♨️Game Changer #5

in #story7 years ago

Greetings steemians!!

This is @bennyjay, here with the fifth episode of Game Changer. Previous episodes can be viewed here. Ep.1, Ep.2, EP 3 and Ep.4

....story thus far.

Sam has advised Dave to overlook his misunderstanding with Susan and to give their relationship another chance to work. On the other side, Claire is instructed by her friend Susan to tempt Dave so Susan can be sure of his love -or not- for her.
In the last episode, Claire unable to come up with the money owed, has given in to Susan's scheming...
Read on 👇


Claire felt woozy. The party had been on for over an hour now. She'd had just two glasses of champagne - both given her by Susan who seemed to be watching her every move no matter where she was in the room.

Dave had moved on with Sam a little while back after they'd brought her upstairs to the balcony when she'd told them she needed to clear her head. The fresh air helped only a little. She was so hot and dying to get out of her clothes. If only she could lie undressed out here but a sixth sense warned her what she felt wasn't normal.

She dragged her self into the couch closest to her and leaned her head against it's armrest. A little nap would be fine, hopefully when she woke in a few minutes she'd feel better.

'…Claire…' someone was calling her name so softly close to her ears. She leaned more towards the sound and felt her skin come in contact with rough beards, her sense of smell kicked in as she perceived his aftershave. This felt heavenly and she desperately needed a taste of it. She parted her lips and let her body curl towards him just as the door banged opened.

'what the hell is going on here?' Susan's voice dripped like cold water all over her fuzzy brain. She jerked back and a pair of arms shot out to steady her.

' I said. What.is.going.on.here.?' Susan's voice rang out again, this time with surprising fury. When she received no response from either party, she whirled on Dave. 'how long has this been going on behind my back? I always suspected you were cheating on me… but with Claire? ….and you, she turned to Claire.. 'with your holier than thou attitude, I knew something was up, all those times you turned practically pink and flustered at the mention of Dave's name. I should have known you've been sleeping with him. I'm personally going to deal with…..'

'will you for Chrissake just shut up and calm down.' Dave interupted. 'Nothing is going on here. Your friend Claire isn't feeling well and I'm just trying to hel…..'

'oh! Please, save the explanations for a baby. Trying to help her Indeed when I practically caught you on top of her... What sort of help is that. Huh? Do I look to you like a dimwit who finds it difficult to interpret what she saw? You've been having an affair with her and God knows how many others. No wonder you changed towards me. You….


'if I changed towards you in any way, it's because of your selfishness, you're always trying to make everything about you but guess what, not tonight. We can sort out our differences tomorrow or the day after but right now, your friend needs help. So you can either help me take her inside or leave the way for me to do that myself'

Susan stood glaring and angry then turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.

Dave carried Claire who was still moaning softly against him back into the house. Her temperature still felt a bit high and he was beginning to wonder if it would be necessary to call a doctor just to make sure she wasn't allergic to anything she'd taken at the party.


The bright light streaming into the room from the window brought Claire slowly to consciousness. She snuggled deeper into the sheets and tried to go back to sleep. She was so warm and comfortable.


'you're finally awake.' Claire shot up just remembering in the nick of time to grab the sheets to preserve her modesty.
Dave sat at the foot of the bed pulling on his shoes and obviously getting ready to go out.
'good morning' claire stammered and looked around her. 'what am I doing here?'
'good morning Claire.' Dave responded. 'you were drunk last night and spent the night here.'

' I wasn't drunk. I had just two glasses of champagne to drink. I couldn't have gotten drunk from just that.'

'seems to me you have no head for alcohol because you were so out of it. I almost called in a doctor but Sam insisted I watched you through the night before taking any action...how do you feel now?' he asked
'I feel like my head's about to break off... Where's Susan? Did we both spend the night here?

Dave looked at her for a long time before replying. 'Do you mean you don't remember what happened last night? The party, you getting drunk, trying to kis..…well never mind that. Susan left last night. She didn't stay the night'

'so who pulled off my clothes and put me to bed?'
'I did.' he saw the look on her face and hastened to add 'Look Claire.. last night you were ill and not yourself. Susan left in anger over a slight misunderstanding. It was left to me to take care of you. I didn't violate you if that's what you're thinking.'

'I didn't say that. Th....than... thank you for your help. But I think it's best I left now'

'There's no need to hurry. I was just about to head out to get some groceries. Sam's also on his way here so we can both watch you to make sure you're really okay. I'll drop you off at your hostel later in the day. So just relax…. You're in safe hands.' he headed towards the door.

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'The bathroom's over there. You should find whatever you need to clean up. I'll be back soon.'

Claire laid back slowly.. what had she gotten herself into? What happened last night? Why had Susan left her here instead of taking her home? What was the cause of the 'slight' misunderstanding? Why did she feel as she still did?……. So many questions…and no answer forthcoming….

Stay tuned for the next episode




Thanks for the continuous update. I am just joining the episode so I need to check out the previous episode.

Thank you for reading @princeyk.... Do check them out to better understand the story and the characters.

So many questions left unanswered. Please next

Lol....they'll soon be answered...
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