Inventor of physics first of IBN Inter alia-haitsam

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

** I am long absent ,,, this is my post in June. **

This I write about who the inventor of the first physics, and there I take the contents of his book a little ,,,

The book discuss various experimental Isaac with lens and prism are well known, the study of natural light and reflection, and refraction of light and separation of light in the Rainbow. However, according to professor Jim Inter alia-Khalili from the University of Surrey, the fact that it is Gray. "I feel the need confirmed, especially in physics optics that Newton own trail scientists other great living 700 previous year," he said. Clear, he says, physicist Akbar othe equated with Newton is scientists who was born in 965 ad in the area that is now known as the state of Iraq.

"He is known by the name of Inter alia-Hassan IBN Inter alia-haitsam," he said adding, most people in the West may have never heard his name. As a physicist, Jim aware of very well how great contribution this man in the field digelutinya. In books popular on the history of science, usually called that there is no significant progress achieved between civilization ancient Greece and a Renaissance in Europe. Jim said because Western Europe fall into the darkness, does not mean progress not the case in parts of the world other. In fact, he said, between the 9th century and 13th-marking the Golden age in science Arab.

"Various breakthrough occur in the field of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, chemistry, and philosophy. Than many thinkers genius living at that time, achievement IBN Inter alia-haitsam is the most wonderful. He was seen as the father of the scientific method modern," he said.

As usual described, Jim said, this is the approach in investigating a phenomenon of science, to understand the science new, or to improve and combine the science of a long time based data collection by monitoring and measurement. This process is followed stage formulation and test the hypothesis to explain the data obtained. This is how science handled right now. Therefore Jim believe progress in the modern science. However, the scientific method this modern often said new found in the early 17th century by Francis bacon and Rene Descartes. "But I believe, IBN Inter alia-haitsam already far ahead of them. Emphasis on the data experimental and the ability to produce back a result, make IBN Inter alia-haitsam often referred to as 'a scientist' real world's first," he said.

** Understanding of light **

professor Jim Inter alia-Khalili also revealed that the first scientist who gave accounts of the right of how we see a object is Inter alia-Hassan IBN Inter alia-haitsam. Jim mention, Inter alia-Hassan IBN Inter alia-haitsam prove the experiment, for example the theory of emission stated the light of our eyes illuminates the object's take a look. Theory is believed thinkers famous as Plato, Euclid, and Ptolemy is theory wrong. "IBN Inter alia-haitsam inform you that we can see for light into our eyes, the idea is believed to date," he said. IBN Inter alia-haitsam is also the first scientist who use mathematics to describe and prove this process. So, Jim concluded, he can also considered a physicist theory first. IBN Inter alia-haitsam probably the most known as the discovery of pinhole camera operated without lens.
Should be, he said, IBN Inter alia-haitsam recognized as the inventor of the law of refraction. He is also the first to experiment on the division of light into several colors and researching the shadow, Rainbow, and Eclipse. "By monitoring the Sun sign in to the Earth from the atmosphere, he can estimate the higher the atmosphere that he said about 100 miles," he said excited.

** Advanced Researcher **

As with many modern scientists, Ibn al-Haitham relies heavily on time and requires silence to write many of his theories, including important research on lenses.

According to Jim, Ibn al-Haitsam was asked by the caliph in Cairo to solve the problem of flood arrangement of the Nile River. While still in Basrah, Ibn al-Haitsam claims that the annual floods in the Nile can be managed with a network of canals so that water can be stored until the drought. However, arriving in Cairo, he realized that the plan was not practical from a technical point of view.

** Planet Movement **

After returning to Iraq, Jim said he compiled 100 other studies on various topics in physics and mathematics. An expert in Alexandria said, Ibn al-Haitham developed what is called a space mechanism.

This mechanism explains the planet's orbit which later inspired European astronomical research such as Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.

"It is amazing that we just now realize how much debt modern physicists have to an Arab scientist who lived 1,000 years ago," he wrote.

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