A Call to All Steemians: Please Help Support @steemchiller and SteemWorld!

in #steemworld7 years ago

Taking a little bit different approach in today's post, because I believe in the idea of "Pay It Forward" and I am feeling hopeful that my fellow Steemians — from Redfish to Whales — subscribe to similar values.

Do You Use SteemWorld.org?

SteemWorld user interface for my account...

One of the more widely used helper apps for Steemit is SteemWorld.org. Independently developed by @steemchiller, the app is one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use Steemit enhancements you could ask for. It offers a wealth of information about your account and activity, and combines loads of features in one place... features we used to have to retrieve from multiple apps, including (but not limited to):

Tracking posts, comments and replies
Tracking pending author rewards
Tracking pending curation rewards
Tracking votes and flags; both yours and other people's, to you
Tracking followers; tracking mentions
Tracking delegations

And much more, including a great range of sophisticated search tools.

With the appropriate permissions, you can even vote manually, vote for witnesses and more — all from inside the SteemWorld user interface!

If you're not already familiar with — and using — SteemWorld, you really ought to check it out, as it makes a lot of other helper apps obsolete.

And here's a bonus factoid for you: In its relatively short life, SteemWorld seems to be able to maintain almost 100% uptime!

You can use it to see if anyone mentioned you in a post or comment...

The Issue at Hand, and Why YOUR Help is Needed!

@steemchiller developed SteemWorld independently, on his own time, with his own funds. Although it's a very widely used app, he has received NO support from Steemit, Inc. or from any of the other large support organizations on Steemit.

Meanwhile, he patiently has kept adding new features, and has kept hosting the app at his own expense... including the cost of skyrocketing bandwidth costs as SteemWorld keeps growing in popularity.

The other day, @steemchiller posted an appeal; a statement that he would need to start posting weekly "update posts" just to help fund his expenses to keep SteemWorld running.

Here I am getting a listing of expected future curation rewards...

Something Important to Keep in Mind

What I think many people do NOT realize is that @steemchiller is NOT one of the "early adapters" who was here at the beginning of Steemit, nor is he "some rich whale" with endless resources from hundreds of thousands of SP invested.

In fact, he's just a "large Minnow" like many of us.

SteemWorld was developed simply to create a better Steemit experience, for ALL of us.

And now it's time for all of us to step up and reciprocate; show a little gratitude for a great service that many of us — perhaps — take for granted and use without a second thought given to where it came from.

So I'm asking those who read this to take a quick break from collecting @steemmonsters or worrying about the next World Cup game, and throw a little support to SteemWorld.

What You Can DO to Help!

At the very least, go upvote the first "Weekly Support Post!" That'll cost you nothing! 

If you're a regular SteemWorld user (or even if you aren't!) and find the app useful... send @steemchiller a Steem/SBD or two to help keep things going!

Last, but not least, the inevitable Curator Cat selfie (aka: "proof-of-cat")!

Give THIS post a stout upvote! I AM TAKING NO CASH REWARDS from this post; when this closes all liquid Steem/SBD rewards will be transferred to @steemchiller, towards SteemWorld expenses.

Resteem the heck out of this post! Let's see if we can't catch the eye of someone(s) with some serious voting power! And if you happen to be a large dolphin/orca/whale who sees this... surely you can shake loose ONE of those $10, $25, $50 votes towards an initiative that adds value to the Steemit experience for thousands of people  every day!?!? 

Allrighty. I think that's where I am going to stop for today. Seriously, though... please consider ACTING on the above! Considering how much support there often is for somewhat sketchy (meaning "of doubtful value") initiatives here on Steemit, how about we take a moment to support something that's already proven and working?

Have a beautiful day! 



Thanks for bringing attention to this! I do use SteemWorld, in fact I have it open on one of my tabs right now. I don't have much to give, but have upvoted @steemchiller's latest post and followed him so I can at least give him my upvote in the future as well as you suggest. Thanks @curatorcat!

Thank you! I feel it's definitely a "worthy" cause, given how many people use the app... and he has built it completely on his own dime!


And he did a great job with it! The need for such an off platform service is another issue (don't get me started ;)) but in the meantime it's a great tool!

Yeah, well... the "priorities" around here seem a bit sketchy now and then...

Since he's not getting support from STINC, I do hope he goes ahead and starts a witness to help pay for maintenance costs. Of course, setting up a witness also costs up-front money...


More than happy to support @steemchiller and steemworld. It's an excellent site.

Good on you for doing this @curatorcat

Keep up the good work.


Thank you! It really is an excellent helper site, and I believe he deserves far more recognition than he has gotten.


I love SteemWorld and will support in any way that I can. Thank you for bringing this to my attention as I had no idea.

Great, thank you! It's one of Steemit's great little "gems" and I'd hate to see it wither away because @steemchiller isn't getting enough support.


Thanks for spreading the word on this. I'll do my best to lend support.

Thank you for the support! It's definitely an app that deserves to keep going strong!


You're so right about that. To be honest, I only discovered SteemWorld through this post. And initially, my comment above was just to help the developer in my own little way. But after using SteemWorld for less than a day, I have now discovered how useful it was.

It pretty much combined all the tools I'd need to manage and grow my account. I mean, I used to be a little worried that I might not be replying to all the people who interact with me (not that there's a lot of them), but Steemworld makes sure I don't miss any of that. The notifications are also helpful and not annoying. Knowing where I have been mentioned is also good. Having all of the features in one tab is also nice cause I already have too many open tabs, as it is.

So thanks for spreading the word on this. It would be a shame if SteemWorld is pulled out because of lack of support.

Excellent! I am glad you are finding it useful... as many have. Because it has no "official" support, it's one of the apps that has grown completely via word-of-mouth.


Steemworld is exactly what you say, an amazing app that consolidates so many of the others out there into one. The fact that he's done a lot of his own coding to keep things optimal, as well as having so many different nodes available to bounce in the event some are down is the reason why steemworld is almost always up. It is the app that I wish other app devs would look at aspire to, in looks, in usability, in practicality, in uptime, in speed, in features, everything.

With his abilities, I've been surprised to realize steemchiller is not a witness, nor has he ever been that I can see. I don't know the reasons behind not throwing his hat in the ring, but I can't blame him for not doing it, either.

Hi @glenalbrethsen, and thanks for the support!

You're pretty much echoing my own feelings there. He's one of those fairly rare developers who's not only a top shelf coder, but he has a really good sense of usability and design. I find myself wishing that STINC would contract with him to fix the main Steemit UI. You know, throw him 100K Steem and say "Here, make this WORK, for 'real' people!" Because we need that kind of fix, if we're going to have ANY kind of mass adoption around here.

It blows my mind that he built SteemWorld by himself, AND he has a job. As for the witness thing, I believe it's a time/money issue, as well. Setting up a witness requires an up-front investment in both time and money... and it takes a while to get somewhere. You have to become a posting marketing machine to pull yourself into the top 50, and then into the top 20. In an ideal world, he might be able to partner with someone who's a highly visible community member and involved poster... so you have the promotional half and the technical half of the witness... as we are seeing more and more with "community" witnesses.

So I think he has just been realistic about being able to manage "what it takes" to manage SteemWorld and run a witness. Of course, he also hasn't "been here since the beginning," which also makes it harder...

But I just feel strongly that he deserves our support!


Yes, I believe he does, especially from all of us who are sitting on his app all day checking out what's going on. It looks like in his first weekly update that I read after making my comment that he intends to become a witness, so maybe that will help with more expenses than just the witness server if he can get high enough up there. I have a few votes to make yet that I would gladly give him one.

Doubling or tripling up on a witness server seems like a good way to go, especially when sharing expenses, and if you're not that well known. It seems to take a while to build a reputation.

It would be great if someone were consistently revamping the Steemit UI. I'm wondering what Communities is going to look like, though, and there is SugarSteem that theuxyeti has been working on that I think is supposed to have something ready to use by the end of summer. Haven't been seeing as many updates but I think that's more or less the target.

I'd rather the "flagship" app be the one with the innovations, but I suppose as long as it's connected to STEEM, it doesn't matter so much.

The main issues aren't Steemit related anyway, but related to how STEEM is distributed, so regardless of the interface, we're still going to have that to contend with, and more, I guess, with HF 20 and potential other changes.

I wish they were paying more attention to the main Steemit features and UI, but it seems like STINC is more interested in having a bunch of other people develop free standing apps based on the promised SMTs.

The other thing I wish they'd do is add to the main UI in such a way that the "major" apps could all be launched from within Steemit, maybe from a dropdown menu. It would offer more of a sense of community cohesiveness, which would help the retention problem by making Steemit more "sticky."

I take a very tiny amount of heart in knowing that as long as I am growing my SP balance by 5-10% a month, I am part of redistributing Steem from the top of the pyramid down. Sure, it's very minor, in the greater scope of things, but at least it is something. And then I can look to folks like yourself who've managed to build a pretty respectable stake in just double the time I have been working at it.


Well, 1,000-plus of my SP comes from smaller investments I made over the course of three months, when prices were lower, but not quite as low as they were a week or so ago. So, in reality, by the time the payouts are made tomorrow, I'll be around 420 SP for six months that I've earned. I believe the additional has helped with that, but I don't know how much.

I wish Steemit Inc would do a lot of things. And I wish more of us would flat out demand it, but we appear to be too independent and stubborn to do that, so we keep coming up with workarounds and apps. Quite a bit of it gets some delegation or some form of rewards, while others don't. It always seems to be the ones with the better sell, whether they have a superior product or not. I've always thought of that as being backwards.

I'd like to have separate pools and quit having things dump into Steemit. I don't go looking for memes or videos that much, so I guess out of sight out of mind will do.

Steemworld is a great tool!
And this is a great post. Upvoted. Resteem’d. And now, off to check out the “weekly support post”.

Appreciate the support, and the support of SteemWorld! I wish SteemChiller was getting some more meaningful support from "the powers that be," but oh well...


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it has been resteemed. I have always loved his program. It helped me a lot when I first found it, and then when I figured out how to use the manual vote slider I shared that with all the few real followers that I had, @steemchiler has don an absolutely amazing job, and I have been a long time cheerleader for his program. A weekly full up vote is not going to be an issue for me to help him keep it going. I hope, like you, that many more will do the same.

Precisely! And I find it amazing that he built that entire app by himself while also having a regular job and NO "subsidies" from either STINC or any of the top witnesses.

I hope he gets to a point where he can afford to set up a witness to help fund his expenses... he'd certainly have my vote for that, as well. In the meantime, I'm all onboard with a weekly vote in support.


I visited, and commented and of course upvoted his post. I also did a support post after seeing yours, I have used his program since the day I found it, absolutely love it.

Thanks for bring this to my attention @curatorcat I didn't see any posts from @steemchiller so I will now follow him and upvote his posts, as well as upvoting and resteeming this one! 😁

He doesn't actually post very much, and that might be one of the reasons he's not as well known as the SteemWorld creator... so I guess it falls to the rest of us to step up and show some appreciation.

Thanks for the support!


Well I'm following him now. Thanks to you @curatorcat and I'm very glad to see his first support post is standing at more than $245 at present! 😁

Not only that, his support post is getting that without the use of bidbots! Maybe there's still hope for the world!


it's certainly well desesrved @curatorcat. let's hope his future support posts do the same. 😊

We love the website and open it at the same time as I open Steemit on a different tab. It shows everything, the breakdown is easy to see! Thanks @steemchiller for everything and sorry you haven't been receiving any support from Steemit Inc. or any other large entities on the platform. We placed our upvote and hope others do the same!

Sounds much the same as I have here; Steemit and SteemWorld running in side-by-side tabs while I am here!

Hopefully enough awareness and support can be raised that he can also get his witness set up and can start covering his expenses with block production rewards. He's really a top notch developer and he has a great sense of design and usability, as well — somewhat of a rarity among developers. Steemit, Inc. would do well to contract with him to work on creating a better user interface for Steemit, itself!


I'll vote 100% here, and there as well. I use the service everyday and enjoy it a lot.

Appreciate the support!

I find it somewhat mystifying that one of the best Steemit add-ons has gotten so little support from "the top." But then again, I probably should just stop feeling mystified by such things...


His post did pretty well considering so many of the votes that could help have to be bought now.

Yep. And it makes me happy to see that he's getting some genuine community support. As for the whole bidbot thing, I "understand" that it's the way of capitalism... but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


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