
With respect, we currently offer a free service and the terms of service include a daily self-promotion upvote from registered accounts, which is our way of receiving payment. It is dangerous for crusades to be started against projects that earn subjectively "too much" because it stiffles innovation and creates an artificial ceiling of earnings which will stop outside investment from big firms and popular bloggers who start to realise they can only make a certain amount on Steemit vs say Youtube where they could become Millionaires or build a sustainable business.

Please bear this in mind in the new year that crusades only will harm Steemit and not grow it.

Maybe you could update us once a week, or directly to those who want to use your services. With respect. Take care. If people wish to curate without reading, they don't need to take that from the entire rewards pool. Your post isn't that nicely formated, isn't voted by me, offers me no services, so not really in my interest to see. Happy New Year.

If 80-90$ is a large portion of the entire rewards pool, then there is a scalability concern within Steem. We don't think we even account for 1% of the rewards and over 800 people use our service daily. For the New Year, we hope people will just move on to content they do like and let great projects prosper. Happy New year as well.

At the time of this comment. 44 minutes. Value is .68 cents. 66 votes and 11 views. Happy New Year

You know I support some projects within the ecosystem but I flagged this symbolically (1%) because I don't think this post or an autovoting service adds much to the community.

Hi @smooth, feels weird to be replying back to you, we are normally not at odds for anything. The community must find value in the service if we have 800 plus subscribers, it is obviously a much wanted service, some people have said that they would lose much interest in Steem if they did not have it.

Whales have used bots since inception on Steem, they have the technical knowledge to do so but the average user does not. I'm not sure it is fair for an elite few to have that advantage, most people are working class and don't have time to curate 40 times per day to maximise curation rewards or to just support artists and friends in a Patreon like fashion.

Steemvoter is currently responsible for over 700 000 daily votes on the platform through user rules selection of their own. If the service were discontinued many authors would not be voted on, my own account is running at 68% voting power right now as it widely curates using @steemvoter and other bot services, many people are benefiting and feeling valued as a result.

@marcgodard is a world-class developer for and his time is worth hundreds per hour, having him in our community is a priviledge that I identified early on which is why I encouraged him to remain. Depriving him or anyone else from making an income from making an income or being profitable in a way slightly out of the norm is suicide for the platform.

Please bear in mind that neither @marcgodard nor I post much on our personal accounts to earn any sort of rewards, because we focus on our business accounts and also alot of behind the scenes communication channels.

Marc is currently working on a paid model and if that is adopted we can wean the service off of the paid posts, but this will only be ready well into January, that will however make the Spotlight impossible to highlight good authors and hamper the proposed curation guild.

Again I must iterate that I never wished to be in a position where I had to reply or disagree with you, you are a dear friend and I don't want this to change that.

As I said it is merely symbolic, perhaps you could view it as just one person's point of view and/or encouragement toward the direction you are already taking. Happy New Year good friend.

Happy New Year Smooth! Have a great one!

I don't use your services and feel people should and could pay to read. So, the element of providing free services doesn't pertain to me. Happy New Year.

So you flagged it for being paid too much, but that was 4 cents... you are a special person aren't you?

And they earned.... how much based on what? After buying the business with crowd funding. Which one of us is special?

Actually I am the one that worked hard to make steemvoter and I am still 50% owner. I still haven't made my money back for my work. Unlike many other projects that posted their projects and made like 15k for that post (back in the day).

I just needed help running the site because I don't have the available time to do everything. Especially for small rewards like $80.

I thought providing a service to others and putting in all this time would have been worth it, but with people like you here at steem, maybe not.

The best move right now would be to shut down the steemvoter service because of flags, and bring it back online when the community has reached consensus on running your daily posts. I think all the users who love your service will speak very loudly in your favor

I wouldnt shutdown the servers right away but rather reduce the frequency of those paid posts. Noone has a problem with the service the provide and their need to earn profit.

A good idea would be to employ bloggers to create actual blog posts for the daily steemvoter post, that way it looks different every-time and adds value, you can reach out to your steemvoter users to get the bloggers for this

Maybe not. lol, People like me. That is rich. :) The post ran for a couple of weeks, sometimes more than once, looking for community to buy this app. So, other people don't have to read and click! What an awesome service. Happy New Year.

I still haven't made my money back for my work

  1. What is your goal amount?
  2. If you reached your goal, will you stop or minimize(to run the server and site) posting?
  3. Why don't make a separate post (and 100% goes to you) if you need your money for development back quickly?

I think you are on a path to kill the platform, youtubers and mainstream bloggers will never come here if they can make a living on Youtube, Patreon and anywhere else vs Steem where a certain band of people want to mute earnings and stop progress and discourage business. If one can earn only up to a point then what's the point of Steem?

When people can actually quit their jobs and start making a daily living on Steem then maybe you can try moderate. Currently you are saying that marc and I aren't entitled to around about 20$ per day each of liquid rewards to cover our server costs, development and time on this project. That's not even a minimum daily wage.

Serious developers will never come here if they can earn 200$ - 1000$ per hour elsewhere.

My amount is enough to compensate for the many hours. Considering I would charge a client at least 15k for such a project... then add in the server costs and bandwidth... that is another $200 per month, plus my hour per day, that is another $100 per day, plus extra development 4 hours today alone on new years eve at that, that is another $400. At the current rate, I am not even breaking even.

So IMHO you can stop your whining. The community decided to use our service and support us. Just cause you disagree doesn't mean anything to me.

You probably go and complain on everyone's posts that make good money. This project took work, real work, so stop your complaining, you sound like a child.

I strongly disagree. Youtubers create original contents every time while your posts do not. Rather, content creators will leave Steem when they see this kind of airly contents are on the trending page again and again (It was really ridiculous that steemygames' post or good-karma's announcement are regarded as content).

If you want real business stuffs, I will add some competitions by providing my voting bot source to public soon. And I will provide voting bot service to kr members (I actually don't want to have their private key but if they want I can) without any auto upvotes.

Thanks for helping me to decide. If you want to have unlimited desire for rewards without making a consensus with the community, I will try to adjust it. Happy new year.

clayop = 534 000 SP vs Steemvoter 6109 SP :) just saying... what sort of value are you giving to the community to warrant having that much? if you are saying there should be a ceiling on earnings then you should have one too. :) Happy New year.

Hi @clayop, there are no more tiers for me to reply below. What is a Kr member? Also sure we also open sourced our bot script, I encourage that you do that, we can use it to improve on our python which is not @marcgodard's core dev language, he learn't it in two weeks basically.

I encourage curation and the more that happens the better so some good has come of this. Free markets are what one should strive for and we won't argue against competing services, we are all about business development, infact some of the events of today gave us an idea for another business which may be needed in the community.

I don't think you are a bad guy and do respect you, neither are we bad people, we are all trying to find our own kind of niche on Steem. I wish you the best in all that you do. Namaste!

Supported , too many accounts like this already by the same people.

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