"He will wet his jeans," Hot Pie recommended.
"Leave him alone," said the kid riding behind them with the shaggy dark hair. Lommy had named him the Bull, by virtue of this hornedsteerage he had that he cleaned constantly but never wore. Lommy didn't dare mock the bull. He was more established and enormous for his age, with an expansive chest and solid looking arms. "You better give Hot Pie the sword, Arry," Lommy said. "Hot Pie" needs to be terrible. He kicked a kid to death. He'll do likewise to you, I bet. " "I wrecked him and I kicked him where it really hurts, and I continued to kick him there until he was dead," Hot Pie bragged. "I kicked him all to pieces. His balls were bankrupt and horrendous, and his rooster became dark. You better gimme the sword. " Arya slid her training sword from her belt. "You can have this one," she told Hot Pie, not having any desire to battle. "That is only some stick." He rode ever closer to reaching over for Needle's grip. Arya made the stick whistle as she laid the wood across his jackass' rump. The creature hawed and kicked, unloading Hot Pie on the ground. She vaulted off her own jackass and jabbed him in the stomach as he attempted to get up, and he put her down with a snort. Then, at that point, she whacked him across the face, and his nose tried like a branch breaking. Bloodspilled from his nose. At the point when Hot Pie started to moan, Arya spun toward Lommy Greenhands, who was perched on his jackass surprise. "You need some swords as well?" she shouted, but he didn't. He screeched at her to move away as he raised his colored hands in front of his face. The bull yelled, "Behind you," and Arya turned. Hot Pie was on his knees, his clenched hand encircling a large spiked rock. She let him toss it,dodging her head as it cruised past. Then, at that point, she flew at him. He lifted a hand, and she hit it, and then his cheek, and then his knee. He reached for her, and she moved aside and skipped the wood off the rear of his head. He fell down and got up and staggered after her, his red face all spread with soil and, what's more, blood. Arya slid into a water artist's position and paused. At the point when he came sufficiently close, she lurched, right between his legs, so hard that if her