If you take one step, He'll make two!
(I try my best not to create any contradiction as well as present my thoughts in the right way and yet I have succeeded in this because most of the good people may have shown differences with me but did not speak like an educated fool. I would like to express my gratitude for it)
Now I come to the question of what makes me sad. It makes me sad when someone associates any religion with a terror attack or something of that sort. Often in the comments section on Facebook or YouTube, I get irrational ugly comments. Some people do not stop there and comment clearly that hate is in the book of Islam itself. The Quran tells Muslims to kill those who belong to other religions.
I asked them where they read any verse which is a threat to society, please brought some light on it, and got responses like this one: -
“And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” - Quran(9:5)
After this, I try to express my two cents but they leave the comment section without listening to me. I am not grabbing your collar and make you accept my wordings but at least read it:-
I agree that these are verses are violent and the same verses are being misused in the middle east for provoking Muslims. When you read a history book, you read it by keeping in mind the context in which it was written. Otherwise, the meaning of any statement would make no sense.
Not only this, it is absolutely wrong to use selected verses without any context, as Heinrich Himmler did with the teachings of the Gita (Holy book of Hinduism). He considered himself Arjuna and Hitler as the Krishna and in his views, the genocide that nazis were doing was something destined: -
"Every time a man forgets the sense of justice and truth, and when injustice reigns in the world, I am born afresh, this is the law."
This is the same statement that Krishna had said to Arjuna, but pay attention, this statement was said in some context so it was correct. But Heinrich, on the contrary, provoked his army that we are doing the right thing by destroying the Jews. He did not even spare the verses of the Vedas. He wrote in his diary:
"He who kills believes that he is killing someone. He who is being killed believes that he is dying. But both are wrong. Nobody can kill anyone and no one can die."
If I am not wrong it is something related to the soul that a soul is eternal nobody can kill it and it is immortal. God knows what Heinrich thinks of this verse.
Other scriptures were also used for fulfilling propagandas as Desmond Tutu said:
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.
To understand any historical statement mean, three things are required -
It was said in what context?
Example: It is important to understand when and why it was said. What was the situation at that time? I have already presented a quotation for it where Heinrich used the teaching in the wrong context.How is the statement being interpreted?
Example: Marwaris, an Indian ethnic group, are good when it comes to money matters. It either means that Marwaris are good at managing money or they are close-fisted.What are the literal meaning and metaphorical meaning of that statement?
Example: Sometimes the word used in the verse figuratively means something else than the literal meanings.
The next time you see someone using a verse without any context, do not immediately believe the whole thing to be true. However, sometimes it may be true as if there was an incident involving Charlie Hebdo, which is very disturbing, at least for me.
I surmise the reason for such things to happen is Muslim society is less educated. And this is because their parents encourage religious teaching more than professional education. But we also find many samples where some engineers, doctors, and PH.Ds get involves in such wrongdoings. So, exceptions are always there but it doesn't mean we should stereotype people.
Now even after this, if someone does not understand just like those who show off their cheap thoughts on Facebook and YouTube, the horse can be taken near the pond but it cannot be fed with water.
Thanks for reading my full opinion! :D
[1] https://www.ibtimes.com/heinrich-himmler-nazi-hindu-214444
[2] Image - Google Search