Stop Distracting Yourself! (How to Heal Instead of Using Distractions)
With respect to mental healing, it is very important to stop getting caught up in distractions if you want to be at ease once and for all. Courage is an important virtue when it comes to full recovery from a mental disorder. Our minds can be our worst enemy and prior to learning Vipassana meditation. It likes to act as a dictator that rules with an iron fist. This has to stop and it will stop when you are courageous to do nothing but witness your thoughts. It is extremely common for people to attempt to suppress their depression and anxiety by keeping themselves busy.
The mind threatens you time and time again, and the only way out seems to be to distract yourself so that the mind gets occupied with another activity. Whether it is through physical exercise, playing video games, or solving math problems, it is some kind of coping mechanism. I don’t want you to live in fear like this anymore. This has got to stop now! Stop the distractions!
Muslim Quarter in Xi'an, China
The New Master of Your Life…
Your consciousness is in control now. When the mind attempts to bully you, remove your resistance to it and let your consciousness deal with it. There will be fear when you first do Vipassana. Embrace it and witness it. Do not reject the fear. Bravery and courage is not the same thing. A brave person suppresses their fear and acts like it’s not there. A courageous person realizes there is fear but does what they have to do anyway. To me, courage is much more valuable than bravery. Being courageous is being authentic. Being brave is putting on a persona.
Your thoughts do not stand a chance against the witness. Your thoughts that threaten you and act like demons will be exposed for being an illusion. Do not fear your mind for it can help you and destroy you. Now that you know how to get control of it, you can reprogram it to help you.
When you feel that anxiety building up it is best to just find a place to sit and do Vipassana meditation. Do not fight it with positive thinking or distractions. You have to take control of yourself once and for all by putting the mind in its place.
the path is there