Blood is thicker than water

Blood is thicker than water, this has become our most used word nowadays and to say the fact it is right but do we know why it is so? How many of us can state the reasons why this why this is so, I know it is only few people that can explain this. But to say the fact this slang is coined originally from German proverb that says “Blut ist dicker als wasser”.
This is the major reason why I would like to become a blood physiologist and not only that I will become the world best blood physiologist, I will know more about blood so have I prayed God grant my wish. Today I won’t be talking too much on this all I will be talking about is what make blood thicker than water.

When we talk about the thickness of water, there are things behind this. Blood is composed of 55%Plasma and 45%Formed elements. The plasma contains much water and the volume of water in plasma is almost 92% and dissolved compound (solid) takes the rest.
Plasma has 3 protein and the proteins are;
- Albumin (The highest protein in the plasma)
- Globulin
- Fibrinogen
The formed elements are - Red blood cells (RBCs)
- White blood cells (WBCs)
- Platelets
Do you now see some reasons why it is so……Let stop here now
Nope, I don't. Try harder. You can do better! I know it.