How to avoid making excuses and achieve your goals

in #stopexcuse6 years ago (edited)

Building Self-Discipline starts at the end of stop giving excuses. In this moment you have own-responsibilities of your own behavior. Anybody can tell you what they would like & expect from life but most of them are not committed to fulfil their goal in their life. Very few people are really strong in their decision.

When we failure our life we don’t blame ourselves, we give an excuse that’s why we never success our life. Always learn from failure & stop giving excuse. Maximum time we make excuses to get out of doing anything. Sometimes this is true but sometime it is unnecessary.


Let’s read why do we make excuse?


The feeling of fear keeps us comfort zones and prevents our learning power. People are often afraid of things because they don't understand them & they don’t have enough knowledge about them.


Always failure is not negative feeling. When we fail somewhere we get a chance to learn again & it is another chance to achieve success.


No specific goals:

If you do not any specific goal, you always make excuses to avoid doing something that you don't want to do. For example, can you see the difference between: I do this work & I achieve success on this work.



If you make mistake somewhere, you always avoid & excuses do this work. But if you make excuses to avoid mistakes, it is best for your life. So, always habit to avoid mistake.


There are a lot of excuses that people use when they want to give up from a work. They are ---

I don’t have time to do this work :

We all know a day is 24 hours but a successful person utilize all time a day but a failure person always tell I don’t have time to do this work.

I do not have enough money:

Money is important in our life but money is not everything in our life. Most of successful person belong to poor family but how they achieve their success. So, Stop giving excuse that I do not have enough money.

I can’t do this work because I have kids:

We face problem that does not mean we can’t overcome this problem. When we face problem we learn a lot of thing about this problem and learn how to overcome this type of problem.

I do not have an education:

There are a lot of way to educate himself. If you want to get a formal education, you can always get a student loan and pay it off once you have a career.

I am bad luck :

Luck is nothing in our life. Successful person create their own luck but failure person do not work harder & smarter for their success. Always blame on luck.

Why it’s important to stop making excuses ----


Excuses prevent you to achieve your goal:

When you make an excuse, you aren't reach your goal and achieve your success. You never know you are capable or not. You always give excuse for everything that comes your way.


Hold you back:

Excuses can hold you back from a lot of things like - career, getting healthier, and creating new relationships. They can limit you in every area of your life & you never overcome this.


You’ll settle for less in life:

If you make excuses to not move up in life, you will stay in one position & never success your career. You stuck one point, never gone manage big responsibilities.


You won’t challenge yourself:

If you make an excuse you never learn how to challenge yourself, take risk in life & achieve your goal in life .

How to avoid Making Excuses ----

Stop comparing yourself to others:

The truth is, every human is unique & they have different power. when you are compare yourself to someone, remember that Successful people once stood in your shoes and were able to get where they are today. So, you do not feel depressed and do not lost your goal.


Stop fearing the unknown:

People do mistake. It is natural. But you always think you are loser & do not do this work. But you are wrong. Many good things can come in your life from Unknown Source. Always accept the unknown work and create a chance to success your life.


Stop blaming others:

One of the most destructive things you can do in life is to play the blame game. When we mistake & do not success we always blame others. So, blame myself instead of others.


Take responsibility:

Take responsibility of your own actions. If you are unable to accept responsibility for your actions or mistakes, it is very hard to win the respect of other people & achieve your goal f life.


Take action:

Stop making excuses and take the action that is needed to achieve the goals you want in life and win success.


Learn from your mistakes:

When you mistake something you don’t feel depressed, always learn from mistake. You can always analyze what went wrong and figure out how you can do it better in the future. Always remember, all mistakes are learning opportunities, no matter how big or small the mistake may be.


Don’t focus on your weaknesses:

If you have a few weaknesses, be aware of them, but do not focus on them. Always focus on your strengths.


You’re not perfect, it’s ok:

The truth is, everyone is unique. No one is perfect. So, Accept your mistakes achieve your success step by step in life.



I totally agree with you. In order to do something in life one must stop giving excuses and start doing the work. We can only achieve our goals if we are focused enough to work towards achieving our targets and avoid overthinking

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