The red thread of fate- Legend

in #story6 years ago (edited)

The red thread of fate- Legend


Oriental legend tells a people destined to know have a red string tied on his fingers. This thread never goes away and stays constantly tied, despite the time and distance. No matter what afternoons to meet that person, no matter how long you spend without seeing her/him, not even matter if her/him live on the other side of the world: the yarn is stretched to infinity but never break...

One of the legends about this red thread tells that an old man who lives on the moon, goes out every night and searches among souls those who are predestined to join in the earth, and when he finds them he ties them with a red thread so that they do not lose.


But The most popular legend goes as follows:

¨A long time ago, an emperor learned that in one of the provinces of his kingdom lived a very powerful witch who had the ability to see the red thread of destiny and had it brought before his presence.


When the witch arrived, the emperor ordered her to look for the other end of the thread that she had tied to her little finger and to take it to what would be his wife; the witch agreed to this request and began to follow and follow the thread.

This search took them to a market where a poor peasant with a baby in her arms offered her products. On reaching this peasant woman, she stopped in front of her and invited her to stand up and made the young emperor come up and said:

"Here ends your thread", but upon hearing this, the emperor enraged believing it was a mockery of the witch.
He pushed the peasant who was still carrying her little daughter in her arms and made her fall causing the baby to get a big wound in the forehead. Then he ordered his guards to stop the witch and cut off her head.

Many years later, the moment came when this emperor was to marry and his court recommended that it be best for him to marry the daughter of a very powerful general.

The emperor accepted this decision and began all preparations to wait for who would be chosen later as the wife of the great emperor. The day of the wedding arrived, but above all it was time to see his wife's face for the first time.

She entered the temple with a beautiful dress and a veil that completely covered her face. When he lifted the veil he saw for the first time that this beautiful face had a very peculiar scar on his forehead. It was the scar he had caused himself by rejecting his own destiny years before. A destiny that the witch had set before her and decided to disbelieve.¨


The teaching of the legend of the red thread according to Japanese tradition has to do with the understanding of destiny and the preponderant role played by love in this thread. It clearly shows how the destined loves are that, we can not escape from the person who was born to love us. 💛

I hope you enjoy ✌