How do you know that Hell exists?

in #stemchurch7 years ago

Hell is one of the most questioned and attacked realities, perhaps because of a mechanism of evasion of the just punishment that awaits those who offend God and stop taking advantage of the opportunity and opportunities that He gives us to repent to forgive us, and so we can reach, not to Hell, but to Heaven.
Regarding Hell, there are widespread errors: some believe that Hell does not exist. Others believe that it does exist, but that no one goes there, claiming that God is infinitely good. But we must not forget that God is, at the same time, infinitely just. Remember, too, that Jesus Christ himself spoke to us on several occasions about the possibility we have of condemning ourselves. And he not only told us about that possibility, but also, several times, he described that place of eternal punishment. Here are some descriptions by Jesus mouth:

"The wicked ... will throw them into the fiery furnace. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth "(Mt. 13, 42). "And to that useless servant throw him into the darkness of there outside: there will be weeping and despair" (Mt.25, 30). "Accursed: turn away from Me, to the eternal fire" (Mt 25, 41).
And here is what the Book of Revelation says about Hell and those who get there:
"But for the cowards, the renegades, the corrupters, the murderers, the impure, the sorcerers, the idolaters, in a word, for all the false, their place and their part is the lake that burns with sulfur fire, which is the second death "(Rev 21: 8)" And everyone who was not found inscribed in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire "(Rev 20:15).

Theologians agree that the most horrendous of the pains of Hell is the definitive and forever loss of the purpose for which human beings were created: the possession and joy of God, seeing it "face to face". Since only God can satisfy the unlimited desire for happiness that He has placed in our soul to be satisfied only by Him, it can be understood how great the pain of not being able to enjoy what is called the Beatific Vision can be understood. To summarize this sorrow in the words of St. Augustine, "God is as great as it is great."

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