Artificial Intelligence (AI): Incredible Achievements And Shortcomings (part 2)
Hello guy,
Today I bring you the continuation of yesterday’s piece on Artificial Intelligence. In case you haven’t read PART 1, you might want to do that first, because yesterday I did expound on some of the achievements of AI, of which today, I’m going to expound more on some other advances and prospects of AI, and also highlight some major shortcomings and disadvantages of AI.

Haven said that, for those of you who have read the first part, I assume you are already enlightened about AI, but for proper recollection, I’m going to give a little overview of the first part of this article.
I did mention that: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that is concerned with the design of programs or software that can enable computers, machines and other artificial beings like robots or cyborgs to exhibit intelligence as that of human. I also included that; It is a science and technology aimed at designing systems or machines that exhibits characteristics as that of human intelligence.
After which I expounded on some of the achievements of AI which included;
- The innovation of self-driving or driverless cars.
- Innovation of automatic sliding doors and
- Innovation of superhuman cyborgs with bionics and robot machines.
That was all for yesterday's piece I think. In other not to waste much time dwelling on what has already been said, let’s head on to the present.
4. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

Projecting towards the future, considering the ongoing advancement and research on AI in the medical field, very soon we will be able to receive medical treatment even when a doctor is not available. By combining the advances of sophisticated robotics and that of computer vision and signal process technologies in artificial intelligence doctors will be able to direct robots remotely to treat patients.
Consider the case of emergency patients who could have been saved, but had lost their lives as a result of a surgeon not being available at that instance. The issue of such cases would be completely resolved and there won’t be issues of unnecessary deaths in the nearest future when these intelligent medical support machines have fully been built and operational.
Consider another important case of soldiers who have lost their lives in battles as a result of bullet and other injuries, but could have been saved if the medical team had arrived on time although were unable due to the heat of the operation. These cases wouldn’t be an issue at all, when these intelligent medical support robots can remotely be sent to the scene to treat injured soldiers no matter the heat of the operation.

Imagine what important dimension the world would take regarding the medical field when these researches are completed, cancer would no longer be a threat to humans as they can easily be detected and treated with ease, likewise many other deadly diseases that affect s internal cells and organs.
5. Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Not to even mention, AI through the advancement in the modern day computers, have made learning very easy and convenient. With the introduction of Computer Based Training (CBT) and Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), people can now enroll for online courses through E-learning and even take exams at the comfort of their homes or workplaces without having to visit any institution at all.

And to top it all up, with the way computers are programmed this days with amazing graphics and user friendly interface, anyone can now easily operate a computer without having to even read a user manual, thanks to artificial intelligence.
6. Artificial Intelligence in Human Welfare.

Now, take a very deep breath!, try to imagine a scenario where you are being taken care of or better still playing with a robot machine that happens to behave and even show some kinds of affections like a real human. How does it feel, doesn’t it feel pretty wonderful?
Tell me you wouldn’t love to have a real life experience of such scenario. I’m sure you all do.
Most hospitals and humanitarian organizations that takes care of less privileged children, handicaps, and even elderly people who can hardly take care of themselves, now employ the use of intelligent robot humans to take care of these people. Although it is very expensive to afford robot humans or cyborgs as they call it but the government is very supportive of such organizations, and with the help of government funding, they’ve been able to afford as many robot machines as possible.

8. Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy and Domestic Defense.

Have you ever wondered how the world looks like outside the earth’s hemisphere? Have you ever wished you could be able to travel to space, to see how big the beautiful stars we see from afar, and the beautiful galaxies we’ve heard of or read of in books, how they actually looks like, and to know if life actually exist outside the earth hemisphere?
I’m sure you all would definitely love to have a real experience of these. Well, astronauts have been making a lot of progress in their enormous researches to discover the complete theory of the universe. And with the aid of artificial intelligence, in not much distant future, space travel will soon be seen as a common thing.
Astronautic engineers have been able to combine robotics and artificial intelligence to design intelligent robots which are be sent to the outer space to discover how the world looks like outside earth. And with their advance researches, they’ve recorded some real human experience outside space.

- Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Commercial Sectors.

One important thing about machine is that they don’t feel pain or get tired and they very efficient. Unlike humans that will complain and feel that they are been used and are not been properly paid when they are subjected to long time labor, machines don’t because they are not programmed to develops feelings or even feel any kind of pain at all. They do not need to sleep, take a break to rest or eat or even demand for salary, all they require is just regular and proper maintenance. For these reasons, large construction and manufacturing firms employs the use of machine power instead of human power to carry out large scale productions.
Industries like the oil and gas industries and other high energy industries like the nuclear power industries that operate in very high temperature environment often do employ the use of intelligent robots to carry out operations in their heat chambers, because human can’t withstand such high temperature.
Although machines are not as intelligent as humans, they can only perform they task that are been programmed by humans. This implies anything a machine can do, humans have already done it before or have been able to do it before it is been written as a program for a machine to interpret. But despite these facts, machines are more efficient, faster and even more accurate in carry out task than humans, and as a result, commercial firms like banks and other business organization employs the aid of machines to carry out more challenging tasks like counting, accurate data analysis and storage and much more.
Artificial intelligence has also made a lot of significant impact in the entertainment industries like, the gaming industries and so many other industries.
Despite all of these wonderful achievements and prospects of AI, just like any other technology, AI also have some major limitations or shortcomings and disadvantages which cannot be neglected, and I will be expounding on these limitations in the next part of this article, after which we will have to decide whether AI is a technology to invest on or not.
This is all I could come up with for today, but I hope to bring you more in the next article, please stay tuned for part 3. For further enlightenment you can visit the reference links bellow.
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Nice write up brov! It is a work of intelligence on AI, thanks for this
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it.
Yes, keep up the informative posts, education is priceless
Nice one bro....
Hello Mr. You post is interesting about Artificial Intelligence. some other advance of sciencia
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