Sinful Proposition - a NSFW Erotica Story

in #story7 years ago


This story contains graphic sexual content and violence including forced consent, reluctant sex and extreme violence. All characters engaging in sex are 18+

Adults only. Not for sensitive readers.


The young secretary passed Sam and desperately tried to tug her short black skirt back in presentable order. She smiled shyly when she passed Sam and the look on her make-up smeared face told the whole picture. Not that it surprised Sam or anybody else working there. Instead, Sam gazed at the picture of her child taken on the final season game of last year’s T-ball.

I wish your dad could see how amazing you have become; Sam thought and struggled to choke back the lump that formed in her throat. Michael’s cancer had taken him away from her and Travis a mere eight months after their son had been born. Michael’s mother, distant with Sam to begin with, had completely alienated herself from her daughter-in-law and only grandson. It was tough and months past where Sam had no idea how she would provide for them, the medical bills a constant source of concern. Neither the lack of family support, nor the fact that she only had a high school diploma, deterred her from being the best she can be. Only after months of doing odd temporary jobs did she land a Personal Assistant position at one of the top Investment firms in the city.

Each day working in the impressive office was both a curse and a Godsend; it kept food on the table and a meager roof over their heads, but there were major issues in inter-office relations.

Sam sighed, her gaze leaving the picture and finding the computer screen. The spreadsheet was already open and she knew she had to finish this report before going home to her son.

Only a few more hours, and then you can leave and go get him from the daycare. It was the best part of the day, getting to shut down her computer and packing her bag, made her feel free from the imaginary chains that bound her to the damn desk all day.

Slowly, the office cleared out. Sam was as always one of the last employees there. Owing to the fact that she had to drop Travis off at school in the mornings, and staying late was her way of making up the time. Even though it meant paying for an after-school daycare. The director was patient and understanding about Travis and Sam’s case, but that sympathy didn’t extend to how much it cost to keep him in the after-school program. She rubbed her eyes and tried to ignore the pounding headache at her temple.


“Well hello Sam, looking beautiful as always.”

The greasy, too-pleasant voice made the fine hairs on her neck stand up.

“Mr. Mason,” Sam replied cordially and pretended to be deeply involved in her work. He possessed features that many women would find very attractive but apart from a male model-looking face and broad athletic build he was just plain slimy. He’d hit on any woman, including her, in public; but he would do it just subtly enough that no one could technically call it sexual harassment. Still, she couldn’t stand him, and neither could any of the other women who worked in their department.

“Please, take a break from working. I have something I need to discuss with you,” he said while deliberately sitting on her table, legs spread seductively so that his large crotch was directly in her view. Just one of the many subtle tricks he did daily.

Trepidation flooded her senses. She met his eyes and thought she might see just a hint of sympathy hidden in their dark depths.

“Yes sir?” Sam answered her voice came out as little more than a squeak. Questions raced through her mind to what she could have done wrong. She never took time off unless Travis was sick, never left early, never asked for the extra hours of overtime that should be due to her. He sighed heavily and leaned forward towards her.

“Well, Sam, I will cut to the chase. The company is cutting back. You know how it is with the economy and whatnot. Certain departments have been seen as having too many employees to do the amount of work that they are assigned, and we are one of them. I know this is hard, considering you’ve been working for us for nearly five years, but there’s really nothing that I can do,” he said and through it all he never made any attempt for eye contact.

Short, straight, and to the point. Sam wondered if this was what getting stabbed felt like. She felt as though she were watching herself have this conversation with her boss, and for the moment the feeling of it happening to someone else and not her was all that kept her from going absolutely hysterical.

“But, Mr. Mason, I have a kid at home?” Sam said after a while and was surprised how normal sounding the words came from her dry mouth. It also sounded like every dumb movie that the female lead in this situation said, but it didn’t matter. It was the truth. “This job is our livelihood. I have been a model employee for you…why am I the one being let go?” she concluded, her eyes still searching for his.

Mr. Mason took a moment to consider her, as if trying to find the right words to say so as to not hurt her feelings.

As if the jerk really cared. He was barely thirty with some trust fund Ivy-league education. Why on earth she called him Mr. Mason was always a mystery, especially in light of the conversation they were having.

Eventually his eyes found her and in a monotonous tone he said, “I know you have been and please call me Marcus. I am sorry about your son. But chances are you will be able to find another job making money for you and your son to live off of.”

Sam was close to crying. “Who wants to hire a thirty-three-year-old woman? Most places want the younger kids who they can train in a certain career path, and you know that! I’d be lucky to get a job waiting tables or being a telemarketer!” She suddenly realized that this was exactly why they were letting her go. She was the oldest member of their department, and all of these younger kids had exceptional computer and personal skills. She could work the program basics that were needed for her job, but that was about it. Not to mention the likes of the secretary who suck their dicks.

“There’s nothing wrong with waiting tables,” Marcus tried to start gently.

“Yes, nothing except the fact that there’s no way that I could do that and cover my rent, our insurance, our grocery bill and the countless other things that we need!” Sam shouted harder than she had ever done before. She was now bordering on hysteria, now that the shock had worn off. She could not afford to be laid-off. There was no way for them to survive if she did.

Marcus lingered a while and left the tension hung heavy in the air.

Slowly, Sam got up from her chair and not sure what to say and do next, just sat back again when she felt there was no energy left inside her legs.

“Well what if you had a... kicker, per se? Something to start you off or that you could dip into from time to time if need be?” Marcus suddenly said.

His words caught her attention. “What? Like some kind of bonus for being laid off? I doubt it would be enough even to help us through the first few weeks,” she replied. “Can you at least let me continue working until I have had time to find another job?”

“I’m sorry Sam, but the layoff is effective immediately. I didn’t want to tell you with everyone else in the office.” Marcus said.

Sam wanted to hit him, to yell at him, to blame him for everything in her life that had gone wrong. Instead, she silently fumed, wondering what she was going to do.

“And besides, the kicker that I am offering you isn’t company funded.” he continued.

Sam glared sharply at him. “And I am supposed to believe that out of the generosity of your heart, you’re just going to give me this extra money?” she hissed. Sam realized she was being rude but no longer cared. What did this young buck know anyway? What right did he have to come in here and lay her off without notice, without any real concern?

“Now wait a minute,” Marcus responded with a crooked smile while stroking his chin thoughtfully. “I didn’t say the money would just be handed over to you.”

Sam crossed her arms defiantly, “What do you want?”

“To put it simply... I want you, Sam.”

When the words left his mouth, she shook her head. “Excuse me?” she asked indignantly, still not sure that she heard him correctly. Surely this was a joke? Maybe there is some hidden camera somewhere and all of this would be some office prank.

But the last thought came crashing down when Marcus leaned closer and stroked the enormous bulge between his legs. “You have to admit, you’re a very attractive woman,” he whispered and twisted her hair, curling it.

Sam tried to yank it away, but he would not let go, and he ended up pulling a small lock away from the rest of her head. She yelped at the pain.

“Go to hell!” she shouted and with panics, anger and some unknown emotions pumping through her body, she started gathering her things.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Sam.”

His voice crept up on her, snaking its way into her conscious.

“What are you going to tell your little boy when he asks why you won’t feed him? Or why he can’t have new clothes like his other friends?” Marcus said.

Sam felt tears welling up in her eyes and never wanted her baby to experience those things. It was the one promise she made to herself that Travis at least would never have needs that went unmet. With her losing her job, how long did she expect to be able to keep doing that for him? She squared her shoulders and turned to face Marcus.

“What do you want? Like a date or something?” she asked and was immediately disappointed in the treble in her voice.

“Oh, come on!” he said, laughing harshly in a clear attempt to make her feel inadequate.

New waves of anger and humiliation flushed over her face, staining it bright red.

“Come on honey look at me. I have no problem getting a date. I don’t need an escort. That I can buy any day. No, just plain and simple, no strings attached. I want one night of fucking you. Just to know what it’s like.”

Sam looked at him incredulously, thinking that her dinner might come back up. It wasn’t that he was unattractive, but his demeanor made him so very unlikable. Not to mention the thought of prostituting herself out - sleeping with him for money - made her feel disgusted and weak.


He took in her hesitation. “You don’t seriously think I’m the only one that’s wondered about it, do you? You are a fucking babe!” he said and whistled softly, while studding her ballerina framed body.

Sam could not utter a single word and stood there grinding her teeth, as she watched him continue his conversation in a perfectly blasé manner, as though they were talking about the weather.

Marcus continued. “We talk about it all the time, the other executives and me. You might even be surprised at which ones have fantasies about you. You will definitely be surprised what they would do to you if they ever get the chance!” he finished and moved closer to her.

Sam was backed into a corner wall before she realized he had entrapped her. His hot breath cascaded in waves down her neck and near her ear.

“We all want a piece of your tight little ass,” he whispered, grabbing her butt as he said it. “Shit you’re amazing... a thirty some odd year-old woman with the body of a teenager. I wonder if that cunt is just as sweet as the rest of you?”

His lips trailed along her neck. She turned her head, refusing to be sucked into this.

“Come on. I bet you’ve got a real wildcat personality stored up underneath all that tightly wound attitude. And imagine what you could do with ten thousand dollars?”

He let the sentence trail off, and she honestly found the idea of the money more seductive than him. That alone, if she stretched it, could last a couple of months.

Marcus wrinkled the fabric of her skirt, pushing it upwards aggressively. Apparently, he wasn’t waiting for an answer.

Sam grabbed his hand and waited until his eyes found hers. “You swear you’ll give me the money?”

“You’ll walk out of here with it tonight,” he assured her.

Sam closed her eyes. “Get it over with then.” she whispered and felt him lean in towards her, felt his muscular body pushing up against her own.

He laughed a low and deep sound that shook her to her core. “Don’t be that way. You might as well enjoy it.”

“Like I’d enjoy sleeping with a horny boss just to get money. Yeah, all right.” Her words displayed a toughness that she herself didn’t really feel.

He replied nothing, but drew his finger along her moist cleft, making her shiver with an unwanted pleasure.

“Not enjoying it, huh? You seem like you are in to me,” Marcus said and continued lifting her skirt up.

Sam only managed a stun silence and for a moment the shocking image of kissing him ran through her mind. But she would never. It didn’t matter that his brown hair was perfectly tousled, or that she could feel his shaft pressed up against her leg through the slim fabric of his slacks. This man had just fired her not half an hour earlier. He bit the tip of her ear, more than enough to turn her on, sending a wave of pain through her hyped-up senses.

Then he whispered so that the warmth of his breath breezed into her ears. “One more thing... I get to do whatever I want to you if you agree to this.” He nipped her ear again.

A sickening feeling that she was going to regret this ran down her spine, but she also knew there was no other way to provide for her son. She felt as though her voice would shake and betray her fear and desire, so she simply nodded.

Marcus growled once, a sign that his desire was just as strong, if not stronger than hers. He picked her up from her position where she had been flattened against the wall and began to carry her to his office. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and finally gave into the desire to kiss him. He kissed her back full force, and she couldn’t see, think or feel anything besides the heat radiating from his body. She vaguely noticed that he had sat her down on a surface. After a moment, she realized that it was his desk. His kisses became more intense, and the gentleness that he had displayed earlier when he was trying to turn her on was completely gone. He bit down hard on her lip and she tried to push him away. He drew back and she could see that his lip had a small ring of scarlet from where her own blood had stained him.

“What?” he asked impatiently.

She just looked back at him.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be so rough,” he laughed, without any real humor but when she did not respond his face turned stern. “Look Sam, I’ve got an appetite, a dark one, and it’s not every day that it gets to be filled. So, either let me do what I want, or there’s the damn door. You’re welcome to it.”

The words drifted in and out of her and Sam didn’t move a muscle. Did not even so much as blink.

Marcus continued, “This is your choice, one hundred percent. But if you tell me to keep going this time, next time I’m not stopping.”

Sam never thought that she would have sunk to this. She imagined that Michael was watching her now and she knew that she could have never justified this to him if he were here. But he wasn’t here. And Travis needed someone to supply the things he needed. So, what if Marcus was a little rough? She could tough it out. He wanted a wildcat? She’d give him a damn wildcat.

“Come on then, do what you want with me,” she said, motioning for him to come back into close range of her bodies. To prove that she was no longer feeling reluctant, she pulled him hard by the shoulders and ground her nearly uncovered crotch again the front of his slacks.

“That’s more like it,” Marcus replied and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her so close that she thought she might suffocate.

After a few more moments, however, it was clear that kissing was not enough anymore. She thought he might get some satisfaction of trying to rip her shirt off, but she wanted to have clothing to walk out of the office in. So instead she slipped it nimbly over her head, exposing her chest, cupped in a lacy black scrap of satin that could barely pass for a bra.

Marcus took a good long look at them, his hands resting on her lap. He undid the small clasp at the front, letting her breasts swing free, before taking them in his hands and kneading them. It was a little painful but so far, she could handle the roughness. The first sense when he bit into her nipple was muck more painful, but it also brought with it, a smaller, underlying feeling of pleasure. Perhaps she hadn’t completely worn out her taste for roughness after all.

Marcus slammed her back against the surface of his desk, making her hit her head in the process. He took no notice of the small injury, but instead went to work sliding off her underwear and skirt. She lay before him, totally exposed and naked, while he was still fully dressed.

What is he waiting for? She wondered and struggled to control her own breathing.

“Not chickening out now, are you Marcus?” she taunted after a while and immediately was angered by her stupidity. She should not taunt him. He may have hesitations but that didn’t mean the prevailing sense of menace and authority that surrounded him would be squashed out by one or two minor doubts.

“You want me to give it to you?” he asked. “You want to feel me inside you?” His words were harsh, and he probably intended them to be sexy. But instead they just came out threatening.

“Yes,” Sam replied.


He undid his pants, presenting the biggest cock she has ever seen and without so much as a warning, he granted her request. The first thrust was deep into her core. It was raw, it was rough and yet she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop. He went again and again, each time seeming as if he was trying to go ever deeper into her cervix. She could feel her walls tighten around him, taking him again and again. He was holding on to her leg so hard that she felt it already bruising.

Sam screamed for him to keep going. He acquiesced, and proceeded to drive into her ever harder and faster. She felt herself reaching her climax, and then cared no more for selling herself out to him, when a sensation of pleasure so fierce hit her that she thought she might literally have fallen over from it if she hadn’t already been laying on the desk. She thought he had gone too, until she realized that other than her own, there was no wet warmth inside of her, no proof that he had released himself.
“Turn around,” he ordered her back to reality, panting heavily from his efforts. Doggie-style was not something Sam engaged in often, only in the most heated of moments. She supposed this counted as one of those, but she would have rather it been her idea instead of his forcefulness that pushed them to this point. However, she obliged, because after all, her other romantic sessions had never had such a monetary weight hanging over them either. He traced his fingers along the cup of her butt and into her folds, making her moan, and the heat build all over again. She expected to feel the length of him plunge full force into her depths again, but instead he began to push into another spot on her.

“What are you doing?” she hissed at him.

“I told you I had an appetite I didn’t get filled often. Most women aren’t into anal…but with you…I can have whatever I want.” Marcus answered.

He started to stroke her backside and dangled the head of his penis around her butt-hole. It felt to large to fit and before she had a chance to prepare he forced himself deep into her rectum. Nerve ending split and was put on fire. She wanted to yell. Begged him to stop, that this was too much, too painful, but she knew if she did she wouldn’t get her money. She might not even be able to get him to stop. It felt like her insides were being torn apart as he pushed further, harder into a place she had never intended for him to go. While the other sex had been rough, it was also pleasurable. This… this was torture. She felt tears streaming down her face, and was glad that she faced away from him. He grabbed her ass tightly, his nails raking her soft skin, getting a better hold so he could drive himself deeper. She screamed, unable to contain the pain inside her any longer. She sank to the desk, folding in on herself while he continued to pump away behind her. Every movement was agony, and she cried out again and again. She knew that he knew the difference in her screams. The sickest part was that he was getting off on her pain. She could tell by the way he was moaning and pushing faster.

He slapped her ass, bringing a new sensation of pain, causing her to move for the first time.

“Do it again, baby. Move like that!” he shouted in frenzy.

Sam didn’t, but instead stayed stock still. He slapped her ass again, determined to make her move. It was an involuntary motion, but he seemed to like it, the way her distorted movement felt against his shaft as he entered her thrusting. Just when she thought she reached her breaking point, she felt a difference in his movements. They were more urgent now, as though he was fighting to let loose of all his sexual drives. He took both hands away from her backside and instead bent over her, forcefully grabbing her breasts and shoving them into his hands. She could feel the whiskers on his chin rubbing soft spots on her back raw as he thrust ferociously into her ass. Finally, his movements became slower. One, two, three more deep thrusts and she felt him release himself.


Her insides were raw and sore. Sam felt certain that she was bleeding. But it was done. He was done and breathless he lay down on her still cupping her breasts.

She hated how every crevice of her body burned, slick with his sweat, and hurting from the bruises he had given her. When he pulled his shaft out for the last time world was going black from pain.

“You don’t disappoint,” Marcus said still trying to catch his breath. “But we are not done.”

“What do you mean?” Sam asked as she painfully turned over to face him. Blood dripped down her thigh.

“I want to see you again tomorrow night.”

“You promised!” Sam shouted but a raised hand interrupted her sentence.

“Not what I meant. A deal is a deal. The money’s in the carpet bag behind the desk. I will pay you another ten thousand if you come to my house tomorrow night. You know the address. Make sure you don’t get any blood or shit on the carpet.” And with that, he had redressed and was gone.

Sam stayed still for a few moments, unsure if she could move without inducing any additional pain. After about ten minutes she realized she probably was not going to feel any better and slowly pulled her clothes back on. The bag was where he said it was, and filled with the exact amount as agreed. She slowly crawled her way back to her desk, refusing to think about what she had just done.

Her phone said she had several missed calls. They were all from the daycare. She called them back and apologized profusely to the director, saying that she had gotten “held up at work”. She winced at the compassion in the director’s voice, and told her that she would be there as soon as she could. The director ensured her that they will be open for another hour but it will cost her extra.

“Sam?” she heard a strange voice behind her as soon as she managed to open her car door.

“Hi Mr. Sinclair,” she answered and tried to smile when she saw the Vice President hurrying towards her. Was he going to overturn the retrenchment?

“I just spoke to Marcus.”

“Yes sir?” Sam asked.

“Well, I am in need of your services, have Two thousand in cash with me.”

Shocked Sam stared in disbelieve at the elderly man. How many times did she not envy the photo of him with his trophy wife and two daughters in his office.

“Excuse me sir?”

“Don’t play stupid with me, missy. I will pay you two thousand dollars if you suck my cock right now.”

What did they say about being able to find both a little bit of heaven and hell on earth? As she followed Mr. Sinclair towards the men’s restroom in her demeaned state, she couldn’t help but think both had found her tonight.

Note: All images obtained from Google with Labeled For Reuse With Modification license filter active.

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