The best video about the world and how it actually is, science et al. Very well done and enlightening in more ways than one. Highly recommended it. ♡
#150 "The Stolen History of Earth" (Full 5 hour documentary by Ewaranon)
The Post-Reset War of the 19th Century
"Joseph Smith was fully aware of the existance of large cities of mud flooded buildings. He founded the religion as a method to get to the buildings. He understood that there were health benefits from pipe organs and antiquitech, and he intended to remodel these buildings and call them temples. The US government and local governments fought them for 15 years and shoved them westward. But then the government found a use for them and started feeding them more information about the areas out west. They were allowed to stay in mud flood towns and cities along the way. Once they were in Salt Lake City they were able restore and keep all the grand architecture and whatever antiquitech was still working. They then used the knowledge to blackmail the government to NOT destroy their cities with fires and expositions.
Joseph Smith was a treasure hunter and entrepreneur. He dug into suspicious hills around Palmyra, New York, where he was living and found the possessions of the previous owners in the buried houses. He found maps and books that showed or talked about all the great cities out west, and that special technology was in some buildings that improved human health and extended life. He understood that if he got there first, he could get all the good stuff. And if he got there with a group of people, he could start a whole civilization where he was the leader and could do whatever he wanted. So, he started a religion and built up a group of people who wanted to live a healthier lifestyle and headed west.
He stopped along the way in Kirtland, Ohio, Independence, Missouri, and Nauvoo, Illinois. Caused an uproar everywhere due to moving in with a big group of people, preaching wild ideas, and eventually having multiple wives. Ended up getting himself killed. Brigham Young (and his multiple wives) took the bulk of the followers out to what is now Utah, but was Spanish territory at the time they left. He had considered California, but the buildings were buried really deep in mud there compared to Utah, and the Utah ones were said to be nicer. It seemed best to stay far away from the US government, if they wanted to continue with their lifestyle.
Some Mormans had gone to California by boat. They ended up being responsible for the Gold Rush and made quite a lot of money off the prospectors. This also made California the preferred destination for most settlers and slowed the coming of non-Mormons to Utah.
Near the shores of the Great Salt Lake, Brigham Young's group "built" Salt Lake City and the surrounding settlements. This included some very large and complex buildings.
Or, dug out a bunch of fancy big buildings with pipe organs, called them temples, gathering halls and colleges, and named their efforts Salt Lake City. They were able to gain health benefits from the pipe organs in the buildings and the bathing pavilions on the Great Salt Lake. The free energy devices may have also still been working.
Then the US defeated the Mexicans in the Mexican American War and the Mormons fell under their jurisdiction again. They had to make concessions like banning multiple wives in order to become a territory and then a state. But they were allowed to keep all the land they had settled and all the buildings they had dug out and/or remodeled. And they are keeping the secret to this day! I'm not sure if they are equals with the elite robber barons or if they are blackmailing the elite robber barons!!!"
Visit link for the long version.
Advanced Technology of North America in 1890's.
Fractal Antennas
The sight of the San Francisco worlds fair of 1915 and today. Via fb Larry Freeman via Question Everything
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