Keberhasilan Akop, setelah berjuang dengan sangat keras.[Indo-Eng]

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Hallo para sahabat steemians semuanya, pada postingan ini saya akan melanjutkan kisah seorang pemuda yang sukses dengan berusaha keras sehingga terkadang harus mengularkan air mata.


Setelah Akop keluar dari tempat kerja yang tidak berprikemanusiaan itu, akhirnya Akop mendapatkan pekerjaan lain, yaitu menjadi buruh cuci piring disebuah restoran besar, dia mendapatkan pekerjaan itu melalui Pak adi, sebab Pak Adi juga telah bekerja disitu sebagai juru masak yang memiliki gaji lumayan bagus.

Setelah bekerja disana selama satu tahun, akhirnya Akop berhasil mengimpulkan uang untuk biaya pendaftaran keperguruan tinggi yang dia inginkan, dan kemudian waktu penerimaan siswa baru telah dibuka, maka dengan semangat dan rasa senang Akop mendaftarkan dirinya kesalah satu perguruan tinggi dikotanya, setelah melakukan berbagai tes, Akop langsung lulus dan resmi menjadi mahasiswa dari hasil keringatnya sendiri.

Setelah menjadi mahasiswa Akop terpaksa berhenti bekerja direstoran tersebut, sebab hampir setiap hari harus masuk kekampus, hal ini membuat Akop harus berpikir untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tetapi harus bisa tetap masuk kekampus, sehingga itu membuat dirinya harus mencari pekerjaan lain, sebab biaya semester yang harus dia keluarkan termasuk sangat tinggi, ditambah lagi dengan biaya keluar setiap hari.

Sudah beberapa bulan Akop nencari pekerjaan, namun belum kunjung dia dapatkan, dan itu membuat Akop menjadi lebih susah, bahkan dia sempat tidak makan demi menabung uang semester yang harus dikeluarkan bulan depan, bahkan hampir setiap hari dia pergi kekampus dengan perut lapar, jika masalah uang jajan itu memang tidak pernah ada.

Setalah beberapa bulan akhirnya dia menemukan pekerjaan khusus malam, namun gaji sangat sedikit sekali, walau demikian juga tetap harus melakukannya demi biaya kuliahnya, disamping itu dia juga harus bekerja disaat libur kuliahnya, dia rela bekerja apapun demi uang kuliahnya.

Sehingga sudah dua tahun dia kuliah dengan tampa jajan dan sering kuliah dengan rasa lapar, dan itu sudah membuatnya menjadi kebal dengan penderitaan, namun semangat kuliahnya sangat besar dan luar biasa, sehingga bisa dikatakan hampir tidak semua pemuda bisa meniru Akop dalam kehidupannya.

Sampai suatu ketika Akop harus mengalirkan air mata sebab dia terpaksa harus bekerja dalam keadaan kesehatan yang sangat kurang, akibat memikirkan biaya kuliah yang lumayan tinggi, sehingga penderitaan semakin hebat saat itu, bahkan hampir setiap hari dia meneteskan air mata.

Tahun demi tahun Akop dengan penuh kesabaran menjalani kehidupannya dengan harapan bisa sukses kemudian hari nanti, sebab dalam keluarganya hanya dia yang berani masuk kekampus dengan keadaan sangat tidak pasti dalam masalah ekonomi.

Akhirnya puncak kebahagian yang ditunggu tunggu oleh Akop sudah datang, masa kelulusan dan wisuda sudah sampai dan saat menjalani sidang Akop menjalaninya dengan air mata sebab dia tidak menyagka bisa sampai ketahap seperti itu, sehingga para pengujinya merasa kagum dan bertanya kenapa kamu menangis, padahal semua teman temanmu bergembira, kemudian Akop menceritakan kisah perjalanan dan perjuangannya untuk mencapai ketahap itu.

Setelah mendengar cerita Akop, para penguji langsung mengetuk palu dan menyatakan Akop lulus dengan nilai yang sangat tinggi dan saat itu Akop tertunduk dan mengalirkan air mata sehingga seluruh isi ruangan itu mengalirkan air mata semuanya.

Kemudian setelah acara wisuda selesai, Akop mendapat tawaran kerja sebuah perusahaan terkenal
Sebab nilai Akop yang sangat tinggi, dan setelah beberapa bulan bekerja dengan gigih dan jujur, Akhirnya Akop diangkat menjadi direktur dari perusahaan itu, dan air mata Akop kembali keluar saat ayah dan ibunya menapaki rumah baru, dari sudah sekian lama tinggal di gubuk reot.

Kesimpulan cerita, Akop berhasil mendapatkan kesuksesan dengan kerja keras dan penuh kesabaran.



Hello, all of the friends of Steemians, in this post I will continue the story of a successful young man by trying so hard that sometimes I have to spread tears.

After Akop came out of the inhumane workplace, Akop finally got another job, which was to become a dishwasher in a large restaurant, he got the job through Pak, because Mr. Adi had also worked there as a cook who had a pretty good salary.

After working there for one year, finally Akop managed to deduce the money for the college registration fees he wanted, and then when the new student admission was opened, then with enthusiasm and pleasure Akop registered himself one of the colleges in his city, after conducting various tests, Akop immediately graduated and officially became a student from the results of his own sweat.

After becoming an Akop student, I had to stop working in the restaurant, because almost every day I had to enter the campus, this made Akop have to think about getting a job but had to be able to stay in the campus, so that he had to find another job, because he had to pay for the semester fees including very high, plus the daily exit fees.

It's been a few months for Akop to look for a job, but he hasn't got it yet, and that makes Akop even more difficult, even he doesn't have time to eat to save the semester money that must be spent next month, even almost every day he goes to hungry stomach, if money matters The snack never really existed.

After a few months he finally found a special night job, but the salary was very little, but even so he still had to do it for the cost of his education, besides that he also had to work while on college, he was willing to work for the tuition.

So that for two years he has gone to college with no snacks and often lectures with hunger, and that has made him immune to suffering, but his enthusiasm for lectures is very large and extraordinary, so that almost all young men can imitate Akop in his life.

Until one day the Akop had to drain tears because he was forced to work in a state of health that was very lacking, due to thinking of quite high tuition fees, so that the suffering was even greater at that time, even almost every day he was moved to tears.

Year after year Akop patiently lives his life with the hope of success later on, because in his family he is the only one who dares to enter the city with a very uncertain situation in economic matters.


Finally, the peak of happiness awaited by the Akop has arrived, the graduation and graduation period has arrived and when undergoing the trial Akop lived it with tears because he did not deny that he could reach such a level, so the examiners felt amazed and asked why you were crying, even though all friends Your friend is happy, then Akop tells the story of his journey and struggle to reach that stage.

After hearing Akop's story, the examiners immediately knocked on the hammer and said that Akop graduated with a very high grade and at that time Akop bowed and drew tears so that the entire contents of the room all shed tears.

Then after the graduation ceremony was over, Akop got a job offer from a famous company
Because the Akop value is very high, and after several months of working diligently and honestly, Akop was finally appointed as director of the company, and Akop's tears returned when his father and mother climbed into a new house, from a long time ago in a rickety hut.

Conclusion of the story, Akop managed to get success with hard work and patience.

Regards @albuluhi.


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