Spring is In the Air!

in #steemusa7 years ago


Wow! I just looked outside and saw a precious pair of cardinals flitting around my deck. (Full disclosure: It wasn't the pair pictured above. By the time I got to my camera, the pair had moved on. But,. I'm hoping they will be back soon.Photo Credit: Photo by elvis bueno on Unsplash )

Spring is definitely in the air! The birds are chirping. The temperatures are consistently creeping into the 60 and 70 degree range.

Hard to believe that less than three weeks ago, this is how the trees looked in my yard.

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It was a beautiful snow-covered wonderland! I love the snow. I love to see it come. And, I love to see it go!

So, instead of the snow, with the appearance of the little pair of cardinals, I am all set to welcome Spring. I know that it can't be far behind!


Those formerly snow-covered trees are now budding and all decked out in their Spring finery. These delicate, lacy flowers are truly a sight to behold and you can be sure that Spring is not far behind.


The spring (vernal) equinox will occur on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 16:15 UTC. In the United States, this translates to 12:15 pm EDT, 11:15 am CDT, 10:15 am MDT, and 9:15 am PDT.
The total duration of spring 2018 is 92 days, 17 hours, and 55 minutes.

So how many days are left until Spring?


Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Spring 2018 Begins In:

34 Days

1 Hour

16 Minutes

29 Seconds

And, I for one, am ready and waiting! How about you?

Until later, all the best my fellow Steemians!

Hi, I'm Benita G. You may also know me as, or call me, @AtMemesTable.

Hope you loved this post. Now, make me a happy girl and upvote my post and follow me.

I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you and to get to know you and you me. Check me out later! 'Cause you'd best believe that I'm going to be checking you out! Find me @AtMemesTable.

See you tomorrow!

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