My View of the Stock Markets

in #stocks7 years ago

This Labor Day Weekend of 2017, North Korea has tested out yet another Nuclear Bomb. North Korean propaganda has stated that "its intercontinental ballistic missile was a perfect success," as well as "it was a very meaningful step towards completing the nation nuclear programs weapon." The test was 6.3 magnitudes, and the tremors could be felt all the way to China. Read the article here:
As well as last week, Hurricane Harvey has struck. 57 inches of rainfall in Texas and more than 180 Billion Dollars worth of loss.

How does this tie in with the Stock Market?

For months now, I have been predicting a major biblical collapse of the Stock Market and world economy. For years now the markets have been inflated to immeasurable levels by the Fed, the Rothchild family, Rockefeller Family, Soros, and many other elitists. Stocks have rallied after the crash of 2007-2008 and housing/real estate has soared. These securities are now way overbought. Millennials are now buying stocks expecting a return of 8% per year instead of buying their iPhones and Coke. Every person I meet has a bullish outlook for the future. They see that the North Korea mess is temporary, and that it will be resolved soon. They expect that stocks will continue to soar and housing will keep rising. VIX is at an all time low; this is the most peaceful market in history! All the major news, Forbes, CNN Money, NBC expect the Dow Jones to reach 100K in two years.

The year of 2000 was the technology bubble. The year of 2007-8 was the subprime mortgage bubble. The years of 2017-18 are going to be the tech bubble, the subprime mortgage bubble, the EVERYTHING bubble!

I am expecting that this will be worse than the Great Depression of 1929 and will last for 5-15 years. People are going to lose jobs, homes, everything. This world market/economy has been inflated by the Fed greatly. People will be ready to sell their homes/cars/lambos/mansions for dirt cheap. The only thing that will be necessary in the coming years will be the need of food (it will be very scarce). (Not even shelter)!

I Tweet regularly in detail about the impending doom of markets/world economy as well as crypto's and Technical Analysis here: Check it out!

I believe that the Dollar and World currencies will crash and that people will opt into using crypto's. People are going to try to invest what little money they have left to invest and buy crypto's. 1 in 3 Americans do not have $500 in savings, that is 57 million people alone in America. The wealth gap has been broadening for decades now. The low income people/families will be affected the most harshly.

This is why I have invested deeply into promising cryptocurrencies by trading, investing, and mining them. Crypto's very well may help out at least by a little against the upcoming crash of the world economy. Only a couple million people know about cryptocurrencies vs. the 8 billion population on Earth.

Anyway, back to North Korea and Hurricane Harvey. Have Harvey and North Korea popped the bubble? In two days, 09/05/2017 will we see another Black Tuesday?

Only time can tell now,

Moksh Rajput

(All statements are my personal opinions and are not considered investment advice)

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