Interviewing the SteemSTEM curator @iamphysical

in #steemstem6 years ago

The SteemSTEM Curators

What do they do? Well, their tasks include searching for new STEM authors, evaluating and reviewing STEM articles, conducting thorough searches for plagiarism and suggesting whether or not a STEM article should be upvoted and supported by @steemstem.

A community gets bigger and stronger as its members work together, get to know each other, learn from each other.

Introducing @iamphysical!

In this post @iamphysical is interviewed by @katerinaramm!

Giovanni (aka @iamphysical) has been a steemit member since 2017 and shortly after joined forces with SteemSTEM! He has a Master's Degree and a Doctorate, and is responsible for STEM articles written in Spanish.

If you have any extra questions or thoughts, feel free to let someone from the PR team know!

Let's Read what IamPhysical has to say!

Q - Hi @iamphysical, thank you for taking time to reply to our questions! You have been on steem for a long time, since July 2017!
We would like to start this conversation by asking; What is your real (first) name? What do you do, where are you from and how did you get to know about steem?

A - Greetings my dear @katerinaramm
I am very happy because you have considered me in this series of interviews for people who love the World of Science and Research and we want to incorporate the dissemination of knowledge in the STEM World and its applications.

My full name is Giovanni de Jesús Marín Lobo, Graduate of Physics with a Master's Degree in Applied Chemistry and a Doctorate in Materials Studies, conducted at the University of Zulia and the University of Los Andes in Venezuela, which is my country of origin. Since 1994 I work in the Scientific Investigation of Semiconductor Materials and to this day I continue with the manufacture of prototypes of solar cells.

I will tell you that at the beginning of 2017, my colleague Elvis Hernández (@rach) held meetings at the University of Zulia to incorporate physicists and chemists into this communication medium to transmit their knowledge in the different areas of Basic Sciences and with great possibility to obtain extra money for the Curation of our publications.

Q - How long have you been a language curator for SteemSTEM?

A - As of January 12, 2018, I have participated in this great SteemSTEM Project with the task of evaluating publications with interesting content in the areas of Science and Technology. Later we sent a proposal of valuation to the Founders of the community for them to vote on those articles. It really was an initial experience that was strengthening the bonds of work, cooperation and commitment between the Founders and Curators.

Q - Do you curate only posts written in spanish?

A - It is our main task and has different stages: search, read, evaluate, comment and support publications written in Spanish with STEM content, namely: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemathics.

We are part of a large community that has seen the need to evaluate STEM content written in different languages and I belong to the community #stem-espanol.

Q - How and when did it all start with SteemSTEM and your curator duties??

A - The interaction between students and professors of our university allowed us to plan strategies to write and support publications in different areas because scientific communities had not been consolidated and many wrote in languages ​​other than Spanish.

My Physics Student, Carlos Pagnini @carloserp-2000, began to publish articles with the hashtag #steemSTEM and in English, which despite being the "universal language" it is difficult to use a technical and understandable language when using traditional translators. So on December 20, 2017 the first contact was made with @mobbs and @justtryme90 to propose the creation of a Spanish-speaking Scientific Community. On January 04, 2018 @justtryme90 invites us to the Discord SteemSTEM to plan the strategies that would initiate our "Curation" activities, classifying, evaluating and supporting the publications that had the labels: #steemstem #stem-espanol #spanish #science.

In this way, we were designated @carloserp-2000 and @iamphysical as the "Official Curators" of the publications written in Spanish and our First Report of Curation corresponded to the week of January 12 to 21, 2018.

It was a great experience and I will always remember the great care and enthusiasm dedicated to each article I reviewed during this week!.

Q - Do you read English stem posts? Have you seen significant differences between topics chosen by Spanish speaking authors?

A - Scientific curiosity impels me to read publications with STEM content, whether they are written in English, Italian or French, there is always something new to learn and more if it is an article that promotes the discussion of ideas.

Q - What is the first thing that you take into consideration when curating?

A - Our community #stem-espanol has been consolidated by presenting original content, trying as much as possible to present images and unpublished videos, so I take into account the PLAGIARISM. In the Discord and in my commentaries I treat this subject in an iron and hard way, so I hope that no one will attempt any illegal publication under the table.

Q - Tell us something that really gives you a great first impression when you see a SteemSTEM post. (It could have to do with the chosen topic, images, structure, lay-out etc)

A - We are used to seeing scientific articles with a well-established format, so the introduction to the topic, the personal approach that gives the added value to the discussion and renovating proposals are what call the attention of the reading public. Of course, an image, an animation or a video with a personal touch are what give our SteemSTEM community visual quality and prestige.

Q - Do you have a favorite scientific topic that you have fun reading and reviewing over any others? Do you get a chance to read about it often ?

A - We had a season with high participation of scientific subjects in the area of Physics and I spent more time to make a more rigorous assessment, for being my scientific environment. Now, there is a wide variety of selected, interesting, impressive and highly content topics, products of days, months and years of research that make it difficult for me to have a unique preference on a specific topic or area. This community is really a source of knowledge and SteemSTEM has become the center for disseminating this knowledge!

Q - Tell us something that really makes you disappointed or angry when you see a SteemSTEM post. (It could have to do with the chosen topic, images, structure etc)

A - Plagiarism makes me very angry, but after breathing several times I return to review the publication hoping it meets the requirements of our community.
Up to now I keep my personal criteria: i) show unpublished images, ii) write original content by using our own words based on our experience on the subject and iii) continue to share our publications without the main interest being to get money in return.
If certain criteria and parameters of information exchange are met, this Project will be an unavoidable reference in this platform and in the Scientific World at an international level.

Q - What would be your advice to both the old and new authors who wish to join SteemSTEM but do not know where to start? Do you have a channel for Spanish speaking STEM authors?

A - We have a methodology that has worked, since we have several collaborators by areas of science that are dedicated to commenting on the publications of new and old users making them see their shortcomings and strengths. We also have a channel in Discord for the interaction of the users and encourage the exchange of: ideas with the "ENTRE Amigos" Program, knowledge with the "Virtual Conversation", clear doubts and much more.......

Q - What is the meaning of your username, how did you choose it ?

A - This question excites me, since my profession is mixed with what I wanted to share and that day I did not complicate my life and once I wrote it: I Am Physical that in the nomenclature of the platform becomes @iamphysical.

Q - What do you enjoy to read or write about? Lately you have not been so active as an author, why?

A - I like to read articles where the simple discussion is presented with an in-depth analysis of any scientific-technological topic and if it is topical, much better!
As is well known, the situation in my country of origin (Venezuela) has become so chaotic that many have had to look for new horizons and I am one of those in the great statistics. At the beginning I combined my hours and days off to evaluate articles and every week I published my article continuously. Then, I am already working at a University of Chile and have a more demanding work rhythm than I was used to and adding 3 hours a day on public transport to come and go, as it has seriously impacted my rate of publication, but not in the commitment I have to read and evaluate the articles that appear with our #stem-espanol label and those that have content in science and technology.
I regret this situation, since I have too much scientific material that I can share, even with experimental results and some tips that are not known until now.

Q - When it comes to theoretical physics, Do you consider anyone greater than Albert Einstein ? If yes, why ?

A - Of course, for many, Albert Einstein is the maximum expression of Theoretical Physics, but when I react and look at my surroundings, I see Professor Carlos Rincon of ULA-Mérida, Venezuela and I believe that his contributions in developing "new theory" based in the studies of the optical and electrical properties of the semiconductor materials constituted by Copper, because my vision is focused on the closest thing I have and it is about this person, a Great Person.

Q - If you could interview anyone from SteemSTEM, who would it be and ask him/her one question now?

A - Some time ago I had contact with @aboutcoolscience and was referring to the issue of translating the publications of #steemstem into several languages to extend the dissemination of knowledge, so I would ask: My dear friend @aboutcoolscience, how far would you be willing to go to make accessible the scientific content that is written in the #steemstem community?

Q - If you had more time to spare, how would you spend it?

A - My pace of life has had a substantial change, my friend @katerinaramm had already mentioned it to you, so if I had time to spare I would invest it with my family and thus recover the family ties that have been lost due to "lack of time".

Q - What does Science and SteemSTEM mean to you?

A - For a Scientist, Science is a lifestyle and SteemSTEM is the communication tool to make knowledge accessible and useful for life.

Q - Who are your top 3 favourite scientists and why are they so ?

A - i) Thomas Edison has been the one that interested me the most, for the development of the direct current. The reason is that I use it a lot in my research: there is always some DC in my work!
ii) The naturalist Charles Darwin, because as a child I have had that contact with nature. Moreover, how wonderful the evolution of animals and plants has been does not cease to amaze me.
iii) Although they are not recognized worldwide as "great scientists", the professors of the Semiconductor Studies Center of the Universidad de Los Andes have such a solid talent and scientific knowledge that I can consider them among my favorites.

Q - If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose?

A - It is always a good time to innovate and the change of work would suit me, hahaha. Considering a "real" job, it would be Airplane Pilot, it can be for transporting passengers, but of those that fly slowly to be able to admire the whole terrain, so passengers should not be in a hurry to reach their destination. The "imaginary" work would be that of an Immortal, Highlander style, that fights against the daily injustices against the helpless people.

Q - Besides SteemSTEM, do you have any other Steem-related activities you would like to share? Can we find/follow you on other social media platforms?

A - I have had some plans to write on other social networks, but time conspires against. For example, a few years ago I tried on Google and I also present the references of the scientific research that I do on Research Gate.

Q - What is your greatest wish for SteemSTEM?

A - All that is beneficial for SteemSTEM is profit for the scientific community worldwide. I am sure that the work we do @carloserp-2000 and @iamphysical looking for, evaluating and evaluating the publications of original content and high impact in the development of Science and Technology, will make SteemSTEM an international reference so that it becomes a tool to share and find the tips that every person needs.

Q - Where do you see SteemSTEM in 5 years?

A - It is an arduous job, which requires the participation of several people committed to this Project, who seek the formation of an International Network made up of Institutions, Universities and people with high skills and knowledge in diverse areas that consolidate the dissemination of Science and Technology in benefit of people and the environment.

It was an honor interviewing @iamphysical and I would like to sincerely thank him for finding time to answer my questions. Ciao

Make sure to follow steemstem on, steemit, facebook, twitter, and instagram to always be up-to-date on our latest news and ideas.

Please also consider to support the project by delegating to @steemstem for a ROI of 65% of our curation rewards (quick delegation links: 50SP | 100SP | 500SP | 1000SP | 5000SP | 10000SP).

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***Greetings to all the people who make life in this great project !. ***

I am very grateful to you for considering me as part of this organization that seeks to integrate scientific knowledge among the dissemination of current issues of science and technology, especially maintaining the originality and high quality of the publications we support.

Great this interview!

Thank you @katerinaramm!

And similarly, we are grateful to have you on board! Your contributions to the stem-espanol community are significant to all aspects!

Congratulations appreciated @iamphisical, interesting messages that cross the interview. Important the advice you give in the development of articles, where it is important to avoid plagiarism. You are a pride of Venezuela for the world. Excellent work you do, keep it up!

Plagiarism is always something that we will fight as hard as possible. We are however all humans and errors are thus possible (we are however doing our best to make as few errors as possible).

Congratulations appreciated @iamphisical, interesting messages that cross the interview. Important the advice you give in the development of articles, where it is important to avoid plagiarism. You are a pride of Venezuela for the world. Excellent work you do, keep it up!

I hope the advices will be followed by many many many new users :)

It was great to read and to know more about you. I found this by the way. This is impressive :)

And Giovanni is just one of thousands of professionals in different areas of science with a broad curriculum. Friends have no idea how many professionals my country has around the world. Many say and I have also read statistics that the best university professors and doctors in the world are Venezuelans! And we physicists are not left behind! :D

I know exactly one single Venezuelan in my field (it is a small statistical sample, I know ;) ). He is an extremely good researcher, working at the state-of-the-art (and actually beyond it ;) ).

That just blew my mind!!!! @iamphysical respects sir!

hehe! You too then ^^

I am nowhere near :)

Nice interview! Many thanks. Now I know that you are also from Venezuela. In general, I sent spanish-written articles to @carloserp-2000. Now to you as well 😉. Venezuela rules da Steem (at least more than Germany 🤔). Greetings Chapper

Posted using Partiko Android

Language curators indeed always work as two-people team, except for the French branch that consists in a one-person team (@lamouthe).

Uh that's sad! Where are all the talented french scientists? Tell your students they should support us ;-)



I have tried but they don't look that interested by the platform and communicating in general :/

Sounds exhaustive!

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting getting to know @iamphysical. Hope Venezuela is getting better.

Hope Venezuela is getting better.

This is the question I don't dare to ask anymore :/

Great, this interview let us know more about one of our steemstem's curators, he is a great scientist and I have big respect for him. Felicidades!

[...] and I have big respect for him.

As we all do :)

Hi @steemstem!

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Great interview. One of the best expressions of intellectual curiosity I've read in long time. Nice to meet you, @iamphysical.

I especially enjoyed the "three-scientists" part :)

Lazy Sunday...playing with GIFs. Made a black hole GIF for you.

black hole gif3.gif

I hesitated to say it... but this GIF makes me thinking about James Bond (@samminator: yes I have seem a few movies when I was young ;) ).

James Bond 007 collections were my favourite way back then. I can give you a list of the really cool ones... pretty old though

I am afraid I won't have the time to watch any. I barely watch TV those days, as you could imagine ;)

Saludos excelente entrevista al compañero @iamphysical, conociendo un poco sobre sus actividades académicas y científicas, éxitos amigo Giovanni en sus nuevos proyectos !

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