White South African Genocide. Stop it. Now.

Here is an issue that has been bothering me for quite some time. White genocide in South Africa. For a large continent of people who are set on asking White European countries for help, they sure do not treat these same White Europeans very well in their own countries.. We are well past slavery at this point. We are now at the point where it seems that the indoctrination of hate cycle is rapidly spinning out of control..

Here is a video on from youtube by Sydney Watson to better describe the migrant issues in Australia. These people need help, but the people are so whitewashed into racism against whites, that these families are being slaughtered instead of aided.. Sad..

Now, I don't use other people's content very often in my posts. However, when I do, I make sure to credit the author and give the actual link to their original content like above. This is not intended to steal content, her video does explain this issue rather well. Although I am not in Australia, if I were, I would be pushing the fast tracking of the Boer people migrating to that country because, they are in significant need of asylum.

What are your thoughts here? Does anyone else have good information on this subject? I am wanting to raise awareness about this and make the media aware of this issue. If you happen upon this post and have better sources for me, please feel free to comment the link below for me so I can feature it in my next #stopwhitegenocide post.

I actually 100% agree with miss Sydney's statements in this video. Especially her ending statement of. "Who is the real racist?"


So I live in South Africa and this really is media spinning things. Most crime is not race crime its crime in general. Everyone is affected Black, White, Yellow etc.

Yes the country has major social issues we are all working on overcoming but as a 31 year old white male I have grown up in a South Africa after Apartheid and you know what my black friends are as sick as us whities about this still being an issue... to who the old and dying who cant let go of the past. Well new generations are coming and we all carry a new hope for South Africa.

Now I am not saying that all blacks hate whites out there, but I am saying that there are issues that need to be addressed. There are groups of people in Africa that are essentially the same as a black version of white supremacists. I am all for racial preservation and heritage preservation, but it does not mean that people should be going around killing others because of their skin color.

Originally this post and this youtuber's video was about the people of Australia allowing immigration of the white south africans who are wanting to relocate for safety reasons.

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