Why no one saw your post

in #steemusa7 years ago


Let me see it. I didn't know it was there. How could I? Have you ever stopped by one of my posts to say hi?

I can relate. I know the feeling. I click over to the trending page and I see these posts with HUGE upvotes and I wonder how they did it.

Huge upvotes.PNG

"holy crap" rings loud in my head as I immediately launch into a daydream about quitting my 9-5 job. I am snapped back to reality as I look at my latest post and see the following:

Desktop post.PNG

Really only 4 people saw this post?

Something is definitely wrong here. So I did a little digging and I found out that some people use voting services to get there posts some more exposure... I am a big fan of @sneaky-ninja, @buildawhale, and @booster but there are several others. Some people are cool with this. Some people are not. It a free decentralized world here on steemit, so do what you think is right.

The best way I have found to get more views on my posts was to engage with the community. When I have time I like to read posts by others and leave comments. I find a lot of posts that are in-line with my hobbies and interests.

Steemit really is a community. I am an introvert by nature and in a perfect world I would just write my post and people would magicly find me. Life dosent really work that way and neither does Steemit. There are some great sub-communities here like #steemusa, #thalliance, #minnowsupportproject, #thewritersblock etc etc

So if your a fellow introvert, gather some courage and introduce yourself. Trust me, it will be so worth it. I have met some amazing people here. The only way for people to get to know you and take an interest in your content is to take an interest in other people.

Let me get to know you. Drop me a comment and leave a link to your latest post. I will read it. I will comment on it. I will upvote it if it is original, non-spam, has an image and more than 100 words

Top image source


Hey want a cool header for your blog? You can use these for free

cat cover.jpg

dock cover.jpg

flower cover.jpg


Love this post. I struggle with this constantly. I’ll go through spurts of engagement...and then I crawl back into my head where it’s cozy and safe and familiar. I know I must change that...and I truly want to.

I’m leaving you a link to a post that’s about to pay out tomorrow. Vote. Or don’t. Look at my more recent stuff if you care to. I realize that voting for a six day old post isn’t super helpful to you. But I’m sharing it because I believe it will give you a better sense of who I am than the mostly photography stuff I’ve posted since. And afterall, I’d rather get acquainted and form a potential alliance than simply rake in a quick upvote.

Nice to meet you!


I'm so glad you are using SteemFollower! My son helped me know lots of ways to get more people to see our posts and/or get upvotes. I've been on Steemit almost 7 months. Building community is very important, I agree! Do you know about @minnowpowerup? It's another great way to help your posts. Getting the views is probably the hardest thing to do, so good luck and don't give up. Maybe 5-10 quality people commenting on your post is better than 100 views. Steemit is a little lopsided on which posts get the best payouts - sometimes people just have 1 or 2 whales that give them a 100% upvote and boom they are in trending. And yes, I agree sometimes their posts aren't worth it. So, I just go on with my life and do my best on my posts and don't worry about those pitiful posts. Right now is a perfect time to be posting everyday if you have enough ideas. Also the 1st tag you put on your post is important as are picking 4 other ones that might draw attention to your posts. Also I invested in Steem when it was less than $1 a few months ago to help my steem power. I'm borrowing some Steem Power so my upvote is worth more. My son is also on Steemit and read a lot and helped me understand all of this. I hope 2018 will be a great year for you!

From a fellow introvert to another I salute you :)

I left Steemit for a month or so and when I came back, there was another kind of vibe. I've noticed a lot of good posts that don't have views, are lost in oblivion and what bugs me even more is that there is no interaction.

But then I notice myself...do I really comment to each and everyone I have on my watchlist? I'm I really that dedicated reading their post? I should, right? After all, I myself pressed the follow button. Do I really take the time to find new people to follow? And to answer my own question, no. And there are probably some people like me.

So I just assume everybody is having a bad day, mercury is in retrograde and it's a "no interaction" kind of vibe happening on this platform...unless you are really lucky and get on the trending/hot/promoted list.


I love your current state of awareness.Its never about anyone else. Its always about us. We have the power to change our own world

How does one filter the posts and find those good posts that aren't getting traction. I'm struggling with this right now as a relatively new Steemit user.

Well, you got the conversation started with this one!! I think so many of us can relate... and some of the posts with huge payout beg the question - why? Nothing here. But that is how it is. Fame does not always fall on people who actually bring the goods. that is for sure.
In the meantime, we keep networking. 😂 🤣

Probally most of us here are introverts, otherwise we'd be out playing sports on a team or doing whatever regular people do.
I try not to look at the trending posts, that way its easier to meet my low expectations. Slow and steady wins the race.
See you 'round champ.

I recently in this social network. I also wanted to tell people about our famous mountain Konjakovsky marathon. There are "more than a hundred words" and many photographs.
But ... almost nobody saw this post.
I also write comments on interesting articles, reply to comments on my publications, but ... alas. As I understand in your purse here you need to put a lot of fiat money and you will be interesting to everyone. I will not do this from the principle. I'm here and so interesting :-)

A lot of fiat money will make you interesting to some people. There is a large community here and there are some people who only care about interesting content. You made a really good post and the pictures were amazing. You should definitely enter some of the photo contests here on steemit. Check out some of the comentors on my post like @tattoodjay and @old-guy-photos

Thank you for your understanding and advice. It's so unexpected and pleasant. I will subscribe to the friends you indicated. Good luck to you and thanks again!

Hey thanks for already stopping by on my latest post!

The interaction is key for success, I think its like networking, only steemit specific. But steem networking could become relevant to real life, especially if this steem continues to grow and continues to become a larger part of our lives.

I have used upvote bots, I don't really like them (more so philosophically), but I haven't ever had success at them actually giving me more visibility. When I use them I try to tag my oldest possible post, instead of the fresh ones. With new posts, if I upvote-bot, then I am just tainting the curation rewards for my actual followers! If I add them at the end, I am rewarding my followers! Just my 2 cents ;p

You are exactly right, the best way to get more views is to interact. There doesnt seem to be a shortcut...well especially for me as Im not a cute lady LOL. I appreciate you sharing your advice. I know you are a fine supporter of the community and I will add you to my list to be sure I get over here more often :)

I am sure you are "cute" to somebody........ Love your content, very unique

Yes! I spend a bit of time each day looking through posts (normally that I find in the Discord promo channels) and engaging.

I haven't really used any of the resteeming bots since the infamous flag wars began a bit ago, but know they are seemingly doing well again. :)

My FEED normally doesn't show things exactly how I would prefer, but really, I don't know what I'd prefer yet.😏

Maybe a Special Friends list that could magically be created (lol) where we could put people who's posts we wanna see first in the feed.

Normally, I find I need reminders about who to go check on. When someone pops into one of my posts I can then (get that friendly reminder) to go check out theirs.

Let's see... if there's ONE post I'd want you to read.... (some are VERY long...).... Okay, how about this one:
🍩DONUTS! 🍩A recipe, pics and tons of fun!🍩

As the title states, there are donuts, pics and TONS of fun! 😆 Plus, you'll get to know me a bit in here.

I also recognize you from all the same groups I'm in. So "HI!" from

I pop into the others from time to time. Helpful folks around these parts. 😍

This post has been included in the latest issue of 'Notes'. Do stop in and see what the fam is up to!

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