In every walk with the nature, if you are attentive, you receive much more than what you seek ... 😇🐝🌼
I am walking in a park and with the camera of my smartphone, I try to do macro photography. What do you think?
It's not easy to shoot insects in motion... You have to be calm and patient ^^ It's a really good training for me hahaha 😇🐝🌼
by @flamingirl
Beautiful flowers
Thanks @reemy ! =D
hahaha !!! XD
Wow! beautiful flowers
It's amazing you got the bee while it was still on the flower. Great lightning as well. It would be great if you could get it in motion!
There is nothing beautiful than nature
I would love to have such capture as well, but unable to. Perhaps the timing.
Hello @flamingirl. great shot you got the 🐝's good side .
Nice shot.
Because small animals like bees escape our attention
It is beautiful!!! Very good for a training, I could say. hehe :)
hahah ! Thanks for your comment my friend ;)
beautiful photography of nature.