The story of a green fly from ancient times

in #story6 years ago


Not many like the existence of the green fly in his home. If one day I see one of them fluttering or perched on one corner, or even at food or cutlery at my house, rush off course with a swish of a hand, if I'm good, or with a tool to destroy his body, if I'm upset. The word encyclopaedia, the age of a fly at most only about 1 week while for the green fly whose body size is larger than the black fly its age can 2 times.

I suppose the number of green flies is not as large as the black flies, and certainly their movements are slower, so the green fly is easier to hit with newspaper rolls, broomsticks, bats, or plastic flies. With life that is not so long, what might be recorded from the life journey of a fly probably also will not be more than around garbage, food, dirt and of course also fellow other flies.

A green fly is certainly not a smart animal. Have you ever noticed his annoying behavior everytime in front of the glass window? Yes, he jumped up and down as if to penetrate the glass. Although the window is open though, often he still keeps trying to penetrate the glass he thinks is the outside world in the form of 2 dimensions, really stupid and easily deceived!

Speaking of flies intelligence, according to legend, it is not actually innate since it was created. It is said that, in ancient times, the fly was a pet of His Majesty the God of Heaven and became the mount of the queen of heaven, her daughter and her ladies. Flies are the most respected and most respected animals so that even it was almost decided to enter into the ranks of 12 animals that became the symbol of zodiac in Chinese mythology. It all happened before an event changed its position to what it is today.

Flies, in those days were animals whose size was as big as a buffalo but still agile and had very much the same leap as the flies of today. With kegesitannya that he used as the most luxurious means of transportation as well as a great ride for the queen and her daughters who do have a hobby of hunting in the forest. For hundreds of years of that heaven, other animals always wished that he was a fly, all but one that did not, the ants.

Ants are animals that never dream of wanting to be flies, besides because ants rarely sleep let alone dream, they are also a nation that never felt deprived. How come? With a population of millions, billions, and even trillions like that, there is nothing they need to fear and nothing they should consider the enemy. All beings for them are food, no matter how much the creature can be lifted by the ants into the nest, and the food is always divided equally, the same taste likes, nothing is considered different, they are all equal. And for the ants, it also applies to other beings, the most powerful animals will one day die including honorable ones such as flies, they will become the maggot corpses that are tantalizing for the ants.
Anyway, behind all his honor does not necessarily make him arrogant. Although it is certainly also a pet king, he also get a better education than other animals. Only one is the weakness of the fly, too obsessive. Yes! Flies are very obsessive and stubborn animals, if they have a desire, they will always try to make any risk whatsoever. Apparently, that nature is also still held by their descendants to this day so it is very difficult to drive flies without going through the path of violence (remember also the fly in front of the glass window was).

The nature of this one fly is not never cause a big problem for him. The story of a fly fly can be an example. Larsenn (jal laler sek enom) is one of the very young kahyangan royal flies, so as the mounts of flying hours are still small, or even never used yet to travel as far as adult flies. This did not make Larsenn happy because so far he could just be stunned every time he listened to the chatter of other adult flies. As a youth who is full of turmoil and always wants to prove himself, he is determined to become a fly that will fly the farthest so that he will have the most stories than the adults though.


Regardless of his prohibitions and unyielding body condition to fly away, one day he secretly steals one of the adult flies and sneaks out of the palace to fly alone to reach his wish. Larsenn, for the first time felt so happy and proud of himself. "Who says I'm still not strong? The proof has been minutes I flew and jumped but still no sense of tired the slightest I feel! Huh! they are just afraid of being beaten by the young like me "he thought.
Thirty miles had passed, this time he was out of his hometown and started passing one, two, three, ... five cities! His wings began to tire and so did his feet. Yet even so, he still does not care. He remembers the Largo (jal laler idiot), the weakest and most stupid adult fly ever past eight cities and can return safely, he thought. "No!" He decides, "I will and should be the fly that ever flew the farthest from the others!". Larsenn continued to fly and jump until one day he had crossed the ninth city border before he began to sense something strange. He can not fly or even jump far anymore. He can only walk, tiptoe before he realizes, something terrible has happened.
Larsenn's wings! Yes .. the wings off the side! How surprised he realized it while a moment later the pain is very start to feel creeping all over his body. It has become a flawed fly! He can no longer continue his journey or return to his home again. He was alone and suddenly he began to shudder to look around him. In the vicinity it appears that he is not only alone but a few yards beside his right left visible carcasses fly. "This is a cemetery!" Larsenn cried as soon as he realized where he was. The carcasses, most still seem to be the carcasses of flies the size of their bodies, the young flies that probably also had the same intentions and obsessions as him. He staggered, in his eyes again the adult flies that always bring a lot of stories and gifts for himself every time they come home from a long journey. Now he has enough stories, but who will listen to his story? He was alone, handicapped and could no longer return to the palace. Soon Larsenn felt like he did not feel anything else and his world became dark.
Such is the stubbornness and obsessiveness of flies that often make them underestimate the consequences they will gain. Regarding Larsenn it can be continued that he finally survived after some adult fly his brother searched and found him in a state of unconsciousness. He was still deformed and even dumb with shock until the end of his life, for Larsenn, the 9th city was also the furthest place he had ever reached, no more opportunities, not even a story he could tell his friends.

Larsenn's story did not take long before another story made the lives of all the flies change forever. Is another fly, this time not just any fly, this fly is a flies officer most trusted by the royal family of heaven. Larusso (jv.laler seng kuwoso) is the most respected fly among the other flies. As a leader, just like most other flies, he is also not proud. He enjoys hanging out with everyone including the brave and compact ants. So close he with the ants made him adopted as part of the family of ants and the ants promised that when they die then their carcasses will not be treated in vain, in the sense that they will eat them straight away in a single stand.
That's how Larusso, his charisma and his authority even made the most courageous nation respect him. But again, nothing is perfect, Larusso still has a stubborn nature and is so easily obsessed with his wishes. As the leader and fly most trusted by the king, this time he has an obsession that is not less magnificent and perhaps even too borderline for the desirable animal nation. Larusso was secretly putting his heart on the princess of heaven, as his favorite mount Larusso felt he was so close and knew the princess. Even by closing his big eyes, Larusso was able to discern which of the princess's legs were circling above his back and which were not. Daughter of heaven who rode it is the most beautiful woman in the entire universe at that time. Larusso himself was not unaware of his position as a subordinate of the princess, but he insisted "nothing greater than the power of love, hence love will overcome everything" he said confidently.
And his decision has been unanimous, he will tell the princess himself, do not bother with the other opinion. One morning, as usual the princess asked to be escorted hunting with some of her ladies and the fly officer immediately drove her without waiting long. The dense forest has been waiting for them, the arrows that were about to be brought had been prepared by the ladies before the daughter suddenly screamed,
"Wait!" He said, "This time we will not hunt in the forest!"
Of course this command makes all confused including Larusso himself
"Please forgive me, but if not in the forest, where are we going to hunt the princess?" Said her ladies
"We will hunt in the desert, we will hunt ants !!"
Everyone is stunned, there is this one daughter, where is someone hunting ants? But for the sake of remembering the absolute power of the princess they also bowed and nodded in unison to declare their consent.
None of them objected to the strange suggestion, only one kept wondering, the Larusso flyer. How could he hunt and kill his friend's ants? For a moment he slightly forgot about the plan to reveal his heart to the princess. Suddenly a soft caress over his head made him realize, "Come on Larusso, what are you waiting for, will not you take me to hunt again?". Ah! The words were so soft in her ears and soon it was like bewitching her to fly and jump into a desert where her friend ants lived. What happened next was terrible for the ants, thousands of ants were slaughtered, doused, and some of them trampled by Larusso just to please the princess who looked happy and laughed contentedly on her back.

Apparently this activity is different from the usual hunt, the ants will of course not be eaten or taken home as if they were hunting pigs, horses, buffalo or tiger in the forest. The dead carcass was left without explanation from the initiator. At noon they were all tired, the princess came down from the back of the fly and wanted to rest for a moment on the rock while the ladies were somewhat away watching the surroundings. This is the moment Larusso awaited, the princess still looks happy and continue to stroke the head of his favorite flies.
"Please forgive me, may I ask something?"
"Ask if you're a fly?"
"Look ..."
"Hmm .. surely you are confused with our activities today yes?"
"Eee ..."
"There is nothing to worry about with the ants, they are dead thousands but still billions or even trillions of other ants that still exist in this world"
he continued "every day we hunt horses, tigers, pigs and buffalo in the forest, do not you know how many of their remaining populations are today?"
"Tens of thousands I think" the clever fly replied
"Well, that's what I mean, what if with such a population, still every day we kill them while their reproductive period is much slower than the ants?"
"Forgive you, they will become rare and extinct"
"Well, you know that yourself"
"My goodness, but that's not what I want to ask"
"Then what is it?" He replied softly
"Is not it true the princess will not be angry?"
"Have I ever been mad at you, darling Larusso? We have long been together and you have been regarded as my best friend more than any other "
the fly this time increasingly nervous although in his heart he felt very happy,
"How sweet is the heart of the princess more than all the flowers above the universe"
"Ah .. thanks, but is that what you're trying to say?"
"Oh, put it this way, princess, the more days with the princess the more distant the servant realizes how wise and noble the heart of the princess, the beauty and beauty she has, and today ..."
"What's wrong with today?" The princess asked to investigate
"Please forgive my servant daughter, I can not resist the words that I want to convey to the princess"
"... .." the princess just stammered as her eyes looked straight into the compound's large flies.
"I love the princess and I want to live with the princess like the king and the glorious queen of heaven" Larusso can only say it while blindfolded, waiting for the possibility of bursting out the anger he will receive.
The reaction given by the princess was very far from her estimation. The princess frowned and began to sound in surprise
"What are you saying? Men .. cin..tai?
"Forgive your servant, my servant does not mean ..."
"I just heard the strange word .. Love? What is that? What's the relationship with my mom and dad?
This time the fly was astonished, how could he never hear the word love? I think the word was found and disseminated by the human race as it is today.
"You try to explain what you mean by that love?"
"Ah .. princess, love is probably something the most noble feelings ever felt creatures of life let alone humans like my lord princess, he is like the sunlight that makes life walk and at the same time can make us see how beautiful this world princess"
"Ah .. too absurd! I still do not understand? If there is already sunlight, why else is there love? Please do not explain by imagery, try to show it! Can that love be demonstrated? "
"Ah princess, of course can"
"Will you demonstrate it for me"

"Merciful princess, servant dare not .."
"Why not dare, are not we friends? Hmmm .. or is not I your master? What else are you afraid of? ".
This time the fliesman could not answer, in his heart he was confused and cursed himself who suddenly became so cowardly, is not this the moment that I wait? I can express my love to the figure I most dreamed of and loved the most ... and he has allowed .. why am I even hesitating?
And a moment later, he moves, kisses a kiss to the lips of the princess.
The princess's face turned red and blushing, what was she? Did he feel the love? thought the fly.
"Arggghh .... What? …What are you doing?????
"My lord daughter .... Servant Larusso loves princess dearly .. "
Wiping the saliva of a fly that had just wet her lips, the princess shouted again
"You!!! To hell with your love, flies! You are so disgusting, your behavior is like rubbish! Wretched carcass !! "
Have not had time to fly shocked over the missed allegations that he thought, the princess immediately ran and immediately followed by the ladies who also shouted confused while following him to leave the flies horse.
That night, nothing could ease the anger and cries of the heavenly princess followed by the greater anger of the king of heaven.
An immediate emergency session, Larusso, the fliesman who so believed in the power of love and forgot that there is an overwhelming power of the heavenly king himself, has been confronted with the rulers and the entire royal family including his only daughter. He did not dare look up, he felt himself shrinking in front of the princess and his family.
"Larusso!" Like the thunderbolt of the king mentioned his name.
"Ham .. hamm .. hammbba .. king .."
"Really do not know to be lucky! How long have I hired you and raised you as the most glorious beast on other animals, but now what are you doing to my daughter? "
"Forgive the noble servant .."
"There is nothing I can forgive you for your abominable deeds, you have destroyed my daughter's only future for no apparent reason !!"
"Forgive me, my servant ..."
"You are an unforgivable rebel !!"
"Servant ..."
"Tell me, how long have you planned this rebellion? Who-who are the ants or other animals involved ?? Hurry up !!! "
Ant? What's the connection with them? His fear turned into confusion and was unknowingly raised his head trying to find an answer
"I do not understand ... ahh .. princess ??"
What he saw in front was so surprising, the beautiful princess, half of her body became an ant. And the king looked so big, bigger than he had ever seen.
"Do not pretend not to understand! You think you can fool your king? I know you are very close to the nation of ants and today my daughter is killing some of them, that too with your help !! So sneaky !! I do not understand your game ... "
And what happens is only realized by the fly, he was accused of conspiring with the nation of ants to take revenge on the princess who massacred thousands of them for the sake of pleasure. Under the pretext of love, a word not understood by the princess, she kisses the princess as ants do to her friends, and apparently the fly's spit close to the ants has been contaminated by the ant's spit that makes the princess slowly turned into an ant.
"As the lord of heaven, the leader of all beings in this universe, I decided to punish traitors and rebels like you and all your people by lowering your rank! You are now just like my daughter said, you are a scum, the most disgusting rotten eater !! I will remind the whole world to look out for you especially your mouth! Your kiss is full of dirt, the bearer of disease !! Now go you !! Never ever see your face again !!
The king's face was so horrible and his body and the bodies of other humans seemed to grow larger. The fly now realized he had become so small, just a little bigger than the ants. Her fear and sadness had made her shrink, she had no more love, something that made her feel the same with other beings, including her own master. He flies out, followed by all the flies, they all have shriveled up, have nothing and the curse of the king's fall, every sight of rubbish or the remains of food or carcasses or anything that smells into their ears becomes so tasteful. It is also what causes modern flies to be so stupid as to eat without nutrition and no longer get a decent education because of their poverty.

Another story with the princess, after a few days he mutated into an ant, but unlike other ants, his body a little bigger. By the decree of the king also, with all his authority, he entrusted his daughter to the nation of ants who were forced to accept the one who had killed their nation and even raised the princess into their queen. And the people of the ants are a people who always keep the promise, they never try to overthrow the power of the princess who was forced by the king to be their leader. Since then also with his constitutional knowledge, the queen divides the ants into worker ants, warriors and others, while the princess is only in charge of giving birth to a child without the love he has not yet understood, while relaxing and eating as much. As well as the promise pledged to the fly, the ants have never eaten the carcass of flies with the remains to this day.
That is actually a myth about flies that may not seem like animals that have a life story, but actually store so many stories in the footsteps of his life and flies will continue to have the same story as us.


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