Approaching The Absolute Zero Temperature: Just a Billionth Degree Away

in #stemng6 years ago

The Science of Cold

The man had conquered heat for centuries, ever since the ancestors struck that stone together to produce the spark that revolutionalised the way we survive. With the heat, we can forge arrows, matches for both hunting and the occasional wars. With time we even built the internal combustion engine (ICE) which revolutionalised the way we move and travel.

But the technology of cold is something that is not older than 250 years since the first refrigerator came into existence in 1834.

Imagine life today without the cold. That means your supermarket will have no frozen food, airconditioning system in officers and skyscrapers will not exist. No ice cream/ ice making/ cooling machine of any kind. That will be taking the world back some 300 years.

Temperature By Homo logos [CC-BY-SA-3.0], from Wikipedia Commons

In the area of medicine, there will be a way to cool the brain down to carry out some surgeries on the heart, spinal cord, etc. to reduce the risk of brain damage. The liquid oxygen is useful to patients to sustain breathing and as an oxidiser in space mission fuel supplement for combustion in spacecraft oxygen in high altitude flight with little or no oxygen-rich atmosphere.

The cooling technology, which some may take for granted, is there again in the new field of quantum computing. The rule here is to keep the qubits, analogous to the classical binary bits found in traditional computers, super cold or near absolute zero. The teeny tiny particles inside the qubits are kept at such a low temperature to maintain/ or keep it stable or risk a change due to thermal vibration or interference. Now, with quantum computing, crunching a million computation had never been this easy.

Scientists every day work hard on getting the holy grail of cold: the absolute zero (0 kelvin or −273.15°Celsius or −459.67° on the Fahrenheit ). The attempt to get to absolute zero temperature is as elusive as the attempt to travel at the speed of light. That is not stopping the scientists from trying.

What if we get to absolute zero?

Things genuinely get a bit weird and fast as we approach the absolute zero. The ultra-cold region has seen some super chilled gas reactions occur at farther distances, where the separation is up to 100 times apart than the response that can happen at near the room temperature.

The experiments show the lower the temperature, the less reaction we can expect.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the Rescue

The principle named after the German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg who proposed it in 1927. It is useful in the explanation involving microscopic particle in the scale of sub-atomic particles or atoms.

The simplest definition of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) is that one may never be sure of all the going on.

How sure are they? [CC BY 2.0], from Flickr Commons

In life, it is a good thing that we do not know what next will happen. If we do, it will be as dull as watching the same movie all over again; you know that particular actress/actor is about to be murdered. What is the fun in that? But scientists wish to know, and it has always been their dream to find out what happens next, but HUP is there to tell them to let the dream stop.

For instance, the simplest explanation of HUP in science can determine the exact speed or position of a microscopic particle but never the two.
But it is difficult to determine the precision of both of these quantities even if you measure simultaneously. You can only either measure the position or the speed, but never the two.

This is because HUP already made us aware that measurement of the position will disturb the speed or the other way round if the speed is what is measured. So we are caught in the situation where there is no escaping the HUP.

Relevance of HUP in the Quest for Absolute Zero Temperature

If the mass m, of a particle, is travelling at a velocity v

The particle's linear momentum is a product of m and v, i.e. p=mv

Expressing the HUP
Mathematically :

Δq x Δv ≥ ħ/m


Δq = uncertainty in the position of a particle, in meters (m)

m= mass in kilogram

Δv = uncertainity in speed, in meters per second (m/s)

ħ is a constant= Plank's constant (h)/2π

But to get absolute zero, almost all molecular movement at quantum level will cease (or in quantum level slow down). When that happens, the circumstance is no longer in agreement with the HUP, which states that it is impossible to measure both location and velocity with absolute precision. So, in other words, if the particle has a kind of kinetic energy, there is heat, and thus the temperature is not at absolute zero.

Much ado about zero

The theoretical limit of absolute zero is one you hear a lot in science, why is it even relevant?

Scientists have so far gotten to a billionth degree Kelvin degree, but the absolute zero is still as elusive as the getting to the speed of light.

The weird part of science is something we get to experience as we move down near the absolute zero. It is in this range that a dilute gas turns into a Bose-Einstein Condensate which I wrote an article on here. The superfluid effect (fluid that behaves as if it has zero viscosity and defy gravity by flowing uphill) comes into play and other macroscopic quantum phenomena such as superconductivity.

Levitating magnet on top of a superconductor By Julien Bobroff [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikipedia Commons

Superconductivity is when a material conducts electricity with zero resistance. It finds a lot of application in engineering especially at the construction of levitating super speed trains.

The noise in a system decreases as the temperature reduces. That makes absolute zero great for studying the interaction of atoms and other properties of a material. This thermal noise when it is decreased, helps sensitive probe in space, for instance, particle detectors, radio telescopes, all benefit from these when analysing data in deep space.


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Hello @greenrun.

Happy Sunday to you.

Nice research. Your today's piece on the The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, reminds me of my secondary school physics so well and clear. Unfortunately and fortunately, after the high school, I went to study a bioscience course and thus seems to have forgotten most of what I know in physics. This is indeed a great reminder!


Thank you @eurogee. I'm happy to take you down that memory lane.

It is really fascinating. Check out this article of the max-plank-Gesellschaft.

They talking also about creating an engine that works in negative Temperature with more then 100% efficiency!

I'd check the link later, the idea is an interesting one.

Its definitely not certain what will happen next in this context, but the advent of cryogenics has revolutionized the science of low temperature. Scientists have been moving boundaries for years now, and we can only hope that a breakthrough will be achieved in this regard as well.

This is one boundary many will be glad to see "moved".

Let's stay optimistic.

I remember my high school lessons and that of my high school chemistry teacher who used to emphasise that Absolute Zero is something we would probably only theoretically obtain since at -273°C volume of any gas would be zero. Charle's law if I'm not wrong.

At the moment, absolute zero is a theoritical hypothesis.

I think attainment of this 'absolute zero degree' is in synchronicity with getting 'pure water' A water with zero conductivity, ph7, boils at exactly 100degree Celsius and freezes at 0 degree Celsius.
If this is achievable, then we can start thinking of absolute zero.
I guess by then the HUP might become obsolete. If you can remember the law 4th at stated that matter is an indestructible particle of an element, the advent of radioactive disintegration has rendered this law obsolete. Change is constant and science will keep evolving.
Have a wonderful Sunday

Absolute zero will go against a lot of laws of both chemistry and physics. For now, we can only dream of it and wish to have such.

All related to the theory of atoms and molecules.

Thus, each material is composed of atoms. A group of atoms assembled to form molecules. Well, each of these atoms has their respective energies, and they move on at a rate that depends on the amount of energy the atom has.

Scientists agree that the higher the temperature of a material, the energy possessed by the constituent atoms is also greater. Conversely, the more descending or cold its temperature, the atomic energy also disappears, and the atomic motion is slower.

Suppose we put a bottle of water into the freezer in the refrigerator. Then the water molecules will lose energy little by little as cooling occurs, until the water turns to ice.

But remember, even though it's ice (at zero degrees Celsius), the water molecules still have energy, and the atoms are still moving at a much slower pace. Then is there a condition where atoms really lose all their energy?

Scientists argue that atoms can not possibly lose 100% of their energy. Or in other words, in theory the absolute zero condition, or absolute zero is unlikely to happen. Because in any history it can never be proven that atoms can lose energy altogether and stop moving completely.

Well, now it's understood, what about the absolute zero or absolute zero? It turns out that all is related to the amount of energy contained by atoms.

I agree with your assertion, losing all the energy (at quantum level inclusive) is impossible.

Even though the absolute zero has been theorized for long, I have always asked if it would ever be possible to attain.

You did an expository work buddy. I heard about Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle when we did something on Wave-particle duality way back.

PS: Cooling technology can also come in handy in cryostasis.

Nice piece bro

Yeah, you can chill yourself till 2180 when humans will live forever through technology :)

Lol. How will I get thawed in 2180? :)

@greenrun, A substance can be divided into parts (particles) whose particle size is smaller. The smallest particles of a substance that still have properties equal to the nature of the origin of the particle are called a molecule. The compound of this molecule can be a bond between the same elements (molecular unsure), but can also be a bond between different elements (molecules of the compound). If a compound is electrolyzed with a direct electric current it will be ionized. Particles of these ionized compounds are called ions. Ions are particles that are electrically charged. Anions are negatively charged electric ions, whereas cations are positively charged ions. They are all material particles.

Good Luck master @greenrun. :)

Having done a research on this myself , all we really have for now are theories or can we just join Musk to mass and while in transit build our quantum computers, lol. We can only hope for what the future holds

Interesting...i definitely can't imagine a life without cooling systems

Yes, it is very important.

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