Anggur (Vitis vinifera) grape

in #stemet7 years ago (edited)


anggur memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan karena mengandung berbagai jenis senyawa metabolit sekunder, terutama golongan flavonoid dan antosianin, serta resveratol.Senyawa aktif dalam anggur mampu meningkatkan kerja sel endotelial yang berperan dalam memperlancar aliran darah dalam arteri terkait dengan aktivitasnya terhadap sel-sel otot halus. Melalui mekanisme ini, risiko terkena serangan jantung dapat berkurang. Selain itu, anggur juga mengandung banyak senyawa anti oksidan yang daya kerjanya lebih kuat daripada vitamin C dan vitamin E. Didalam tubuh, senyawa flavonoid anggur dapat meningkatkan produksi lemak baik (HDL) sekaligus menurunkan trigliserida yang beredar di dalam darah.

Terima kasih
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wine has many health benefits because it contains various types of secondary metabolite compounds, especially flavonoids and anthocyanins, and resveratol .active compounds in wine can increase the work of endothelial cells that play a role in facilitating blood flow in the arteries associated with its activity against smooth muscle cells. Through this mechanism, the risk of heart attack can be reduced. in addition, the wine also contains many anti-oxidant compounds whose power is stronger than vitamin C and vitamin E. In the body, wine flavonoid compounds can increase the production of good fats (HDL) as well as lower triglycerides circulating in the blood.

thank you
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