Bertemu Teman Dalam Perjalana. [Indo_Eng]

in #story6 years ago

Hai para sahabat steemit semuanya......


Ayam berkokok saat subuh, sementera sipemuda masih tertidur di pojok mesjid, sehingga datang seorang jamaah untuk membangunkannya, dan pemuda itu segera bangun dan lansung menuju ketempat wuzuk untuk segera menunaikan salat subuh.

Setelah salat sang pemuda berdoa dengan sangat khusyuk, dia mengalirkan air mata meminta kepada tuhan agar memberikannya pekerjaan besok, sangat lama dia berdoa sehingga seorang jamaah melirik dan memperhatikannya.

Setelah dia berdoa jamaah yang melihatnya tadi menghampiri nya sambil bertanya :

Jama'ah : Hai anak muda siapa nama mu?

Anak muda : Nama saya Akop

Jama'ah : Kamu dari mana?

Anak muda : Saya berasal dari desa yang jauh dari sini.

Jama'ah : Untuk apa dan dengan siapa kamu kesini?

Anak muda : Saya sendirian dan tujuan saya kesini untuk mencari pekerjaan agar bisa punya uang untuk mendaftar diperguruaan tinggi tahun depan, sebab tahun ini saya belum punya uang.

Jama'ah : Kamu sudah dapat pekerjaannya?

Anak muda : Belum.

Jama'ah : Kamu sudah makan ?

Anak muda : Belum pak (Sambil malu)

Jama'ah : Ayo kerumah saya kita makan bersama.

Anak muda : Terimaksih pak.

Kemudian Akop berangkat bersama seoarng jama'ah yang belum dia kenal namanya, tidak lama kemudian mereka sampai kesebuah rumah yang hampir sama dengan rumahnya Akop, sehingga Akop berkata dalam hati kecilnya "Mungkin bapak ini tidak punya makanan dirumahnya" Namun Akop tetap berjalan dibelakang bapak itu.


Kemudian sampai lah mereka kedepan pintu rumah, dan lansung mengucapkan salam, setelag itu terdengar jawaban dari dalam dengan suara anak kecil. "Bapak sudah pulang, pasti bawa kue yang enak" Saat mendengar itu Akop melihat kewajah bapak tadi, dan si bapak hanya terseyum dan lansung masuk kerumah setelah pintu di buka oleh anak kecil yang sangat gembira dengan kehadiran ayah nya.

Saat tiba didalam rumah anak yang tadi bertanya kepada ayahnya "Ayah dimana kue nya" Kemudian bapak itu menjawab "Nanti bapak beli seban tadi bapak terlambat, dan kue nya sudah habis " Yah bapak setiap pagi bilang begitu, saya mau kue itu besok sore, Bapak harus beli " Bapak itu menjawab " Iya bapak akan beli, sekarang mari kita sarapan pagi dulu sambil mengajak sang pemuda itu bersamanya.

Setelah mereka duduk di meja makan, kemudian bapak itu memanggil putrinya " Kakak silakan bawa sarapan paginya dan tambah sedikit pagi ini sebab kita ada tamu" Putri nya menjaqab dengan lembut " Baik bapak" Kemudian keluarlah seorang perempuan yang sangat cantik dari sebuh kamar menuju dapur, sehingga mata pemuda itu hampir tidak berkedip dan jantungnya berdebar.

Tidak lama kemudia tibalah sarapan pagi untuk mereka berempat, ternyata bapak itu tinggal bertiga digubuk tua itu, kemudian Akop memberanikan diri untuk bertanya, " Ibu kemana pak? Belum sempat dijawab oleh bapak itu, sianak menjawab" Ibu saya sekarang tinggal di rumah besar sekali, tidak lama lagi ibu akan menjemput kami, dan saya bisa bermain disana dan makan enak. Akop yang mendengar itu melihat kearah bapak itu, sementara si bapak hanya terseyum saja dan lansung mengajak untuk makan.

Setelah sarapan selesai dan anak bapak itu lansung mandi dan memakai baju sekolah, dan lansung berangkat bersama kakaknya. Tinggallah dirumah Akop dan bapak itu, kemudian Akop berkata pada bapak itu "

Akop : Maaf Pak saya sedikit bertanya, nama bapak siapa?

Bapak : Nama saya panggil aja bapak Adi.

Akop : Bapak kerja dimana?

Pak Adi : Saya tidak bekerja lagi sekarang, dulu saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan besar, kemudian saya di pecat akibat di fitnah oleh tan baik saya.

Akop : Ooooo

Pak Adi : Setelah saya di pecat saya tidak punya uang lagi dan istri saya juga meninggalkan saya menikah dengan orang lain yang kaya, saya mwrasa bersalah dengan anak saya , sebab saya bilang ibunya pergi kerja keluar negeri.

Akop : Sekarang bapak kerja apa?

Pak Adi : Sekarang saya mengutip barang bekas sambil mencari pekerjaan lain.

Akop : Ooo

Pak Adi : Mari kita keluar mencari Pekrjaan sama-sama.

Bagaiman kisah selanjutnya tunggu postingan besok !!!


The chicken crowed at dawn, while the young people were still asleep in the corner of the mosque, so a pilgrim came to wake him, and the young man immediately got up and went straight to where he was to immediately perform the morning prayer.

After praying the young man prayed very solemnly, he drew tears asking God to give him a job tomorrow, for a long time he prayed so that a congregation glanced and watched him.

After he prayed the pilgrims who saw him approached him asking:

Jama'ah: Hey, young man, what's your name?

Young man: My name is Akop

Jama'ah: Where are you from?

Young man: I come from a village far from here.

Jama'ah: For what and with whom do you come here?

Young people: I am alone and my goal is here to find a job so I can have money to register in high-income next year, because this year I have no money.

Jama'ah: Have you got the job?

Young man: Not yet.

Jama'ah: Have you eaten?

Young man: Not yet sir (Shy)

Jama'ah: Come to my house we eat together.

Young people: Thank you sir.

Then Akop left with a congregation whose name he did not know, not long after they arrived at a house that was almost the same as Akop's house, so Akop said in his heart "Maybe this father doesn't have food in his house" But Akop still goes behind the father .

Then they arrived in front of the door of the house, and immediately said hello, after that the answer came from inside with a small child. "You have gone home, you must bring a delicious cake" When I heard that, Akop saw the face of the father, and the father just smiled and went straight into the house after the door was opened by a child who was very happy with his father's presence.

When I arrived inside the house the child who had asked his father "Daddy where the cake was" Then the father replied "Later, you will buy it earlier, you are late, and the cake is gone" Well, father every morning says that, I want the cake tomorrow afternoon, sir have to buy "The father replied" Yes, you will buy, now let's have breakfast first while taking the young man with him.


After they sat at the dinner table, then the father called his daughter "Brother, please bring breakfast and add a little this morning because we have guests" The princess said softly "Good father" Then came a very beautiful woman from a room to the kitchen, so that the young man's eyes barely blinked and his heart pounded.

Not long after breakfast arrived for the four of them, it turned out that the father lived in the old three, then Akop ventured to ask, "Where did you go, sir? Not yet answered by the father, sianak replied" My mother now lives in a big house, soon the mother will pick us up, and I can play there and eat well. The one who heard it looked at the father, while the father just smiled and immediately invited to eat.

After breakfast was finished and the father immediately showered and wore school clothes, and immediately left with his brother. Stay in the house of Akop and the father, then Akop says to the father "

Akop: Sorry, sir, I asked a little, whose name is you?

Mr.: I just called Mr. Adi.

Akop: Where do you work?

Pak Adi: I don't work anymore now, I used to work in a large company, then I was fired as a result of being slandered by my good friend.

Akop: Ooooo

Pak Adi: After I was fired I had no more money and my wife also left me to marry someone who was rich, I felt guilty about my child, because I said her mother went to work abroad.

Akop: What do you work now?

Pak Adi: Now I quote used goods while looking for another job.

Akop: Ooo

Pak Adi: Let's go out looking for Work together.

How is the next story waiting for tomorrow's post !!!


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