Steem Summit Organizers' Profile

in #steemsummit7 years ago (edited)

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With the release of Steem Summit Manifesto and Steem Summit Branding, it is just fitting to let you know who are behind this initiative. This is for transparency, responsibility, and correspondence.

Transparency is for you to be aware of who should be held accountable for the activities related to the summit. To avoid fraudulent and corruptive activities that may tarnish the name of the activity, there should be a check-and-balance mechanism. As the organizers aspire for a zero-corruption endeavor, being held accountable for their actions is justifiable.

Responsibility is to let you know who are tasked to spearhead certain activities for the completion and success of Steem Summit. As the summit is not just a one-time affair, there are necessary steps to be completed to ensure a smooth flow of events in the summit proper. Also, since the summit is a big task in totality, the organizers had taken roles to break down the whole activity into manageable tasks. The organizers have their roles assessed to fit with their specialties and talents.

Correspondence is for you to be informed of who to contact whenever you have questions about the summit and its activities. This will also let you know who to reach out when you want to help in completing the pre-summit activities. As each organizer has a special activity to spearhead, there will be delegation of tasks. Delegation of tasks is necessary since the organizers can't do their respective activities on their own. The organizers need everyone's support for the summit to be successful.

With the intentions laid out, here are the organizers of Steem Summit:


Steem Summit's Financial Executive and People Relations Officer

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Gail will be the in-charge of @steemsummit's Facebook page. She will be the one to give constant updates regarding the developments of the summit. She will also be the one handling the account's finances. She will be coordinating with all the summit's Committee Heads for the budget allocation.

Profession: Chemical Engineering

Educational Background: B.S. Chemical Engineering in the University of San Carlos

When did you join Steemit?
I joined Steemit last October 2017.

Why did you join Steemit?
I have to admit that I initially joined Steemit not because I discovered it on my own. It was @ybanezkim26 who introduced me to the platform. I thought that the opportunity was all in good timing because I was set on monetizing my main blog the following year. I had a hosting site picked out, worked out the numbers of the subscription fee, came up with promos that’ll lead more people to my site, and thought of other promotional materials that I have to put out to create my brand. Steemit was like an answered prayer then. I didn’t have to worry about a hosting site and funding anymore.

Your Steemit experience so far:
While my signing up on the platform came easy, the shifting of focus from my main blog to Steemit didn’t. My priority then was still my main blog. I wrote on my main blog, then I post it to Steemit. It wasn’t until I told @ybanezkim26 of a project that my friends and I initiated. He opened up the idea that I launch it to Steemit instead. I was glad that I did because it garnered support from the community. The Confidence Project that I, @jsmalila and @thejoanabuan have worked hard on remains as the greatest achievement that my Steemit career has reached. After the success that the project manifesto had gotten, shifting my focus from my blog to Steemit became easier. I was then posting first in Steemit, then on to my main blog right after.

Your vision for the Steemit community:
I’ve always believed that a person will spontaneously give back if he/she has understood that he/she has more than enough. I’m hopeful that everyone in the community will realize that it is in giving back that the community will thrive. Steemit has given me my voice back. This voice was something that I lost along the way. I envision for more Steemians to understand that as much as the platform had done a lot of good for all of us, we pay it forward so that others may find their voices as well.

Your vision for the Cebu community:
As one of the rapidly growing communities in the platform, I envision the Cebu community to see the value in itself. I think that one of the strengths of the platform is the communities that it helped form. I also wish for the community to be more rooted in passion. It is in this light that I see more quality content are being produced.

Your thoughts on Steem Summit:
The community is ever-growing and to answer this fact, there should be an event that can accommodate the numbers. The primary aim of the summit is to spread Steemit in Cebu. With this, the organizers and current Steemians have the responsibility to invite non-Steemians to the event. I personally think that the event is bigger that the Cebuano Steemit community in that it promotes the talents of our people. It is with this understanding that I became more involved in the project. What we’re doing is bigger than our own selves. I derive a sense of fulfilment and excitement from my participation in this.

Your prime belief:
As with the summit’s belief, I also believe that everybody has something to offer. It’s a matter of self-assessment to figure out what we love doing and what we can contribute for the greater good. Furthermore, I believe that once we find this, great things will follow.

Additional thoughts:
I am hopeful that this event will showcase the potential of the Cebuano community. In addition to this, I also hope that this event is but the catalyst of greater things for the platform.


Steem Summit's Creative Director and Promotions Administrator

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Dardar will be the in-charge of all promotions and promotional materials. He will be the head of all releases related to Steem Summit's branding and social media presence. He will also be the in-charge of the exhibit's creative design.

Profession: Visual Artist

Educational Background: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Major in Advertising Arts in the University of San Carlos

When did you join Steemit?
I joined last September 2017.

Why did you join Steemit?
Writing has always been an insecurity of mine and posting my works on social media was an everyday struggle. All of that changed because of Steemit. When I first heard about the platform, I did some research and right away I was sold. I believe in the founders’ vision and I know it’s something that can contribute to my growth as an artist.

Your Steemit experience so far:
It’s the community that separates Steemit from other social media platforms. The support and love I got from everyone inspired me to be better with my craft. I was able to post unpublished works and connect with insanely creative individuals.

Your vision for the Steemit community:
Steemit is for everyone and I believe that it won’t be long ‘til non-steemians would realize how great the platform is. It’s supposed to be an easy idea to sell but most people fear change. With all the great initiatives that Steemians are taking, I’m positive that more people will have an open mind about the platform and give it a try.

Your vision for the Cebu community:
Cebuanos are starting to make a mark on the platform. There’s so much talent in this city and Steemit is the perfect platform to showcase that. I envision a bigger community with passionate individuals sharing their stories to the world.

Your thoughts on Steem Summit:
Steem Summit is Steemit in real life. That’s how we want the event to be. It’s an initiative that could leave an impact to the community. The success of the event can’t be measured by everything that happened on that day alone. The bigger goal is to leave a mark and promote steemit to a wider community.

Your prime belief:
It’s always better to take the risk and fail than regret not taking the chance.

Additional thoughts:
I just want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response that we've been getting since we launched this project. Can't wait to meet everyone and learn from the talks. See you at the summit!


Steem Summit's Program Facilitator and Administrative Coordinator

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Honey will be the in-charge of Steem Summit's program and its contents. She will facilitate and coordinate with various Committee Heads to ensure that the program flow will go according to plan. She will also be the in-charge in coordinating with the other organizers and committee heads' tasks, constantly reminding them of their deliverables.

Profession: Teacher

Educational Background: A graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English in Cebu Technological University | Earned her Diploma of Professional Education in CTU | Working on her Master’s Degree in CNU

When did you join Steemit?
I joined last December 2017.

Why did you join Steemit?
I joined Steemit to improve my confidence in writing, to socialize with people in different backgrounds and orientations, and to earn extra income.

Your Steemit experience so far:
I am enjoying all the activities that Steemit offers - all forms of contests (photography, singing, dancing, beatboxing, poetry, etc.), SBD giveaways, engagements, initiatives, the meet-ups organized by the people who have good intentions to expand the community. Steemit makes me feel that I really belong here. Everyone around me feels like a family.

Your vision for the Steemit community:
To be the fastest growing community in the world through empowering diversity in every individual, to bring inspiration and motivation for every Steemian through writing, and to discover more talents and potentials to be enhanced and enriched through Steemit.

Your vision for the Cebu community:
To build a strong bond among Cebuanos and boost each other’s self-confidence through supporting each one’s potential, to be unified and show the world that we are one in making the Steem Summit a success.

Your thoughts on Steem Summit:
This will be the most fun and the most exciting event to look forward this year. This will be a memorable experience for every Cebuano in the community. Potentials and talents will be exposed and featured. Relationships and bonds will be formed and established.

Your prime belief:
We can make things a success through hard work and dedication.

Additional thoughts:
I am forever grateful that everyone is supportive in this initiative. I am positive that all the Cebuanos in this community will show their continuous excitement and enthusiasm to sustain the success of this event. Thank you so much and may the Lord bless us all!


Steem Summit's Overall Head and Exhibit Manager

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Kim is the overall in-charge in the planning of Steem Summit. He will be responsible for timeline of events from pre-summit to summit, until post-summit and making sure that they go according to the plan. He will also be the in-charge of the exhibit which will showcase Cebuanos' works of art.

Profession: Electroplating Engineer, Product Engineer (Photolithography, Silver Electroplating, and Layer Arrangement Processes)

Educational Background: B.S. Chemical Engineering in the University of San Carlos, Cum Laude

When did you join Steemit?
I joined last September 2017.

Why did you join Steemit?
I joined Steemit because when @legendarryll told me about the platform, I was immediately sold by the idea of the "possibility" of earning while blogging. I never hesitated to register because I always dreamed of having an outlet where I can express all my thoughts. I was reluctant at first about the concept of earning, but there's nothing to lose so I gave it a try.

Your Steemit experience so far:
To sum up my experience so far, I would say that it's a parabolic curve. It started with a blast. I had a great time then. And then it took a downward spiral; I felt that I deserved better and I'm undervalued. I became stagnant last November, living only with cents and @steemph.cebu's contests. Then I changed my perspective. Everything has been great since last December. I would say that it's now on an upward trend. Maybe not on potential payouts, but more on the sense of belongingness without sacrificing individuality and uniqueness.

Your vision(s) for the Steemit community:
My visions for the Steemit community are the following:

  1. A platform for everyone to grow and hone their talents and skills.
  2. A place of open-mindedness and intellectual discourse.
  3. A channel where pure potential could flow without a tinge of political bias.
  4. A sphere of microecosystems where everyone is groomed and nurtured.

I am aware that Steemit is not yet perfect and it may never become perfect, but I observed the eagerness of the Steemians to lead to the direction that they wanted it to be.

Your vision for the Cebu community:
The Cebu community will be one of the microecosystems in Steemit where Cebuanos are valued for their contribution to the whole ecosystem. There will be a constant inflow of newbies where they are to be welcomed and trained to be the best versions of themselves.

Your thoughts on Steem Summit:
Since Steem Summit is envisioned to be a fun gathering of both steemians and non-steemians, it will be an activity that will surely leave a mark on everyone. The summit was designed to be the first of its kind and the biggest Steemit event in the Philippines so far. Aside from the summit proper, the activities in the pre- and post-summit will surely strengthen the bond and camaraderie among the Cebuano steemians. I am excited, but I should focus on making sure that everything will go according to the plan. There are tons of things to accomplish, but it will be managed with everyone's support.

Your prime belief:
The most important attribute to any group, team, or congregation is dynamics. No matter how brilliant the members are, if there's no team dynamics, the team will not accomplish anything. I'm glad I found a great team where everyone's opinion is duly noted and considered.

Additional thoughts:
Steemit allows everyone to shine at their brightest in their own time. Let's keep it that way.

The organizers have expressed their thoughts about the summit. How about you? What are your thoughts? You can share them below.

Stay tuned for more updates!


This organizers' profile was compiled by @ybanezkim26.

Steem Summit Organizers:


On behalf of the organizers, thank you @brokemancode!

I guess It's safe to say that this SteemSummit has fallen into the right hands. Kudos to the organizers! Each passing day fills me with excitement and I look forward to it incessantly

Thank you for your trust, @josejirafa! We hope we'll live up to your expectations. We won't be doing it by ourselves, of course. We need brilliant people like you!

I would be happy to assist in any way that I can. I will keep myself updated 😊

Wow all of the organizers have interesting backgrounds. Can't wait for this event to happen! Or shall I say, it's already happening? Countdown to steem summit!

You got it @reewritesthings! Steem Summit is not just a one-time event. Every activity is designed to leave a statement. Stay tuned for more! Exciting days are here!

Great to know you guys! Can't wait for your upcoming events!

We look forward to meeting you too, @indayclara! See you at the summit :)

Happy to know all of you 😀. I'm glad you are doing this for the betterment of everyone! Especially the Cebu community. I love your thoughts Kim! Everyone shines in their own time.

On behalf of Kim, I'd like to cheer you on @raquelita. You shine :)

Thanks Gail! Your words inspire me 😀

Yay! The reason why I believed in that @raquelita, is that I experienced it myself. When I followed my own timezone and my own pace, it seems that I become a decade ahead of my set schedule.

That's great to hear Kim! Cheers 😀

As an Artist, would love to support this initiave because it supports Artists like us.

hahaha #MindFk


wow exciting! thank you organizers😚😚😚

What's your nickname, kim @ybanezkim26? Haha joke lang.

Lig-una ani ui. :D

Mas lig.on ka @xaydtrips. Haha

Finding our voice on Steemit is that we may help others find their own voice too.

Thanks for this. And I completely agree with your views here:

Your vision for the Steemit community:
I’ve always believed that a person will spontaneously give back if he/she has understood that he/she has more than enough. I’m hopeful that everyone in the community will realize that it is in giving back that the community will thrive. Steemit has given me my voice back.

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