My cat from shelter . 1 week together.

in #story8 years ago

First and fourth days at new home

I saw him a year ago when a first time came to an animal shelter as a volunteer. I helped there in cleaning boxes, giving a food and let cats walk in common room for a while. Some of them were wild and preferred that nobody taught them. However, almost all others wanted to get warm of human hands and to play with volunteers. Except this one.
He lived in the shelter with his brother in one box from their childhood. When a volunteer came to the room he started to meow but not asking for food or attention for himself. In such manner he wanted to let his brother go to play in common room. After it was done he calmed down watching his neighbor getting fun “in freedom”.

In his box in the shelter

Once I tried to get him out from his 1mx0.5m home but he began to feel himself uncomfortable and nervous. My heart cowered knowing he had lived in such way for the whole 2 years of his life. But I could do nothing. I didn’t have conditions to take him home.
This autumn we managed to do our best to get an opportunity of having a pet. Certainly we went to the shelter to take this kind and sensitive cat.
First day of being in new home he sat in carton box not understanding he could walk wherever he wanted. However, soon step by step he will feel himself comfortable and relaxing realizing who is a real lord here )))

At home
P.S1. His brother was adopted by other family several months earlier.
P.S2. Happy to have a cat.
Pets have a great power to stop a human hurry and made us to enjoy every moment.


Beautiful. We have a cat that looks just like him. His name is Samson. We name him that because, He showed no fear of dogs. We rescued him as kitten from an apartment complex who's tenants moved and abandoned him. I was there to fix a washer. When I got back to my truck, I decided that if he climbed in on his own, I would take him home. He did, so I did. We had two large dogs. When I brought him into the house, he went right up to them, swatted the larger one in the nose and started playing with them. The dogs didn't know what to make of that. He readily acclimated himself to the family. He is now about 12 years old. the dogs have passed and we have new ones, but Samson is still the boss :-).

It seems to be strange...but I call my cat Samson despite that my bf gave him name Tomas.
What a nice story! A kitten took the destiny in its ...em paws and changed it in the best way! I only can imagine the reaction of your dogs))))) I guess it was funny to observe them in this moment)

That time was quite enjoyable :-). We've always had cats and dogs (mostly rescues) When we brought Samson in, we had three others. They all got along and if ever the dogs would chase one, the others would gang up on him. We moved from Buffalo NY to here in NM. We brought all our family with us (four cats and two dogs). They were up in age, and Samson if last buffalonian still with us. We have Three new cats and two new dogs. The dogs like to chase the cats, but Samson is the one who puts them in their place.

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