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RE: SteemWorld Support tomorrow ON or OFF?

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)

Entitled much?

It’s a good tool, like many others here on Steem, but you are not entitled for the community to pay for your closed source project. (Nor is anyone else, open or closed source).

Many tools and apps have been developed without community funds, not sure why you feel you are more entitled than them.

The SPS is designed in a way where payments are not guaranteed, and the changes in voting would make proposals funded one day and not the other. This is normal and most are taking this into consideration when making a proposal.

Are you saying that unless you are guaranteed (the very high amount you asked for), in whole, you will not continue the tool? As you have received funds.. no? This could be a good thing to clarify, as you have already collected funds and most likely will again.

Your lack of updates, clarity on what exactly you will do with funds, and posts that sounds more like guilt trips than proposals or updates aren’t the best way to go about it imo.

Maybe instead of trying to guilt people, you could actually show people why it’s something beneficial for all of Steem. And if the community decides its not, maybe you should charge those who seem to depend on it so much.. as I don’t really see it bringing people to Steem, more makes things easier for a few that are here, so perhaps you should pay for services that way if you are unhappy with the support you are receiving.

Just some friendly advice, as my goodness these posts are over the top.


Before the edit, the comment started with:

entitled much ?

Yep and I have stated many times that is how it came across. I just now edited as I was informed in DM by Asher that apparently that one sentence made the rest of my comment invalid as it was “too harsh”.

I disagree with this actually, as reading the above feels very entitled, upset, and an attempt to guilt individuals, but hey.. maybe that’s just my interpretation.

So, that’s me being a dick? And is the reason your comment is saying I won’t grow one? I’m so confused by the responses here I don’t even know what to say anymore 😄

My advice - More focus on the project, and what it provides.. less focus on “woe is me” and stating personal issues as a reason that funding is entitled.. which is what my first comment stated. The rest of this is just noise.

So you can come at him all personal because he is not in your circle of buddies and now you invert the whole situation claiming to be the victim of what you did in the first place. Projection much ?

Oh goodness.. nope, I still think the post screams of entitlement and not the actual project itself and still stand by everything I said.

I have no circle of buddies .. and there is no projection, just honesty. Not calculated comments to try to make the other person look bad, which has nothing to do with the project, just my honest opinion.

I’ll edit the comment back to “entitled much” from the current “This feels very entitled”

I didn’t realize that change would cause such conspiracies and victim accusations.

I’ll put this here again -

My advice - More focus on the project, and what it provides.. less focus on “woe is me” and stating personal issues as a reason that funding is entitled.. which is what my first comment stated. The rest of this is just noise.

You backed down, because Asher told you to.

edit: btw that is exactly what marly would have done, too.

No, I reworded my initial sentence due to feedback I received that it was harsh and uncalled for. Clearly your comments and others say the same.

I put it back to the original way, I think it gets my point across quite clearly. As it is a very butthurt and entitled post.

Feel free to pick out something else completely unrelated to the conversation to try to come at me with.

Edit: I guarantee you our conversation did not go the same way. I’m trying to be polite, but as I told him, I don’t feel the need to baby grown men who are butthurt. He seemed to agree with you.. and well, I don’t. So maybe you guys can chat it up.. as this most definitely wasn’t a “Marly” type situation. You clearly don’t know be very well

This conversation seems more personal than needed and your constant need to bring someone up that you apparently had an issue with confirms that. So I’ll end it here. Feel free to criticize me all you want.. but she’s not even here to weigh in at this point, so perhaps you should focus on the actual conversation at hand.

No. You backed down, because you did not get the backup you expected.

What else is there to it ? The chiller was sad that he lost the funding for his project. I do not think he should rely on it either, but you were just being a bully and I can not see what point you are trying to make exactly other than criticizing his tone.

I didn’t expect backup .. and haven’t changed my points in the slightest. I changed one sentence (which I now changed back). As I said.. you clearly don’t know me very well.

My point is made repeatedly- less focus on personal reasons for needing money and more focus on the actual project he wants funded. It seems pretty straight forward.

I do not think he should rely on it either

👍🏼 Agreed.

But again I just want him to show why his project is worth funding and understand that the funding is not guaranteed.

I supported the project before the proposal was more on why he should be able to pay his bills with STEEM and less about the project and what value it adds to STEEM.

Maybe that’s harsh to some .. but quite frankly my stake is affected by it, so maybe I take that personally. As we all should be concerned with the current price of STEEM in my opinion.

I am enthusiastic about Steempeak, the more I was shocked by your comment.

not sure why you feel you are more entitled than them

You sure? That's not how I understood the words.

(the very high amount you asked for)

Steempeak asked for 10 times more

you could actually show people why it’s something beneficial for all of Steem.

I can only say that nobody needs to explain me what benefits steempeak or steemworld have. I support both and find it very annoying to see that these two tools, that are the best for me on Steem, are not funded.

We can vote the Return Propostal even higher, so that nobody is supported anymore! That is nonsense, of course, and I would just like to call for a reasonable level. It is currently too high from my point of view.

My comment has nothing to do with steempeak, it was in response to the post. Not really sure why the two are being compared.

If you support both, awesome. (I used to as well).

This post, the one above, very much comes off as entitled and a guilt trip. If you don’t read it as such, that’s fine and you can leave a comment saying so.

I’m not sure what most of what is discussed in the post has to do with his proposal like not sure how he will be “making it through the next month” or anything else there, seems more to imply that he wants to work full time on Steem (and live off of it) and is frustrated that a loss in a few days of payments due to the return proposal being voted.

I guess I don’t think it’s the communities responsibility to pay his, or anyone else’s, bills. Especially in the bear market we are in and when the price of STEEM is something we all should be concerned with, not figuring out how to suck as much of the inflation as possible out in my opinion.

If there are developments or proposals that will improve or add value to STEEM, yes they should be considered for funding. But those funds aren’t just a free for all that individuals should feel they are entitled to or that “need to be spent” - which again.. is what this post felt like.

Not really sure why the two are being compared.

That's because I saw you were a member of Steempeak Team. image.png

But you're right, it leads away from the actual question: Is the Return Propostal currently too high? to suck as much of the inflation as possible out

I agree! Thank you for your point of view.

Oh.. Yes, my “role” should probably come with a warning label.

My comments have nothing to do with steempeak or speak for them and I most definitely was not trying to compare the two, just like I was not comparing steemworld with any other proposals.

I’m just here, as a member of the community, pointing out issues I see in this specific situation.

Thanks for clarifying.

People like you are the ones who complain about closed source applications, when they are using Windows, Adobe, Office, etc. and their children also work with closed software.

Hypocrites, false, liars and opportunists

Very well said, you saved me an answer! 👍🏼👌🏼

Steempeak asked for 10 times more

And not funded right? Silly to bring it up. Maybe both are asking for too much (or maybe there are other reasons for not being funded). Again, it doesn't matter.

what she said mostly. especially this part... maybe you should charge those who seem to depend on it so much

Don’t be so negative Micheal.. sheesh.

We all already paid, because we lost 10% of our voting value for posts to fund the SPS. Therefore I think the funds should be way better distributed.

My post is not just related to funding SteemWorld. I'm sure I will go my way. It's more about improving the system in general.

People like you are the ones who complain about closed source applications, when they are using Windows, Adobe, Office, etc. and their children also work with closed software.

Hypocrites, false, liars and opportunists

Upvoted for visibility.

It did not take long for you to turn into the next @surfermarly. I hope you do not last as long as her.

No clue what this means.

Did Marly point out some issues with your bud too and you all freaked out on her? That would make sense actually....

Yeah she was being a dick too. Did not make her grow one neither, though.

Yeah she was being
A dick too. Did not make her
Grow one neither, though.

                 - felixxx

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I always knew I was a poet.

Not sure how my comment was being a dick, but ok. Yes it’s come to my attention that criticism from women on this platform is not handled well. I don’t come to the same conclusion as you though.. actually it seems those most offended by criticism might be the ones missing one.

Hey look, you got a haiku though! 😍

Yeah she was being a dick too. Did not make her grow one neither, though.

You are the one who brought up “she’s” and growing dicks, my dear.

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