A coincidence of epic proportions, or maybe by design of "unknown" forces at work??

in #stephen-hawking7 years ago (edited)

Stephen Hawking RIP March 14 2018.jpg

So today we said goodbye to someone who left an impression in the world and the cosmos that will live on for a long long time. Stephen Hawking the man who just kept on defying death, the odds, the best scientists of our time. He just kept giving and giving. Despite facing problems that most can barely imagine nothing ever got in his way. We should take more from his life than just the knowledge he left us. We should also look at our lives and ask are we really that hard off? Do the problems we create really amount to such a mass that we let them beat us? Should we just take the easy road and stay in our comfort zone? Should we let others take the lead because we always have tomorrow?

I am disabled myself and know how certain things get in my own way. When I look up to figures such Stephen Hawking there is an immediate realisation that I can and should try to achieve anything. There are no limits, only those that I create in my own mind. Excuses are easily dismissed and enthusiasm or motivation are so easily found when taking heed from such illuminating lives and their numerous accomplishments.

Despite not being religious I am a believer that there are things we cannot yet understand at work throughout the depths of space and even over the unimaginable distances that we are all intrinsically connected for reasons that will become apparent one day. There must be things bigger than us as there is simply no way that we are alone and just a one of fluke of nature. Owing to my way of thinking I believe that even in his death another sign presented itself from the great cosmos. Such a mind does not simply leave on such a prevalent historical date. To defy all odds for so long and achieve so much then in his 70's finally pass away to some other place on this, of all days is not by chance alone. To share the day of his passing with not only did he die on the Birthday of Albert Einstein, another of the great examples humanity has produced. It just so happened to also fall on a day of significance to a great many people around the world as it is also Pi day too. No, no, no, this was not a mere mathematically implausible coincidence more likely it is as though he left this world on the day of his choosing to inspire us and to further imprint his memories into the history books. Possibly, dare I say it, even the forces at work that I mentioned above such as alien life or a greater consciousness even, aligned this to take place on such a remarkable date.

Stephen Hawking RIP March 14 2018 Albert Einstein Birthday.jpg

Whatever the situation, I am glad to have shared a world with him and appreciate the fact that someone in the face of such adversity managed to not sit back, feel sorry for himself, or just roll over and bleed the world dry with his life. He chose to fight and live dedicating energy into putting something back into our world (and beyond). He may not have always been right, in fact was quite often very wrong with his theories and corrected by many people during the course of his life. He always carried looking up to the sky, dusting himself off when needed then got right back to applying passion to every day. I think if we only take one thing, that alone is something we all should reflect on.

I wish him to Rest in Peace among the Stars and I will end this post on an appropriate quote from the late Stephen Hawking himself.

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.”

On that note people, thank you for reading this. Come back and have a ponder on this post anytime you need some encouragement. In the mean time go out there and live a life that is worth living!

Stephen Hawking RIP March 14 2018 Pi Day.jpg


Thanks for the upvotes @hr1 @austin.jacob and @animad glad you like the post. He is one heck of a guy eh? :)

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