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RE: How is blood moved around by the heart - Understanding the basics of Cardiac Cycle
This is an amazing post on the insights of how the heart functions and allows people with hyper/hypo tensions to understand how the flow of the heart is effected when their BP is high. I think this is something that if more people especially those who are obese like myself understood they would be working more on ways to lower their BP and lose weight to help the body regulate to prevent deadened valves and lessen the even of a blow out in one of your valves creating a stroke/heart attack. Keep up the awesome work in the way of informing people of health issues and conditions that can change your outlook on health.
Wow man you know quite a bit!! Didn't know you were a science guy xD Awesome!!
As a matter of fact, i'll actually do a post on the body's blood pressure regulation mechanism. You might find that interesting :D I'll probably do it tonight or tomorrow, whenever time allows :)