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RE: Storytelling Mentorship Group 3 - Update

in #story-mentor7 years ago

I haven't yet read through your novels due to time constraints, but i am very interested to get back into reading. My girlfriend is a huge fan of Stephen King and our bookcases are completely brimmed with his novels. As i mentioned in a previous post or comment ( I can't remember which exactly), I haven't done much reading since school but back then I was a huge Harry Potter fan, I have a first edition hardback book of The Philosophers Stone, Carefully stored as it accumulates value!

As a child I remember enjoying a saga of vampire books by Darren Shan. His writing gripped me and I was deeply disappointed with a movie released a few years back called 'Cirque Du Freak' a spin off of one of his novels and poorly done compared to how i imagined the books.

Anyway I will write up a post later about what i'd like to write about myself on the steemit platform, just about to leave work after receiving the order from our directors! SNOW DAY Check me html'ing haha!


Hahaha html skillz!

I like Stephen King too, but the ONLY book-to-film that has ever impressed me because it was so close to the books was Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas - the Bodachs were EXACTLY as I'd pictured them in my head.

You're right to keep that book safe! A modern classic and valuable to boot!

Is there somewhere you can point me to learn more html? Hyperlinks etc to link my other posts into a new post etc?

I usually search for what I need in the internal search facility (the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page) ;)

The link thing is easy. Use square brackets [] around the title of your link - for example [Wiki]

Then right after (no spaces) you enclose the live link in round brackets (link address)

So it would look like this

  • but take you to the page, not the made-up one.

Fantastic it's way easier than I expected! I see code and special characters and panic but there's really no need!

Nope, no need to panic. And if you do what I do, get to know one command at a time before moving onto the next, they'll become second-nature and you'll not have to go looking for them :)

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