Blackballed By The Cops. A True Life Story 10 b
Hey guys! Welcome back for yet another chapter in this train wreck I call life. This section is a part 2 to the story of where I had bad experiences with unprofessional cops. If you missed the first part, I recommend that you read it first to catch up to speed.
Now that I've gone to court and taken care of this charge, I can move on with my life, right? Wrong! Remember me saying something about the truck that I was driving and that it would come in to play later on?
Have you ever heard the term "Blackballed by the cops"? Well, I'm speaking from experience and I'm here to tell you that it's a real thing and I was very much a victim of it back in the 90's.
I couldn't go anywhere in my truck without being harassed by this particular police department. My truck was unique in the area at that time and I also had personalized tags so I was very easy to spot out of a crowd. Big sound systems were huge during this decade and the Bandit may have had a little thumpity thump thump in the extended cab of his truck. The police was trigger happy on dishing out tickets for loud music, it was crazy. I had a remote control for my stereo and I constantly drove around with it in my hand with my thumb on the mute button just in case I spotted five-o creepin.
One day on the weekend, me and a few of my buddies were all driving our separate vehicles to the car wash just off of the strip. It was only like three or four of us total and we all had beefed up systems in our rides. I've always been a defensive driver. I always constantly scan my surroundings for whatever could be a hazard or possible eye candy. I happened to notice two patrol cruisers parked at a gas station about a tenth of a mile from where we were at and we were driving towards them. I automatically muted my stuff and tapped my lights for the car behind me to warn them. As we passed by, the two officers looked at me as if I had just committed a felony. They jumped in their cruisers and here they come, passed my buddy and now their up on my ass so close that I'm afraid to even think about touching the brakes. Sure enough, the blue lights come on and I pull over. I ask the officer politely what I have done and he advised me that I was in violation of the noise ordinance. I tilted my head to the side and said "I'm sorry sir, but I saw you at the service station before you saw me and that wasn't my stereo that you heard." The officer asked me if I was calling him a liar and I told him no but I do think that you are mistaken.
Needless to say, I got a ticket and guess what? It was a misdemeanor also! This comes in to play as well later on after I get hired.
Two misdemeanors down and behind me and I'm like damn son, I'm really a good guy but I'm racking up a rap sheet here lol. The next week on like a Friday night, my girlfriend and I had gotten in to an argument and I was pretty upset. I was supposed to go to work that night but I had about an hour to kill so I went to a public park to chill by myself for a few minutes. At this park, there is a huge rock just sitting next to the parking lot in the grass. I climbed up on the rock and just sat there trying to calm down before time to go in to work.
Wouldn't you know it, here comes one of my buddies in blue to check to see how I'm doing. He gets out of his car and shines his light in my eyes and asks what I'm doing. I told him exactly what I was doing, I had nothing to hide. He gets on his radio and the next the I know, there's three more cops surrounding me! I was like, "What is going on here?" Another cop asks me the same questions and I told him the exact same thing. I honestly felt intimidated as hell and didn't know what was going to happen next. At the time I lived in Virginia but worked in North Carolina so my tags and license was Virginia issued. One of the cops asked with an attitude what my Virginia ass was doing down here. I told him that I work down here. He told me that maybe I should go back to Virginia and think about not coming back across the line. When he said that, chills ran up my spine and I almost started to panic. I couldn't get to my truck because they were standing between me and it. I turned and looked at a service station that was about 2/10th of a mile away and saw a friend of mine. I was so relieved! I started walking towards the service station. I told the cops that I had to go to work and didn't say anything else.
I get over to the gas station and I see Chris getting in to his truck. He could tell something wasn't right and asked what was wrong. I told him what had happened and he couldn't believe it. We waited until they left and he dropped me off so I could get my truck.
After that, I changed my license plate hoping that would take me off of their radar. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not but I never had anymore problems out of them. All of this bs stemmed from that asshole off duty probation officer that didn't know how to use tact while dealing with the public.
These two sub-chapters describing my bad experiences with cops is not meant in any way to cast a shadow over law enforcement as a whole. Law enforcement was a lot different in the 90's than it is today. I'm not making excuses for the officers because they were wrong in their actions and I stand behind that 100%. But times have changed and law enforcement has become more and more efficient at weeding out the bad apples. Sure, there's a shit load of more bad apples out there, but there's a lot more good ones than bad ones. And it's NOTHING like it was back in the 90's. Technology is doing a wonderful job at keeping everyone at bay. I just didn't want to turn this in to a cop bashing thread is all.
This wraps up my sub-chapters of my criminal life lol. In my next installments I will be getting back on point with rookie school progress and such. If you haven't read any of my law enforcement stories, I will post the links at the bottom. Thank you! @bluelightbandit
First post:
Second post:
Third post:
Fourth post:
Fifth post:
Sixth post:
Seventh post:
Eighth post
Ninth post:
Tenth Post:
Bad Cops 10 a
@bluelightbandit i have followed your work from the last episode and i must say it interesting.
For today subject matter Blackballed By The Cops. and your experience in the 90s. Your experience i believe has giving you a lot lesson and know how to handle this folks.
Studying the law and what the books say will also give you an edge over them as most time they tend to exploit the ignorance of the unknowing public.
I could write from now till eternity bro but i want to say that your write up has impacted me alot.
This one especially..
Thank you so much for leaving such a great comment, I really appreciate it! Your words are true. My life lessons and experiences molded me in to who I am today and also helped me become one of the good cops out there instead of one of the bad apples that I wrote about today. Thank you again!
Wow! You are an incredible person and I am happy to be able to say that I know you...exceptional story.
PS: I had to work at HOO in the 90s...too small to make it into the big leagues...but do not feel sorry for my plight....because I am actually having a good (wee) chuckle about this . You see, in 20 years+/- most hooters can no longer defy gravity. Not a problem in hoo-ville. Always looking on the bright side of life. ;D
I'm not sure where to start on this, madam. Might as well start at the top and work my way down. That method has always worked for me in the past.
It's really nice to hear you say that to me and I am honored. I also feel the same about you as I'm sure you well know.
The last part cracked me up and that's all I have to say about that at this point 😎
Glad that I could help to put a wee smile on that face of yours. ;D
I'm really curious to find out if he ever recognised you during training and if you ever talked about it with him later.. I would have harboured such a grudge against that guy.
I think the cops here think they are still living in the 60's and can get away with a lot of stuff. They really like harassing the foreigners. Figure they can get big bribes to augment their wages (which, I have to agree are pitiful)
That's bad to hear unfortunately. With technology the way it is with being able to record video in an instant, I'm surprised they try those tactics. The pay is horrible and I'm ashamed to even tell anyone how much I made. But I didn't do it for the money either.
That's great you was able to keep your cool and navigate out of the ordeal. I myself have had some bad cop experiences. One incident I really felt I was gonna be killed.
No way! I hate to hear that man.
Perhaps I'll tell you the full story on what happened. This happened in 1990 in Greensboro On I-85 by State Troopers( there were two of them) it was terrifying.
I would love to hear about it sometime! I know several Troopers in N.C. but only a few of them were active back then. If you have a case number, I can probably look it up and see who it was.
Nah, I never reported it.
This brings back memories. I had a lot of the same experiences in the 90s. Probably not as bad as this, but similar.
I was part of a car club. Once, we were on our way to a show which started the next morning. We stopped at a hotel to see if they had vacancy. They didn't. We started to leave (naturally) and 3 cops showed up and blocked us in. They wanted to know what we were doing.
We were like, "Dude, there's no vacancy." and I'll never forget the blank look on the cop's face. The 90s were strange times.
You're absolutely right, the 90's were some strange times for sure!
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Oh 😅 . child is so cute. Thanks sir for sharing this. Who is this child sir?