Friends of Gondor - Weekly Update 21: Held 7500 SP And Now Looking For A Nice Gain!
Weekly Update 21
Held 7500 SP And Now Looking For A Nice Gain!

Week 21 was a good week, even as it didn't appear on the surface that much happened. We stabilized at 7500 SP and even gained a little as we received a nice 100 SP from SOG member @davedickeyyall, which more than made up for a small weekly expiration from 13 weeks ago. This was the first time @davedickeyyall gave a delegation and we were proud to be the recipient. And this was a "free" delegation with no strings attached, so its a tribute to all the SOG members and to @fulltimegeek. Thanks Dave, we really appreciate it! We also recieved some really nice donations during the week and forged another deal with @em3 to get another 660 SP leased to us, so we should jump back to 8000 this week and hopefully even make a new high if we're lucky!
On the upvote of our post this week, we had a nice amount of upvotes, as usual with @fulltimegeek leading the way! Even though the steem price has come down, the upvotes on the weekly post really helps us, as it enables us to purchase more leased SP. For instance, last week we finished renewing our lease with @em3 for 612 SP and we have just added another 660 starting this week from him that will run through November 4th. In fact thanks to the donations and the post this week, we are almost able to fully pay off the 40 steem required for that 14 1/2 week lease! Steem rose slightly during the week (back to the $1.40s) and our vote values rose with them to $0.19 per post per steward (+$0.02).
During the week donations returned with a vengence, as we received 6 donations, and a total of 27.5 sbd and 2 steem. There was two large donations in double digits from SOG members @mikepm74 of 15 sbd and @goldendawne of 10 sbd. Plus there was also 2 donations from repeat non-SOG member @bashadow (1 sbd and 1 steem), along with 2 other donations from repeat SOG members @cranium 1.5 sbd and @abh12345 1 steem. Thank you all for stepping up to the plate this week and helping us get a great start on another 660 SP lease that will start soon and take us up to 8000 SP again!

Don't forget who we are helping, this is the full list of SOG members supporting FTG: @fulltimegeek @abh12345 @allseeingewe @buddy67 @c0ff33a @carlgnash @cbanks @cecicastor @cheneats @coolguy123 @cranium @crimsonclad @dakini5d @davedickeyyall @defango @drakos @einarkuusk @fabiyamada @flauwy @frankbacon @geekpowered @goldendawne @greenrun @hendrix22 @hitmeasap @howtostartablog @inquiringtimes @kryptokayden @kubbyelizabeth @leighstewy @lifttheveil411 @lukebrn @luming @lyndsaybowes @marxrab @mikepm74 @old-guy-photos @openmic @orcheva @originalsimulant @quitefrankly @realtreebivvy @reko @samiwhyte @skycae @somethinfishy @spiritualmax @taskmaster4450 @theuxyeti @votovzla @wisewoof @yagoub

Tell your friends about what we are doing for the #stewardsofgondor, we want the program to continue to grow and support the many things the SOG members are doing.
Chart 1 Dashboard On

This Weeks Payment On Posts Today (~$4 steem and $4 sbd)
Tonight we will receive the 21st weekly payout since the launch of this program. The payout will be equivalent to about $9 sbd (with the new payout formula, some was in steem too), and it, along with any donations will be used to initiate new leases if the rates stay so favorable. (NOTE: This week it will go to securing the new 660 SP lease from @em3 we started) The goal will be to add more new 13 week leases to replace the expiring 13 week leases each week that come due!
We have successfully built up and stabilized our account, and now we should provide a steady and growing upvote if we continue to get your support. The goal is to give the SOG members a real benefit and with your continued efforts to support us, we will continue to build the SP and curation trail.

Friends That Have Generously Donated SBD (newest donations first)
Total 176.675 sbd and 28.586 STEEM

New Donations This Week
@bashadow donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@goldendawne donated 10.0 sbd (SOG donor)
@cranium donated 1.5 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@mikepm74 donated 15.0 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@bashadow donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)

@bashadow donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@enrique89 donated 0.5 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@preparedwombat donated 1.0 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.5 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@howtostartablog donated 3.0 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@bashadow donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.5 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@themarkymark donated 20.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@preparedwombat donated 2.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@davedickeyyall donated 1.0 sbd (new SOG donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@bashadow donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat donor)
@profanereviews donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@preparedwombat donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat donor)
@four20 donated 1.0 sbd (repeat small donor)
@afifa donated 1.0 sbd (new donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.5 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@orcheva donated 2.086 STEEM (new SOG donor)
@enrique89 donated 0.5 sbd (repeat donor)
@four20 donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@lynncoyle1 donated 2.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@marxrab donated 5.0 sbd (new SOG donor)
@bashadow donated 2.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@enrique89 donated 0.5 sbd (new donor)
@abh12345 donated 0.50 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@cranium donated 2 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@four20 donated 1 sbd (repeat supersmall, big heart donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@profanereviews donated 1 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 0.50 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@preparedwombat donated 1 sbd (NEW donor)
@howtostartablog donated 5 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@reko donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@cranium donated 2 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@bashadow donated 1 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@whatsup donated 3 sbd (new SOG donor)
@hitmeasap donated 2 sbd (new SOG donor)
@reko donated 1 STEEM (new SOG donor)
@cranium donated 3 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@howtostartablog donated 3 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat SOG donor)
@spiritualmax donated 1.50 sbd (repeat SOG donor)
@paulag donated 3.0 sbd (NEW donor)
@discordia donated 8.30 sbd (NEW donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat donor)
@smylie2005 donated 1.50 sbd (repeat newbie donor)
@simplymike donated 1.0 sbd (repeat newbie donor)
@lynncoyle1 donated 1.50 sbd (repeat newbie donor)
@bashadow donated 2.0 sbd (repeat newbie donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.5 STEEM (repeat donor)
@gracefavour donated 0.30 sbd (repeat newbie donor)
@cranium donated 5.0 sbd
@lynncoyle1 donated 1.5 sbd (repeat donor)
@abh12345 donated 1.0 STEEM (repeat donor)
@smylie2005 donated 0.50 sbd (repeat donor)
@amariespeaks donated 5.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@lynncoyle1 donated 1.0 sbd (repeat donor)
@howtostartablog donated 4.0 sbd
@abh12345 donated 2.0 STEEM
@theuxyeti donated 2.0 sbd (helping out his fellow SOG members!)
@profanereviews donated 1.0 sbd (SP total is 4 SP... yes that's right 4 SP)
@beeyou donated 1.075 sbd (her SP total is 41 SP)
@gracefavour donated 1.0 sbd (her SP total is 1 SP... yes that's right 1 SP)
@abh12345 donated 2.0 sbd (@lynncoyle1 @davemccoy donated in his name)
@simplymike donated 8.0 sbd (plus her 100 SP delegation)
@bashadow donated 1.0 sbd
@beeyou donated 1.0 sbd (her SP total is 40SP)
@smylie2005 donated 2.0 sbd (her SP total 19 SP)
@spiritualmax donated 2.5 sbd
@ricia donated 5 sbd
@lynncoyle1 donated 1 sbd
@mikepm74 donated 15 sbd
@abh12345 donated 1.5 sbd
@davemccoy donated 5 sbd
Thank you all for your generous support!

As mentioned earlier these new donations and earnings of sbd from posts will be reinvested to grow the SP so that the SOG members get a bigger hit to their upvote. We have now started lengthening the leases from 13 to 20 weeks depending on market opportunities.

What you can do if you want to support this project to help @fulltimegeek and his #stewardsofgondor
#1 You can follow what we are doing and tell your followers and friends through various methods
#2 You can upvote our posts to increase the amount of earnings we have to lease more SP
#3 You can follow our curation trail (84th place already) on steemauto and have your upvote show moral support (even 2 or 3% is something that matters because it all adds up)
#4 You can donate directly like the wonderful people above
#5 You can delegate any of your own SP for any period of time that suits you while this Quest is ongoing
#6 Last but not least, you can thank the individual "friends" that are supporting this effort directly. Sometimes just a stop by and a small note saying you appreciate their help will make a big difference to a donor's day!
If you can't do any of the other 5 and you support what we are doing, then #6 is a very very effective way to help us. It encourage them to spread the word and rewards their efforts with "respect"

Hello @friendsofgondor!
It looks like you have received another wonderful gift from one of the most selfless people on the Steem blockchain, the creator of the Stewards of Gondor program, the one and only.......... you know it! :D
Hey Asher! Yes you are definitely right there! @fulltimegeek is amazing and responsible for so much here. He truly shines in a world that needs leaders, and its a true honor to have this program to support him and his Stewards! You all have been amazing in following his lead too, so that you for that as well :)
What a wonderful way to start the week! Thanks @fulltimegeek! :D
Hi @friendsofgondor, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @daveddickeyyall doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?
If you found this comment useful, consider upvoting it to help keep this bot running. You can see a list of all available commands by replying with
.fixed it... thanks @checky... that's cool of you to let me know ;)
So wonderful to see so many supporting the FOG!
I agree @goldendawne! You are the first person that showed me about this wonderful program called the Stewards of Gondor! It was you and @abh12345 and @coolguy123 that opened my eyes as to how awesome @fulltimegeek and this program was! We have all been recipients of your kindness and generosity and it has helped a new generation to respect and carry on the teachings! Thank you :)
Thank you @friendsofgondor (@davemccoy) for including me. #stewardsofgondor program is the best that happened to me and I still remember those days of competing for the curation and and number of upvotes which all made possible by one and only @fulltimegeek and the program success was all because of the wonderful members of that team SOG.
I have to remember @abh12345 because he is the one who started building the curation skills in many of us through those curation leagues and that has helped me to improve myself as a curator and made me one of the curators of eSteem team.
All others like @goldendawne, @wwf, @cranium and others who were part of team SOG were helpful in improving myself as a Steemian.
Best wishes to all :)
@coolguy123 ... you are definitely a major contributor to spreading the story from @fulltimegeek... You and your generosity still to this day helps many! I think you underestimate what you do, but I know and I'm so happy to help you and to let people know that you have been such a positive influence! Have a great weekend!
Thank you @friendsofgondor for reminding me again about me being a positive influence. I don't know to what extent I am influencing, but the ideas and ethics what I learnt (helping minnows, spreading the votes to different Steemians, not selfvoting etc.) are still being followed by me and those are the best influencing points for me and for that, I have to convey a big thanks to @fulltimegeek and team SOG.
I am growing steadily on Steemit and getting to know more and more different communities which are positive signs for myself, because as you know, I am a shy guy and being shy doesn't work on Steemit, so, for all these positive things #StewardsOfGondor and #newbieresteemday programs are the base for me.
Thank you Dave, you always bring the positive energy whenever I speak to you. :)
Going strong week after week! Great job and glad to know the SOG continue to receive support.
Some of us are not members of the SOG but are part of the new #botsquad generation. Stopping by to say thank you to Mr. Roboto for showing kindness and support to us small fishes. :)
I like to think I'm "with it" and in tune with things, but what the hay are you talking about @beeyou? haha botsquad generation?
haha that's awesome @allseeingewe!!
How's Ru these days? :)
Name I've given to some of us that are being hit with fulltimebots. :D Completely made up and corny, but have to start somewhere!
lol- I started calling it the FTG Bot Brigade! When I first got the upvotes I was smiling.. @fulltimegeek sure knows how to make steemit succeed!
Ha! That's awesome!! I too have been fortunate to have been "hit" with them too. So awesome :)
lol... You are with it! As the Queen you can accept or deny any naming of any aspect you like... :)
haha thanks @friendsofgondor! I can't seem to do much wrong by you :)
Thank you @beeyou! And happy to see you with your support here too! Its always very much appreciated!
Light a fire under Steem price please lol!
I wish I had that power... I think we need Gandalf for that one!
How about Gandalf the Brown?
hahahah you are on fire!!!
lol love it... Yes Gandalf the Brown look like he could certainly do the trick! He seems to do most everything around here, so why not! :P
Thank you to all the friends of gondor, you guys are an amazing group of people.
You're welcome @greenrun! But it is you and @fulltimegeek that have inspired this project. You all have shown us the way forward and we definitely appreciate it! :)
Thank you for the kind words.
Thank you for your support !!!
You're welcome and thank you too @cranium! Your support is very much appreciated too :)
I've just seen your project!
it seems to be nice!
how can I donate, friends? I’m completely stupid when it comes to all this. Lol. Can you explain to me what it is that you guys do exactly? I always see your stuff and I’m looking to not only help grow my account and prosper but to help something else grow as well. Please help me understand as I’m dumb. Lol
Hey @blewitt! That's a good question... We are an account that upvotes the Stewards of Gondor. There are about 50 Stewards that were chosen by @fulltimegeek to spread a message of giving and "paying it forward". FTG delegated almost all of his steem out when he was super big because he didn't like his outsized influence on the platform, and he felt that many others that he selected could collectively do a better job in total of spreading the message of giving. He started the Stewards of Gondor and picked the people he thought would help.
Many of us were supported by these Stewards in various ways so we all came to know of the program and how generous and giving FTG was. And even though these people have lost their delegations, to this day most of them still carry on the tradition of supporting others and helping to make Steemit a place to encourage people to join.
The Friends of Gondor is simply an account that shows our "collective respect" to those Stewards by giving them autovotes on their posts every day. The account was started 21 weeks ago as the flag wars were started, but has since then continued thanks to the generosity of not only the Stewards themselves, but also the people that have been positively impacted too. In other words, the message of the program lives and this is just a small way that we can give back and show our respect for what they have done for us.
I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask... I'm always happy to help you understand and would love for you to know as much as you want about @fulltimegeek and how he started his SOG program! :)
Interesting and informative. Thank so much for the detailed response. Truly appreciate it. Trying to learn and absorb as much as I can.
You're welcome and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask :)
Will do! You guys rule!!!
Great service. Much respect to you.
Thank you very much @wstanley226 :)