Nightmares..Try Not To Feed The Monsters

in #steemusa7 years ago (edited)

Doesn't matter when I sleep, the nightmares strike, however they do their best at nighttime. I was resting earlier and the dream became vivid, as real as any dream can get. Even though it seemed real to me, I still knew it was a dream instinctively. I was having a wonderful conversation with one of my friends and he was called away to answer a phone call. Now obviously there was much more to this dream, but I'm getting to the point. My friend runs a trucking company, I was asking him about it, he left. I started rummaging around in the cabin of a truck I was supposedly learning to drive. I found my satchel, bag, whatever you call it and I noticed a child walk up behind me. He asked me if I had put "it" away. Instinctively I knew what this creature was and what I needed to do. I tried to keep one eye on it and search my bag for my cross.
All I found was an iron nail that was slightly bent in an "L" shape. Close enough! Right? I turned and laid this makeshift cross upon the child's right hand. His response was that of someone who is bored with playing a game. It said, "Oh, how tiresome you've become." It proceeded to melt the iron nail in my hand. Fortunately I was wearing leather work gloves and the heat didn't get too bad. The tip of the nail melted, as it was doing so, I quickly worked the melted iron into more of a cross shape. This seemed to have no effect on the creature, but my prayers did. It merely vanished into the dark. I woke up feeling more curious than I had ever been. Usually these evil entities just curse, use foul language, play chase, or have one word for me. This thing seemed more interested in conversation! Still, I wasn't about to give it the time of day, it's best not to talk with evil because it is all lies, or half-truths and trickery.

Why is this important? I've been dealing with these things since I was a young boy. My first real encounter was when I was about eight. I knew after that these things would never leave me alone. I was marked as a target, a plaything, a distraction. Off and on, never knowing when they'll strike, they come into my dreams. It's a lot easier to enter a dream than to manifest as a spirit or dark entity. They do this to draw out the Angels, I think. To pull them away from grace and do guerrilla warfare tactics. Hit and run. I've only recently become strong enough in my sleep to fend for myself. I'm getting bored with it, frankly. There have been fewer attacks since I turned on the last two and beat them up. The terrified look on their faces was very empowering for me. Still, they haven't given up, meaning I must be important enough for them to bother with. One came after my wife two nights ago, fortunately I was awake and helped her when she cried out.

We know we have become targets for evil, it pretty obvious. Fighting it, for me, has become easier. My wife isn't quite there yet. Oh, she'll kick butt if necessary, but she uses restraint even in her dreams. This one just caught her unaware. She allowed herself to get too tired physically and spiritually. That's when these things attack. Another reason I rest frequently. I'm used to the abuse, but she isn't. So we say our prayers when we go to bed and give thanks upon waking. Still, it feels as though there's more to these nighttime games. Can't say I'm winning, but I can say that I'm not as afraid as I used to get. Knowing I can stand toe to toe with these monstrosities and still wake up is real boon.

If these are happening to me/us, how many other people out there are being abused or attacked in their sleep around the world? I've experienced all manner of dreams, but the evil entities that enter my dreams once in a while make the dream very different. A normal dream is pleasant in nature and you wake up feeling refreshed for the day. A nightmare is often chaotic in nature, like a puzzle with parts from other puzzles that you're trying to make fit together. An evil entity nightmare is when you know you're no longer alone in your head. When they show you horrible things and say and do horrible things. They'll often chase you as a dark phantasm, a gaseous humanoid form that is clouded in black. I fought one and kicked its ass! The look on its face was absolutely priceless. A real Kodak moment, after that I just haven't been as afraid. I wish I could share that one moment with everyone else who suffers from these things, to give them hope. To give them what took me a long time to do, a chance at turning the tables. I no longer run, I don't play around, I stand my ground against them. I'm hoping this will help you as well, because I can't be the only one.

Much love and light,


:-P most that come after me are shadow figures on the wall or voices that appear to be geting near the few that have tried to attack jump me i catch them mid air and smash them into the ground over and over again there are a few dreams where i am less umm awake ? lol where i have less control but i get botherd way less now in a way i want more to grow and beat them easier lol i also jump out of dreams or wake my self up if needed :-P only works if i see the sky though hehe

Fascinating! So they don't seem to bother you or torment you like they do to me. I guess you're just further along in advancement than I am. Makes sense since I've always been a slow learner. Do you blog about your dream experiences?

nope i dont say any thing here about dreams i remember i. tried to make a few models of my dreams but my pc couldnt handle the rooms hehe not the people in them but the buildings area i rememberd think i need a softer bed i cant seem to remember much of my dreams lately toss and turn alot cant relax enough

I understand. There have been weeks where that has happened to me. I've slept soundly and woke up feeling like someone simply switched me off like a robot. I've met people who can never remember ever dreaming, or they say they don't dream. I find it extremely odd when people say that to me. How can someone not dream at all or never remember a dream..I think they just don't like sharing, but I could be wrong.

hehe its far too easy not to remember dreams some say after moving just a. bit you can quickly forget them i find my dreams get more vivid the longer i sleep the problem with that is sleeping too long can give me a headache i hate not remembering i look forward to much of my dreams

a few dreams off the top of my head . i was on the bed siting playing with a cousin some where inbetween i notice they are not who they appear to be so i asked them who they are after awhile they try to attack me . another dream i was smokeing a cig a kid asked me if he could have one i said no he insist i break the cigs in half the kid pulls out a gun shoots me point blank in the forhead i felt the blood and stuff coming down my face . some days im in control other times im like the passenger other times im aware im dreaming i still lack a bit of control but im further than when i started

Oh, see that sounds more like my dreams. I have a rainbow of experiences, like you. Once I was operating, as a surgeon, and for some strange reason I used the scalpel on myself. I halved myself at the waist and walked away on my hands. There was a lot of red, but from what I remember of it, it was all very realistic. Everything was anatomically correct, which was weird. This dream frightened me, of course, and so I never forgot it. I prefer the flying dreams though. Those are fun. Sometimes I just fly through will power alone and other times I will use a helicopter. I should be getting frequent flyer miles for all the flight time I've put it, lol!
Much love and light,

Lol i find flying is easier for me doing the iron man 😂👍 what ever works i guess funny doing it i can feel the pressure kicking back
i wish i had even more control over them id have far more fun i hope to buy a nice bed and restart the gueided sleep stuff i find those work best if your mind easily wanders off like mine

Well I certainly hope you find a good bed that you can sleep well in. If I could, I would have a bacta tank like Luke Skywalker uses in EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Floating in saline water wearing a breathing mask with controlled air flow would be sublime. I imagine it would be like a sensory deprivation tank. The sleep cycle in that must be unique. They also used one in STRANGER THINGS. Although in that series scary nightmares was the storyline.

lol ive been intrested in those tanks plus using 100% oxygen and perhaps away from all radeo and other manmade signal waves . a friend talked about some bed said it changed her life might give that one a try after my main goals pc safe flash drive hehe

There's a YouTube of a guy who made a Faraday cage around his bed. He said it really helps him sleep at night. You may wish to check out that video. Going 100% oxygen is not healthy, that can cause more harm than it helps. I've been told we need a small percentage of O2 by doctors, most of what we breathe is Nitrogen. O2 helps the healing process, but doing only O2 is dangerous and can cause brain damage, so definitely look into the right amounts necessary for healing and what not to go over. I don't know the threshold where it stops healing and starts harming. I'm thinking a decent bacta tank/isolation chamber would be built with a Faraday cage imbedded into the system, but that's just me trying to introduce logic. I don't have the technical mechanical abilities to build such a device myself. I'd need help and funding. I think though that it should be a necessary step in hospitals and post surgical situations. So, we win the lottery, right, and then we have someone help us build this isolation chamber that pumps in healing O2 and is free from radio waves via Faraday cage built into the system. Just playing with ideas here, feel free to jump in.
Hope you're well.
Much love and light,

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