'Tis Pity She's a Whore: A Pop Opera - Act I, Scene VII (Continued...)("Hippolita, I Can't Marry You!")
Act I, Scene VII
Vasques: Madam, if I may interject. My lord is in a most ...pernicious state these days. His studies hath consumed him deeply. Might I suggest you come back another day to reconsider these affairs? 'Tis truly the better recourse.
HIPPOLITA pauses to consider.
She begins to grin as an even better idea approaches materialization.
Hippolita: Vasques, you have been a loyal and devoted servant to Soranzo.
Vasques: Ay, madam.
Hippolita: What if I should enlist thee as well?
Vasques: I’m sorry, mistress?
Hippolita: You know, do some work for me. Provide thee with commission.
Vasques: I were not worthy of the cause, dear maiden.
Hippolita: Nonsense.
Vasques: ‘Twould be an awesome responsibility, but surely I do not wish to jeopardize my relationship with the Lord, ma’am. (beat). What did you have in mind?
Hippolita: Come, Vasques. I shall provide thee details in marked fashion.
Vasques: Alright, mistress.
HIPPOLITA gestures to VASQUES to follow her.
They move and proceed to exit together.
Hippolita: Let’s confer anon and make haste.
Vasques: As you wish.