a pack of hungry wolves. He went deep sea fishing and caught a great-white shark. At one time in his life he even owned and operated his own tank!

By the time she had begun to wind down with her stories, it was nearly Nine O’clock. Joel noticed a sensation building up from within. “I think I’m starting to get hungry.” he says. “Let’s go get some food!” “I don’t know...” she replies as she looks down an away “It’s getting pretty late.” “Yeah, you’re right’ he says to her as she stands and heads for the door. This was how it was going to be... one more wasted opportunity? “You’re just going to let her go again? Is this how Old Stoic would have acted in this situation... let life pass him by?..” “I had fun.” she says as the turns the knob to open the door. “You DID have fun... and so did I!” Joel stands up as straight and tall as he had earlier that day in the lawyer’s office; this time, though, consciously and of his own volition. “I had a late lunch and I’m getting pretty hungry, so you must be starving... C’mon with me and I’ll get you something to eat. She looks up contemplatively for a second or two and opens the door wide them both to exit. “OK.” She says as he smiles and proceeds to whisk her down the hall to the street below. The nearby bistro where he had lunch would be closing soon, but there was no shortage of diners and various other eateries that were open late within walking distance.

They happened upon a small restaurant that looked pleasing and went in. The hostess seated them in short order, as the place wasn’t very crowded. “Don’t worry, about the small crowd... I hear the food’s good here.” Joel reassures her. “Are you sure you can afford this...” Stacy asks. “...since your company’s not going to pay you for the time you’ve been out?” “It’s fine...” Joel replies “I have some money I’ve been saving stashed away for emergencies like this one. I just need to start looking for something new tomorrow.” The truth was that he was going to have to visit the pawn shop to hock some of his stuff to make rent after this, but he didn’t mind. He was out with her. It was worth it. He’d sell all of his stuff for a moment like this. “Of course...” he thought “I could always tell the land lord I refuse to pay until he fixes the pipes... No, too bold. This is good for now... baby steps.”

By the time they finished their meal and got the bill it was just past 11:30. They head outside and he hails her a cab. “I really had a lot of fun tonight. We should do this more often.” remarks Joel. She nods with a slight giggle. Their eyes lock. Tension fills the air. He slowly leans in and gives her a big... hug. “Kiss her, you oaf! KISS HER!!” his mind screams. She smiles and gets in the cab “Yeah, we do need to do this again.” She closes the do and the cab drives off. “Baby steps...” he repeats to himself aloud “baby steps.”

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