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RE: Homestead Happiness ~ Window To My Happiness
Resteemed and upgoated. I like the concept of a homestead, but I am far too lazy for that. I like your formatted links at the bottom. I need to research how to do that stuff.
You can do it both with markdown and html thanks for upgoating you're a gentleman and a scholar!
Shows how much I am out of the loop. I have never heard of markdown. Thank you for the compliment, just remember, Dr. Jekyll was a gentleman and a scholar as well. :P
Markdown is not horrid. certainly faster, less powerful. And my fine friend He certainly was.
Oh, if you have the chance to see Jekyll, the series done by the BBC, do so. The portrayal of Hyde is.... shivers... intense. Anyway, I'll check out the markdown at some point, although html is always a good fallback.
Wow that looks epic. Do you watch penny dreadful?
:D I love that show. I thought it got cancelled though...