Steemit Image Tools - Pimp your posts
Hi All,
After the unfortunate failure last week on my attempt to record post views using a tracking pixel. I am proud to announce that I have re-purposed
I have added a few utilities that I am quite excited about to help you produce kick ass content quicker and easier.
The entire premise of the idea is based off of returning information that is difficult or time-consuming to retrieve and impossible to format in a way that differentiates it from your posts content as a neat image to embed in your post instead.
So without further ado...
1. Shout Out tool
*Updated to ignore your own votes.
I have been enormously touched by the support of the community and wanted a way to reach out to my supporters but didn't know how/who they were. Inspired by I bring you the shout out...
2. Steem Market Price
This returns a screenshot of the beautiful tickers on with the market price at the time of the call (Don't worry, I've learn't to timestamp them to avoid caching issues!).
3. Tweet to image tool
This is the tool that got the ball rolling, to include a tweet you need to..
- find the tweet
- take screenshot
- crop image
- upload image
- insert into post
That's way to much work for me so I wrote the tweet-to-image service. (Currently it renders everything except for external content previews, but im on it) -Fixed
4.And lastly - Whale status
This tool returns the lovely overview from
Well that's all I have for now, I hope you find them handy!
Please let me know of any other information you think would be great to be able to embed in your posts. I have a few things planned but mainly around the markets side of things.
Also a big thanks for great ideas and tools to...
- @heimindanger (
- @jasonmcz (
- @roelandp (
Yeah, 3 of the 4 tools are riding your waves... I chose to screen capture your tools in place of writing my own because you nailed it and I don't think I can improve on the designs.
Your sites are cited as the source on any images rendered but if you would like me remove your site just shout.
Till next time
I don't get it ...
this is not showing a picture for me;
The link is working to post an image in markdown you must use the below syntax
aha! nice!
Very neat batch of new enhancements, nice to see you were able to pivot off your original idea! :)
just promoted your tool today
Thank you! It really is appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to create these tools for Steemit writers. I spent some time in the digital advertising space, and I recognize that large holes exist for Steemit users regarding metrics. One thing I would suggest to add it a tool where the writer can see how many people saw the blog total impressions). This will help them understand their conversion rate to upvotes (upvotes/total impressions). If you could do that, it would be awesome.
I have upvoted this content and have featured it in my hidden gems blog. I am following your blog now in anticipation of what's to come. I have also submitted this blog to the Robinhood Whale links in Rocketchat for their consideration. Keep up the good work. It's much appreciated.
Thanks @lpfaust it's appreciated. I'm sad to say that what your asking for is exactly what I wrote last week. see Tracking Pixel Article. Unfortunatley it failed because steemit caches and proxies all remote content, so the requests very rarely make it back to the server to be tracked. I was chatting to @jesta last night and it's something he also wishes he could work around so we will to try to raise the issue and see if steemit is willing to allow verified request to bypass the proxy, but in the slim chance they do I doubt it will be any time soon.
That's not encouraging to hear. If a writer has no idea hat their conversion rate is, they really cannot target and tailor their message to the market they get the biggest bang for their buck in.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Thank you for your service! Greatly appreciated :)

What the shout out tool do? Still dont get it...
It returns the top 5 users that vote on your posts i.e. your best/most loyal supporters so that you can include them in your content to thank them for thier support.
So each one of them will receive 1 vote from me, right? But how they will receive them, normally you upvote a post... still dont get it.
Update: Shoutouts now ignore your own votes.
No they are there because they have already voted FOR you. Out of all the votes you have ever recieved they voted the most
No i even more confused, do you have a screenshot of what they receive?
Use the service the url to get a shout out for you is

That returns...
Which means the users that up vote your content the most are yourself, @twinner, @asmolokalo, @achim86 and @fabio.
If you were a sports team - they are your biggest fans.
ok, now i get it! with using the link you see who are your top 5 followers. Got it. Can i mention this in my Report tomorrow?
Your welcome to.
Looks nice, would be better if it doesnt include myself :) Can you change this?
Another Question, i see you are good in writing some Apps like this, i always wondered who are my last followers. You can see who is following you, but i dont know which where the last 5 for example they join me..... That would be a nice APP.
Lol both of your requests are already on my dev list :)
Cool let me know when they are finished, thanks!
Cool. I'll be trying out these tools in short order.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
So how do i integrate these? just pasting the link seems to to dnothing...
Insert them into your post as an image. For comments you can use the markdown syntax below...
This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.
Learn more about linkback bot v0.3
Upvote if you want the bot to continue posting linkbacks for your posts. Flag if otherwise. Built by @ontofractal